1-001 | Popcorn | Verleger: Bourne Co. Komponist: Kingsley, Gershon Textdichter: Kingsley, Gershon | Crazy Frog | 00:04:56 |
1-002 | Xplode 2 (Backside Artists Remix) | Verleger: A45 Music Publ. Komponist: Baker, Shaun; bel Goe, Olav; Wolter, Sebastian Textdichter: Baker, Shaun; bel Goe, Olav; Wolter, Sebastian | Baker, Shaun | 00:02:17 |
1-003 | Revolution (We Call It) (Tune Up! vs. Cascada Remix) | Verleger: Warner Chappell Komponist: Schleh; Powell, Andy Jay Textdichter: Schleh; Zabler, Enrico | Klubbingman / Delgado, Trixi Sprecher / Erzähler: Christine; Klubbingman | 00:02:29 |
1-004 | Never Talkin' | Verleger: Ed. Aqualoop Komponist: Sven-R-G; Bass-T Textdichter: Sven-R-G; Bass-T | Sven-R-G / Bass-T | 00:02:57 |
1-005 | Stop That Shit! (Digi Dizzy Mix) | Verleger: BMG Ufa Komponist: Zenker, Ramon; Engels, Gottfried Textdichter: Zenker, Ramon; Engels, Gottfried | Paffendorf | 00:05:29 |
1-006 | Running Water (DJ Shog's 2Faces Mix) | Verleger: Essential Cuts Publishing Universal Music Publishing/ Hanseatic / Warner Chapp Komponist: Greiner, Sven; Terhoeven, C.; Schmeier, E.; Wevers, A. Textdichter: Rollocks, June | DJ Shog | 00:05:55 |
1-007 | Ready To Rock (Club Mix) | Komponist: Bibow, Ronny; Bein, Michael Textdichter: Bibow, Ronny; Bein, Michael | Airbeat One Project | 00:03:49 |
1-008 | All That I Feel (DJ Shog Remix Edit) | Verleger: Sirup Music Komponist: Sterba, Tatana; Thasa, Matthew; Wirz, Pirmin; Colella, Maurizio; Hirt, Christian Textdichter: Hirt, Christian; Colella, Maurizio; Wirz, Pirmin; Thasa, Matthew; Sterba, Tatana | DJ Tatana / Pee | 00:04:36 |
1-009 | Pro-Teus | Komponist: Julio, Bonito Textdichter: Massiv 4 | Massiv 4 | 00:03:11 |
1-010 | Brainstorm | Komponist: Murbach, B.; Ruge Textdichter: Murbach, B.; Ruge | Tube Tonic / DJ Shandar; DJ Shandar | 00:04:42 |
1-011 | Unite In Music (Mach4DJ's "live@StreetParade" Remix) | Komponist: Reiss, Carsten "Ray Burton"; Aust, Titus Textdichter: Reiss, Carsten "Ray Burton"; Aust, Titus | Toxic United Artist / Jacky; Jacky | 00:02:42 |
1-012 | The Roots | Komponist: Powell, Andy Jay; Vision, Alex Textdichter: Powell, Andy Jay; Vision, Alex | AJP | 00:04:01 |
1-013 | I Miss You (Club Mix) | Komponist: Powell, Andy Jay; van Roezel, Alex; Vision, Alex Textdichter: Powell, Andy Jay; van Roezel, Alex; Vision, Alex; Vision, Alex | Van Roezel | 00:03:47 |
1-014 | Condemned To Heaven | Komponist: Betkierowicz, Jan; Krause, Christoph Textdichter: Betkierowicz, Jan; Krause, Christoph | DJ Merlin / DJ C-Bass | 00:04:08 |
1-015 | Circle Of Trust | Komponist: J#rs, Marlon Textdichter: J#rs, Marlon | Accuface | 00:03:51 |
1-016 | Infinity | Komponist: Enjoy; Punisher Textdichter: Enjoy; Punisher | Enjoy / Punisher | 00:05:16 |
1-017 | Normensland | Komponist: Albrecht, Fait Textdichter: Albrecht, Fait | DJ Fait / Diamond; Diamond | 00:03:51 |
1-018 | Love & Hate | Komponist: Krajewski, Robert; Petrat, Marc; Rathscheck, Loic Textdichter: Petrat, Marc; Rathscheck, Loic; Krajewski, Robert | Patrol, Marc | 00:03:29 |
1-019 | Fight | Komponist: Gerber, Christoph; Seiler, Marco; Morhain, Pascal Textdichter: Gerber, Christoph; Seiler, Marco; Morhain, Pascal | Mach 4 DJ's | 00:01:35 |
