HL 267541

Movie Songs

Movie Songs
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    Filiale Landau

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    1.City Of Stars
    2.Cups (when I'M Gone) /kendrick Anna
    4.Falling Slowly / Hansard Glen + Irglova Marketa
    6.Hallelujah / Cohen Leonard
    8.It Might Be You
    9.I Will Always Love You / Houston Whitney
    10.Mrs Robinson / Simon + Garfunkel
    11.Oh Pretty Woman / Orbison Roy
    12.Old Time Rock + Roll / Seger Bob
    13.Over The Rainbow
    15.Somewhere Out There
    16.That'S Amore (that'S Love)
    17.That'S What Friends Are For
    18.Theme From New York New York
    19.The Rainbow Connection
    20.The Wind Beneath My Wings
    21.The Windmills Of Your Mind
    22.Time Warp
    23.Twist And Shout / Beatles
    24.What The World Needs Now Is Love
    25.You Light Up My Life

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