CHAN 9922

Sacred Concertos Vol.6

von Bortnyansky, Dmitri Stepanovich | Polyansky, Valeri / SRUSS & Cappella
erschienen am 15.03.2002

Sacred Concertos Vol.6
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21,99 €
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    1-001Sacred Concerto Nr. 1 "I will praise thee"Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StephanovichDirigent / Band Leader: Polyansky, Valeri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    1-001-0011. I will praise thee with my whole heart00:02:28
    1-002-0022. I will worship toward thy holy temple00:03:32
    1-003-0033. Yea, they sahll sing in the ways of the Lord00:01:54
    1-004Sacred Concerto Nr. 2 "Praise ye the Lord"Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StephanovichDirigent / Band Leader: Polyansky, Valeri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    1-004-0011. Praise ye the Lord00:02:07
    1-005-0022. From the rising of the sun00:02:53
    1-006-0033. His praise shall endure forevermore00:01:43
    1-007Sacred Concerto Nr. 3 "Come and behold the works of God"Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StephanovichDirigent / Band Leader: Polyansky, Valeri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    1-007-0011. Come and behold the works of God00:01:59
    1-008-0022. He will break their bows00:01:55
    1-009-0033. Free yourselves00:02:11
    1-010-0044. The Lord of strength is with us00:02:01
    1-011Sacred Concerto Nr. 4 "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?"Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StephanovichDirigent / Band Leader: Polyansky, Valeri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    1-011-0011. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?00:04:32
    1-012-0022. He sahll receive the blessing from the Lord00:01:46
    1-013-0033. Lift up your head00:02:32
    1-014-0044. Who is this king of Glory?00:01:46
    1-015Sacred Concerto Nr. 5 "The heavens declare the glory of God"Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StephanovichDirigent / Band Leader: Polyansky, Valeri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    1-015-0011. The heavens declare the glory of God00:01:58
    1-016-0022. In them hath de set a tebernacle00:02:21
    1-017-0033. The law of the Lord is perfect00:01:36
    1-018-0044. Let the words of my mouth00:02:05
    1-019Sacred Concerto Nr. 6 "What God is greater?"Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StephanovichDirigent / Band Leader: Polyansky, Valeri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    1-019-0011. What God is greater?00:02:59
    1-020-0022. He has subdued his people00:03:04
    1-021-0033. He who has glorified00:02:25
    1-022Sacred Concerto Nr. 7 "Glory to God in the highest"Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StephanovichDirigent / Band Leader: Polyansky, Valeri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    1-022-0011. Glory to God in the highest00:03:19
    1-023-0022. Heed our prayer00:02:28
    1-024-0033. For thou alone art holy00:01:58
    1-025Sacred Concerto Nr. 8 "Ye people, sing a song"Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StephanovichDirigent / Band Leader: Polyansky, Valeri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    1-025-001Ye people, sing a song00:06:13
    1-026Sacred Concerto Nr. 9 "Praise ye the Lord"Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StephanovichDirigent / Band Leader: Polyansky, Valeri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    1-026-001Praise ye the Lord00:03:34
    1-027Sacred Concerto Nr. 10 "My heart is fortified"Komponist: Bortnyansky, Dmitri StephanovichDirigent / Band Leader: Polyansky, Valeri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Russian State Symphonic Cappella
    1-027-0011. My heart is fortified in the Lord00:02:09
    1-028-0022. There is none more holy than our Lord00:02:01
    1-029-0033. His judgement extends00:02:48

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