NOT 2 CD 264

Best Of British Folk

von Various
erschienen am 07.08.2009

Best Of British Folk
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    1-001The heart of the songFairport Convention00:03:43
    1-002The fireman's songCare, Simon / Beer, Phil00:03:56
    1-003Postman's knockAlbion Band, The / Kirkpatrick, John00:01:59
    1-004Rings around the moonMagna Carta00:05:21
    1-005General monkStraight Furrow00:02:20
    1-006The Banks Of The NileMacColl, Ewan00:04:12
    1-007The deserterFairport Convention00:06:57
    1-008The crow and the cradleDunlop, Judy00:03:39
    1-009Dabbling in the dewCollins, Shirley00:01:46
    1-010Flandyke shoreAlbion Band, The00:03:52
    1-011Donnybrook / Dingle regataStraight Furrow00:02:25
    1-012Time is like a promiseTir-Na-Nog00:03:07
    1-013The oakHutchings, Ashley / Dunlop, Judy00:03:33
    1-014The coming of FinnHallam, Jack00:04:30
    1-015Western windFairport Convention00:05:08
    1-016My son DavidRobertson, Jeannie00:02:27
    1-017He throws a brilliant lightRainbow Chasers00:05:44
    1-018The elfen knightMacColl, Ewan / Seeger, Peggy00:04:07
    2-001Circus of the heartMagna Carta00:04:26
    2-002Someone to dance withTir-Na-Nog00:04:20
    2-003Crazy man MichaelFairport Convention00:04:55
    2-004LeapfrogMorris On Band, The00:03:03
    2-005AikendrumMacColl, Ewan / Seeger, Peggy00:02:03
    2-006Jewel in the crownAlbion Band, The00:03:44
    2-007The railway / Fiery clockfaceStraight Furrow00:03:05
    2-008The sun and the moonDunlop, Judy00:01:45
    2-009Leaving of LiverpoolDownes, Paul00:05:00
    2-010The calton weaverMacColl, Ewan00:02:17
    2-011The happy manFairport Convention00:02:50
    2-012Seagull's cryHallam, Jack / Collard, Nick00:03:22
    2-013Brambles on a hillRainbow Chasers00:04:57
    2-014Dance to th' DaddieLawson, Fred00:01:39
    2-015Weeting fairStraight Furrow00:02:43
    2-016Old manMagna Carta00:02:12
    2-017High barbareeRoberts, Bob00:02:59
    2-018Red and goldFairport Convention00:06:49

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