1-020 | Flight To Downunder | Komponist: Marty Schmidt@Dean Productions Textdichter: Marty Schmidt@Dean Productions | Star Burst | 00:04:16 |
2-001 | A (Asian Sunshine) | Komponist: Zenker, Frank Textdichter: Zenker, Frank | DJ Scot Project | 00:02:59 |
2-002 | Sunset (Ron Van Den Beuken Mix) | Komponist: Van Den Beuken, Ron; L. Veldman, A. Textdichter: Van Den Beuken, Ron; L. Veldman, A. | VAn Den Beuken, Ron | 00:04:45 |
2-003 | Humanity (Funaki Remix) | Komponist: Tanneberger, Andr#; Lacey, Tiff Textdichter: Tanneberger, Andr#; Lacey, Tiff | ATB / Lacey, Tiff; Lacey, Tiff | 00:04:15 |
2-004 | Euphoria | Verleger: Allure Komponist: Tiesto Textdichter: Tiesto | DJ Tiesto | 00:05:00 |
2-005 | Silence (Technical Mix) | Komponist: Fulber, Rhys; Leeb, Bill; McLachlan, Sarah Textdichter: Leeb, Bill; Fulber, Rhys; McLachlan, Sarah | Masif DJ's / Ali; Ali | 00:06:39 |
2-006 | Global Trance (Jesslyn Remix) | Komponist: Kolodziej, David; Oswald, Sandro; Tropeano, Davide Textdichter: Kolodziej, David; Oswald, Sandro; Tropeano, Davide | DJ Dave 202 | 00:04:25 |
2-007 | Sternenweg 5 (DJ Shog's 2 Faces Mix) | Verleger: Essential Cuts Publ. Komponist: Kindervater, Jens; Terhoeven, C.; Schmeier, E.; Wevers, A. Textdichter: Kindervater, Jens; Terhoeven, C.; Schmeier, E.; Wevers, A. | Kindervater | 00:06:04 |
2-008 | Odin (Michael Urgacz vs. Sean Tyas Remix) | Komponist: Urgacz, Michael; Baskin, Shalamon; Tyas, Sean Textdichter: Tyas, Sean; Urgacz, Michael; Baskin, Shalamon | Beam | 00:05:05 |
2-009 | 1 (Scot Project Edit) | Komponist: Zenker, Frank Textdichter: Zenker, Frank | Tocs | 00:06:22 |
2-010 | My House (Original) | Verleger: Alphabet City Komponist: Wendelen, Bjorn; Woods, Robert; Dirix, Philip Textdichter: Wendelen, Bjorn; Woods, Robert; Dirix, Philip | Armani & Ghost | 00:03:40 |
2-011 | To My Twin Soul (Jowan Remix) | Verleger: Freaky Music Komponist: Michael Pollen Textdichter: Michael Pollen | Silverblue | 00:04:02 |
2-012 | Ahead (Nostrum Remix) | Komponist: Flaskamp, Normen Textdichter: Flaskamp, Normen | Paris, Normen | 00:04:38 |
2-013 | Lyteo (Rank 1 Remix) | Komponist: Mr. Sam; Coltrane, Tim Textdichter: Mr. Sam; Coltrane, Tim | Mr Sam / Fx; Fx | 00:03:19 |
2-014 | Echoes From Alaska (G&M Project Remix Edit) | Verleger: Sirup Komponist: Martinez, Jaron; Gitelman, Robert Textdichter: Martinez, Jaron; Gitelman, Robert | Bubble Fish | 00:04:35 |
2-015 | Antarctic Rain (Peter Dafnous Remix) | Komponist: Datt Krakowiak, Thomas; Lopez, Kenidel Textdichter: Datt Krakowiak, Thomas; Lopez, Kenidel | Datt, Thomas / Two Roads | 00:02:26 |
2-016 | Victim Of Fade | Komponist: Dexter, Sean Textdichter: Dexter, Sean | Dexter, Sean Project | 00:02:22 |
2-017 | Memories (DJ Merlin & DJ C-Bass Remix) | Komponist: Leung & Wan Textdichter: Leung & Wan | Leung & Wan / Chung, Jessica; Chung, Jessica | 00:01:17 |
2-018 | Twilight | Komponist: Marty Schmidt@Dean Productions Textdichter: Marty Schmidt@Dean Productions | Silver Liquid | 00:02:31 |
2-019 | Back From Sydney | Komponist: Marty Schmidt@Dean Productions Textdichter: Marty Schmidt@Dean Productions | Angel Beats | 00:02:12 |
2-020 | Fauna (Original Mix) | Komponist: Marcel Woods vs. Jesslyn Textdichter: Marcel Woods vs. Jesslyn | Woods, Marcel / Jesslyn | 00:01:36 |