All The Best

von Moore, Gary
erschienen am 20.04.2012

All The Best
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    1-001Out in the fieldsKomponist: Moore, GaryMoore, Gary; Lynott, Phil00:04:17
    1-002Still Got The BluesKomponist: Moore, GaryMoore, Gary00:04:10
    1-003Wishing wellKomponist: Kirke, Simon; Yamauchi; Bundrick, John; Kossoff, Paul; Rodgers, Paul
    Produzent: Glixman, Jeff
    Moore, Gary
    Gitarre: Neil Murray
    Keyboards: Eyre, Tommy
    Schlagzeug (drums): Paice, Ian
    1-004Woke Up This MorningKomponist: King, B. B.; Jules TaubSolo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    1-005Separate WaysKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Textdichter: Moore, Gary
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    1-006Walking By MyselfKomponist: Rodgers, JimmyMoore, Gary00:02:56
    1-007Empty roomsKomponist: Moore, Gary; Carter, NeilMoore, Gary00:04:17
    1-008Since I Met You BabyKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary; King, B. B.
    Moore, Gary
    1-009I Loved Another WomanKomponist: P A Greenbaum
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Gitarre: Pyle, Andy
    Keyboards: Eyre, Tommy
    Schlagzeug (drums): Graham Walker
    Saxophon: Nick Payne; Pentelow, Nick
    1-010Wild frontierKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Peter Collins For Jill Music Ltd
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Keyboards: Neil Carter
    Baß: Daisley, Bob
    1-011Ready For LoveKomponist: Moore, GaryMoore, Gary00:04:27
    1-012Johnny BoyKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; James "Jimbo" Barton
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Keyboards: Neil Carter
    Baß: Daisley, Bob
    1-013Cold Day In HellKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    1-014Friday On My MindKomponist: Vanda, Harry; Young, George RedburnMoore, Gary00:04:13
    1-015All Your LoveKomponist: Rush; Rush, Otis
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Klavier: Mick Weaver
    Schlagzeug (drums): Graham Walker
    Baß: Pyle, Andy
    1-016Too TiredKomponist: Maxwell Davies; Bihari, Saul; Watson, Johnny Guitar
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Klavier: Mick Weaver
    Schlagzeug (drums): Graham Walker
    Baß: Pyle, Andy
    1-017Story Of The BluesKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Textdichter: Moore, Gary
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    1-018Don't You Lie To Me (I Get Evil)Komponist: Hudson Whittaker
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    1-019Run for coverKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Andy Johns
    Moore, Gary
    Sänger(in): Neil Carter
    Keyboards: Richards, Andy
    Schlagzeug (drums): Gary Ferguson
    Baß: Hughes, Glenn
    1-020Parisienne Walkways (Live '93)Komponist: Moore, Gary; Lynott, PhilSolo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    2-001Over The Hills And Far AwayKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Peter Collins For Jill Music Ltd
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Keyboards: Neil Carter
    Baß: Daisley, Bob
    2-002Oh Pretty WomanKomponist: Williams
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Klavier: Mick Weaver
    Schlagzeug (drums): Graham Walker
    Baß: Pyle, Andy
    2-003After the warKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Peter Collins For Jill Music Ltd
    Moore, Gary
    Sänger(in): Neil Carter
    Keyboards: Neil Carter
    Schlagzeug (drums): Powell, Cozy
    Baß: Daisley, Bob
    2-004Mean Cruel WomanKomponist: Moore, GarySolo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    2-005The LonerKomponist: Moore, Gary; Max Middleton
    Produzent: Pete Smith; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Keyboards: Neil Carter
    Baß: Daisley, Bob
    2-006Military ManKomponist: Lynott, Phil
    Produzent: Gary Moore For Orionstar Ltd
    Moore, Gary
    Sänger(in): Moore, Gary
    Keyboards: Airey, Don; Richards, Andy
    Schlagzeug (drums): Charlie Morgan
    Baß: Lynott, Phil
    2-007Need your love so badKomponist: John Jr, Mertis
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Streichinstrument: Wright, Gavyn
    Moore, Gary
    Gitarre: Pyle, Andy
    Keyboards: Eyre, Tommy
    Schlagzeug (drums): Graham Walker
    Saxophon: Nick Payne; Pentelow, Nick
    2-008Long Grey MareKomponist: P A Greenbaum
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Gitarre: Pyle, Andy
    Keyboards: Eyre, Tommy
    Schlagzeug (drums): Graham Walker
    Saxophon: Nick Payne; Pentelow, Nick
    2-009Moving OnKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Klavier: Mick Weaver
    Schlagzeug (drums): Graham Walker
    Baß: Pyle, Andy
    2-010Left Me With The BluesKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Moore, Gary
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    2-011Stop Messin' AroundKomponist: Green, Peter
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Klavier: Mick Weaver
    Schlagzeug (drums): Graham Walker
    Baß: Pyle, Andy
    2-012I Have Found My Love In YouKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Tsangarides, Chris
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Sänger(in): Gordon, Chyna; Lewis, Dee
    Keyboards: Magnus Fiennes; Phil Nicholas
    Schlagzeug (drums): Husband, Gary
    Baß: Pratt, Guy
    2-013Movin' On Down The RoadKomponist: Moore, GarySolo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    2-014Only Fool In TownKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    2-015One DayKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    2-016Further On Up The RoadKomponist: Joe Veasey; Dan RobeySolo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    2-017The Same WayKomponist: P A Greenbaum
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Gitarre: Pyle, Andy
    Keyboards: Eyre, Tommy
    Schlagzeug (drums): Graham Walker
    Saxophon: Nick Payne; Pentelow, Nick
    2-018Don't Start Me Talkin'Komponist: Williamson, Sonny BoySolo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    2-019The SupernaturalKomponist: P A Greenbaum
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Taylor, Ian
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Moore, Gary
    Gitarre: Pyle, Andy
    Keyboards: Eyre, Tommy
    Schlagzeug (drums): Graham Walker
    Saxophon: Pentelow, Nick; Nick Payne
    2-020One Good ReasonKomponist: Moore, Gary
    Produzent: Moore, Gary; Tsangarides, Chris
    Solo: Moore, Gary
    Streichinstrument: Ingham, Nick
    Moore, Gary
    Sänger(in): Gordon, Chyna; Lewis, Dee
    Keyboards: Phil Nicholas
    Schlagzeug (drums): Husband, Gary
    Baß: Pratt, Guy

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