Pelleas et Melisande

von Debussy, Claude | Otter, A. S. Von / Degout, S. /Tsallagova, E. /Jordan,
erschienen am 21.06.2013

Pelleas et Melisande
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    1-001Pelléas et Mélisande (Oper in 5 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Debussy, ClaudeSopran: Tsallagova, Elena; Mathevet, Julie
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Jordan, Philippe
    1-001-001A Forest (1. Akt)
    1-002-002A room in the castle
    1-003-003In front of the castle
    1-004-004A well in the park (2. Akt)
    1-005-005A room in the castle
    1-006-006In front of a cave
    1-007-007One of the towers of the castle (3. Akt)
    1-008-008The vaults of the castle
    1-009-009A terrace at the entrance to the vaults
    1-010-010In front of the castle
    1-011-011A room in the castle (4. Akt)
    1-012-012Scene 2
    1-013-013A well in the park
    1-014-014Scene 4
    1-015-015A bedroom in the castle (5. Akt)

    Partner bei Idealo.de Geizhals AT Unterhaltungselektronik auf Schottenland.de