SU 0013


von Dvorak, Antonin | Subrtova / Zidek / Chalabala / OPNT
erschienen am 01.01.1995

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    1-001Rusalka op. 114 (Oper in 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Dvorák, AntonínSopran: Subertová, Milada
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Chalabala, Zdemek
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Prague National Theatre Orchestra
    Alt: Ovcaciková, Marie
    Tenor: Zídek, Ivo
    Gemischter Chor: Prague National Theatre Chorus
    Chorleiter: Mal, Milan
    Baß: Haken, Eduard
    1-002-002Ho, ho, ho! (1. Akt)00:08:23
    1-003-003Watersprite, my father dear!00:03:58
    1-004-004He comes here frequently00:04:51
    1-005-005O, moon high up in the deep sky00:08:05
    1-006-006Your ancient wisdom knows everything00:09:07
    1-008-008Here she appeared and again disappeared!00:02:22
    1-009-009The hunt is over, return home at once00:05:59
    1-010-010I know you're magic that will pass00:02:10
    1-011-011Well then, my dear boy (2. Akt)00:08:19
    1-012-012A week now do you dwell with me00:09:36
    1-013-013Festive music. Ballet.00:05:13
    2-001-014No one in this world can give you00:04:35
    2-002-015White blossoms all along the road00:03:26
    2-003-016Rusalka, daughter, I am here!00:06:15
    2-004-017Strange fire in your eyes is burning00:06:09
    2-005-018Insensible water power (3.Akt)00:07:21
    2-006-019Ah, ah! Already you have come back?00:05:44
    2-007-020Uprooted and banished00:04:20
    2-008-021That you're afraid? Don't be silly00:06:37
    2-009-022Hair, golden hair have I00:08:43
    2-010-023Where are you, my white doe?00:04:38
    2-011-024Do you still know me, lover?00:14:06

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