
von Händel | Gardiner, John Eliot / Monteverdi Choir / EBS
erschienen am 26.02.2021

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    1-001Einführung zu Semele von John Eliot GardinerKomponist: (keine Angaben)Sprecher / Erzähler: Gardiner, John Eliot00:03:32
    1-002Semele (The Story of Semele) HWV 58 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Händel, Georg FriedrichSolo: Webb, Christopher; Alder, Louise; Buratto, Gianluca
    1-002-001Ouvertüre (1. Akt)00:05:11
    1-004-003Accompagnato: Behold! Auspicious flashes rise00:01:33
    1-005-004Chor: Lucky omens bless our rites00:03:28
    1-006-005Rezitativ, Arioso und Duett: Daughter, obey00:01:03
    1-007-006Rezitativ: Ah me!00:01:00
    1-008-007Arie: O Jove! In pity teach me which to choose00:02:00
    1-009-008Rezitativ: Alas! she yields00:00:43
    1-010-009Quartett: Why dost thou thus untimely grieve00:02:58
    1-011-010Chor: Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs00:02:03
    1-012-011Rezitativ: Again auspicious flashes rise - Rezitativ: Thy aid, pronubial Juno, Athamas implores!00:01:00
    1-013-012Chor: Cease, cease your vows, 'tis impious to proceed00:00:33
    1-014-013Rezitativ: Turn, hopeless lover, turn thy eyes - Rezitativ: She weeps!00:00:46
    1-015-014Arie: Your tuneful voice my tale would tell00:04:36
    1-016-015Rezitativ: Too well I see00:00:49
    1-017-016Duett: You've undone me00:02:42
    1-018-017Rezitativ: Ah! wretched prince, doom'd to disastrous love! - Accompagnato: Wing'd with our fears and pious hate00:01:57
    1-019-018Chor: Hail Cadmus, hail!00:01:33
    1-020-019Arie und Chor: Endless pleasure, endless love00:04:16
    1-022-021Sinfonia (2. Akt)00:01:31
    1-023-022Rezitativ: Iris, impatient of thy stay00:00:46
    1-024-023Arie: There, from mortal cares retiring - Rezitativ: No more, I'll hear no more00:03:00
    1-025-024Accompagnato: Awake, Saturnia, from thy lethargy! - Rezitativ: Hear, mighty queen, while I recount - Accompagnato: ...00:01:52
    1-026-025Arie: Hence, Iris, hence away00:03:54
    1-027-026Arie: Come, zephyrs, come, while Cupid sings00:05:04
    1-028-027Arie: O sleep, why dost thou leave me00:03:18
    1-029-028Rezitativ: Let me not another moment00:00:19
    1-030-029Arie: Lay your doubts and fears aside00:03:09
    1-031-030Rezitativ: You are mortal and require00:00:28
    1-032-031Arie: With fond desiring00:02:51
    1-033-032Chor: How engaging, how endearing00:02:58
    1-034-033Rezitativ: Ah, me! - Why sighs my Semele?00:01:10
    1-035-034Arie: I must with speed amuse her00:03:49
    1-036-035Chor: Now love that everlasting boy invites00:02:02
    1-037-036Rezitativ: By my command00:01:18
    1-038-037Arie: Where'er you walk, cool gales shall fan the glade00:05:25
    1-039-038Rezitativ: Dear sister, how was your passage hither?00:00:55
    1-040-039Arie: But hark! the heav'nly sphere turns round00:01:56
    1-041-040Prepare then, ye immortal choir00:02:13
    1-042-041Chor: Bless the glad earth with heav'nly lays00:02:40
    2-001-043Sinfonia (3. Akt)00:01:43
    2-002-044Accompagnato: Somnus, awake00:00:31
    2-003-045Arie: Leave me, loathsome light00:03:41
    2-004-046Rezitativ: Dull God, canst thou attend the water's fall00:00:36
    2-005-047Arie: More sweet is that name00:02:33
    2-006-048Rezitativ: My will obey00:01:23
    2-007-049Obey my will, thy rod resign00:02:05
    2-008-050Arie: My racking thoughts by no kind slumbers freed00:03:20
    2-009-051Rezitativ: Thus shap'd like Ino00:01:30
    2-010-052Arie: Myself I shall adore00:06:36
    2-011-053Rezitativ: Be wise as you are beautiful - Accompagnato: Conjure him by his oath00:01:48
    2-012-054Arie: Thus let my thanks be paid00:02:48
    2-013-055Rezitativ: Rich odours fill the fragrant air00:00:23
    2-014-056Arie: Come to my arms, my lovely fair00:03:43
    2-015-057Rezitativ: O Semele! - Arie: I ever am granting00:01:41
    2-016-058Rezitativ: Speak, speak your desire - Accompagnato: By that tremendous flood, I swear - Rezitativ: You'll grant what I..00:01:09
    2-017-059Arie: Ah, take heed what you press00:01:05
    2-018-060Arie: No, no, I'll take no less00:04:57
    2-019-061Accompagnato: Ah, whither is she gone, unhappy fair?00:03:27
    2-020-062Arie: Above measure00:02:07
    2-021-063Accompagnato: Ah me! Too late I now repent00:03:30
    2-022-064Chor: O terror and astonishment00:04:28
    2-023-065Rezitativ: How I was hence remov'd00:00:50
    2-024-066Arie: Despair no more shall wound me00:05:06
    2-025-067Rezitativ: See from above the bellying clouds descend00:00:14
    2-027-069Accompagnato: Apollo comes, to relieve your care00:00:57
    2-028-070Happy, happy shall we be00:02:55
    2-029-071Applaus - Abspann00:05:28

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