Singles Vol.2 [1965-1967] -

von Rolling Stones [ltd. Edition]
erschienen am 08.07.2004

Singles Vol.2 [1965-1967] -
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    1-001(I Can't Get No) SatisfactionKomponist: Jagger, Mick; Richards, KeithRolling Stones, The
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    1-002The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion ManKomponist: Jagger, Mick; Richards, KeithRolling Stones, The
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    1-003The Spider And The FlyKomponist: Jagger, Mick; Richards, KeithRolling Stones, The
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    2-001Get Off Of My CloudRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick; Richards, Keith
    Klavier: Nitzsche, Jack
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Percussion: Stewart, Ian
    Gitarre (e): Jones, Brian; Richards, Keith
    Orgel: Nitzsche, Jack
    2-002I'm FreeRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick; Richards, Keith
    Klavier: Nitzsche, Jack
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Percussion: Stewart, Ian
    Gitarre (e): Richards, Keith; Jones, Brian
    Orgel: Nitzsche, Jack
    2-003The Singer Not The SongRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick; Richards, Keith
    Klavier: Nitzsche, Jack
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Percussion: Stewart, Ian
    Gitarre (e): Richards, Keith; Jones, Brian
    Orgel: Nitzsche, Jack
    3-001As Tears Go ByKomponist: Richards, Keith
    Produzent: Oldham, Andrew Loog
    Rolling Stones, The; Rolling Stones, The
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    3-002Gotta Get AwayProduzent: Oldham, Andrew LoogRolling Stones, The; Rolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick
    Klavier: Nitzsche, Jack; Stewart, Ian
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Percussion: Stewart, Ian
    Gitarre (e): Jones, Brian; Richards, Keith
    4-00119th Nervous BreakdownProduzent: Oldham, Andrew LoogRolling Stones, The; Rolling Stones, The
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    4-002Sad DayProduzent: Rolling Stones, TheRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick; Rolling Stones, The
    Gitarre: Richards, Keith
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Jones, Brian; Richards, Keith
    5-001Paint It BlackProduzent: Rolling Stones, TheRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick; Rolling Stones, The
    Gitarre: Richards, Keith
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Richards, Keith; Jones, Brian
    Sitar: Jones, Brian
    5-002Stupid GirlProduzent: Oldham, Andrew LoogRolling Stones, The; Rolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick
    Gitarre: Richards, Keith
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Richards, Keith; Jones, Brian
    5-003Long Long WhileProduzent: Rolling Stones, TheRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick; Rolling Stones, The
    Gitarre: Richards, Keith
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Jones, Brian; Richards, Keith
    6-001Mother's Little HelperProduzent: Oldham, Andrew LoogRolling Stones, The; Rolling Stones, The
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    6-002Lady JaneProduzent: Oldham, Andrew LoogRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Jones, Brian; Richards, Keith
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Rolling Stones, The
    7-001Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The Shadow?Produzent: Oldham, Andrew LoogRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Jones, Brian; Richards, Keith
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Rolling Stones, The
    7-002Who's Driving Your Plane?Produzent: Rolling Stones, TheRolling Stones, The; Rolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick
    Gitarre: Richards, Keith
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Richards, Keith; Jones, Brian
    8-001Let's Spend The Night TogetherProduzent: Oldham, Andrew LoogRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick
    Sänger(in): Jones, Brian; Richards, Keith; Wyman, Bill
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Richards, Keith; Jones, Brian
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Rolling Stones, The
    8-002Ruby TuesdayProduzent: Oldham, Andrew LoogRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick
    Gitarre: Jones, Brian; Richards, Keith
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Jones, Brian; Richards, Keith
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Rolling Stones, The
    9-001We Love YouProduzent: Easton, Eric; Oldham, Andrew LoogRolling Stones, The; Rolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick
    Sänger(in): Lennon, John; McCartney, Paul
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Jones, Brian
    Sonstige Instrumente: Richards, Keith
    9-002DandelionProduzent: Oldham, Andrew LoogRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Rolling Stones, The
    10-001She's A RainbowProduzent: Rolling Stones, TheRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick; Rolling Stones, The
    Gitarre: Richards, Keith
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Richards, Keith; Jones, Brian
    10-0022000 Light Years From HomeProduzent: Rolling Stones, TheRolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick; Rolling Stones, The
    Gitarre: Richards, Keith
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre (e): Jones, Brian; Richards, Keith
    11-001In Another LandProduzent: Rolling Stones, TheWyman, Bill; Rolling Stones, The; Wyman, Bill
    Gitarre: Richards, Keith
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Gitarre (e): Richards, Keith; Jones, Brian
    11-002The LanternBearbeiter: Richards, Keith
    Produzent: Rolling Stones, The; Miller, Jimmy
    Rolling Stones, The; Rolling Stones, The; Jagger, Mick
    Gitarre: Richards, Keith
    Sänger(in): Richards, Keith
    Keyboards: Richards, Keith
    Pop / Rock - Gruppe: Rolling Stones, The
    Schlagzeug (drums): Watts, Charlie
    Bass (e): Wyman, Bill
    Percussion: Jagger, Mick
    Gitarre (e): Jones, Brian

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