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Musica Mystica (6 CD Set)
von Various | Various
erschienen am 17.11.2003
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Track | Titel | Komponist | Interpret | Dauer |
1-001 | Introït: Repleature Os Meum Laude Tua | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-002 | Kyrie - Rex Aeterno - Trope de Kyrie de la Messe Deangelis | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-003 | Gloria in Excelsis Deo - Ton Ambrosien | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-004 | Antienne: Pacem Relinquo Vobis - Psaume 116: Laudate Dominum Omnes gentes | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-005 | Hymne: Ecce Iam Noctis | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-006 | Antienne: Nigra Sum Sed Formosa - Psaume 121: Laetatus Sum in His - Giovanni Paolo Cima | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-007 | Introït: Gaudens Gaudebo in Domino | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-008 | Répons: Ave Maria Gratia Piena | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-009 | Communion: Ecce Virgo Concipiet | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-010 | Antienne: Cum Audisset Salutationem Mariae | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-011 | Antienne: Magnificat Anima Mea Dominum | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-012 | Antienne et Psaume 112: Laudate Pueri Dominum | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-013 | Antienne et Psaume 147: Lauda Jerusalem | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-014 | Introït: Gaudeamus Omnes in Domino | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-015 | Offertoire: Ave Maria Gratia Plena | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-016 | Séquence: Alma Redemptoris Mater | Komponist: Traditional; Gregorianischer Gesang | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-017 | Antienne et Psaume 112: Laudate Pueri Dominum | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-018 | Antienne: Sancta Maria Succurre Miseris | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-019 | Cantique: Magnificat Anima Mea Dominum | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
1-020 | Antienne Mariale et Trope: Salve Regina Misericordae | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
2-001 | Ex illustri nata prosapia (Conductus Motet) (Folio 119 verso - 120 recto) | Komponist: Traditional; Anonym Regisseur: Nevel, Paul Van | ||
2-002 | En Seumeillant - Excerpt Version | Komponist: TREBOR last decades, 14th century Bearbeiter: Nevel, Paul Van | Blockflöte: Coen, Bart; de Clercq, Peter; Deerenberg, Baldrick Fiedel: Van Laethem, An Trompete: Becu, Wim Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
2-003 | Altissonis aptatis - Hin principes - Voice | Komponist: Traditional Bearbeiter: Nevel, Paul Van | Blockflöte: Coen, Bart; de Clercq, Peter; Deerenberg, Baldrick Fiedel: Van Laethem, An Trompete: Becu, Wim Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
2-004 | Si Doulcement Me Fait Amours - Nulz Vrais Amans (Four-part ballade double) Folio 127 recto - 127 verso - Excerpt Version | Komponist: TRADITIONAL 14th-15th c. Textdichter: TRADITIONAL 14th-15th c. | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | 00:06:42 |
2-005 | Mass IV (Sanctus) - Voice | Komponist: Traditional; Anonym | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
2-005-001 | Osanna | |||
2-006 | Madonna Oyme (Four-part madrigal) - Excerpt Version | Komponist: COSTANZO FESTA C.1490-1545; Festa, Costanzo | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
2-007 | Quis dabit oculis - Elegy on the death of Anne of Brittany, Queen of France (d. January 9, 1514) - Vocal | Komponist: COSTANZO FESTA C.1490-1545; Festa, Costanzo | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
2-008 | Oimè Il Bel Viso (Canzoniere No. 267) Discolorato Hai, Morte Il Piu Bel Volto (Canzoniere No. 283) - Excerpt Version | Komponist: Spirito l'Hoste da Reggio c.1510-1575; Petrarca, Francesco Textdichter: Petrarca, Francesco | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | 00:06:00 |
2-009 | Fuggi'l sereno (Canzoniere No. 268, stanza 3) - Excerpt Version | Komponist: Tomaso Cimello c.1510-1580; Petrarca, Francesco Textdichter: Petrarca, Francesco | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
2-010 | Magnificat secundi toni - Voice | Komponist: NICOLAS GOMBERT c.1500-c.1557; Gombert, Nicolas | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
2-010-001 | a. Et exultavit a 4 | |||
2-011 | Opus musicum - Vocal | Komponist: Gallus, Jacobus | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
2-011-001 | De Nativitate Circumcisione Et Epiphania Domini: Mirabile misterium à 5 | |||
2-012 | Lamentations for Maundy Thursday for eight voices - Instrumental | Komponist: JOAO LOURENCO REBELO 1610-1661; Rebelo, Joao Lourenco | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
2-012-001 | 1. Aleph. Quomodo sedet sola / 2. Beth. Plorans ploravit / 3. Ghimel. Migravit Judas / 4. Daleth. Viae Sion / 5. Jeru... | 00:12:55 | ||
2-013 | Vesper Psalms - Vocal | Komponist: JOAO LOURENCO REBELO 1610-1661; Rebelo, Joao Lourenco | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
2-013-001 | 4. Credidi propter | |||
2-014 | Cangues, Vilancicos e Motets Portugueses Siculos XVI & XVII - Instrumental | Komponist: Machado, Mauel | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
2-014-001 | Que bien siente Galatea - Romance a 3 | |||
2-014-002 | Dos estrellas le siguen - Coplas a 4 | |||
2-014-003 | Laetatus sum - Salmo 121 a 4 | |||
2-015 | Peccavi fateor for six parts - Vocal | Komponist: Praetorius, Michael; Machado, Mauel Regisseur: Nevel, Paul Van | ||
2-016 | Laetatus sum | Komponist: Pinheiro, Antonio | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | 00:04:51 |
2-017 | Peccavi fateor | Komponist: Praetorius | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | 00:03:31 |
3-001 | Psalm 50 (51) à9, Miserere mei, Deus (Modern version) - Voice | Komponist: GREGORIO ALLEGRI 1582-1652 | Sopran: Farnsworth, Richard; Sneddon, Thomas; Martin, Alexander Countertenor: Lees, Michael Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin Baß: Birchall, Simon | |
3-002 | Hymn, Vexilla Regis prodeunt (from the Liber Usualis, edited by the monks of Solesmes, Desclée 1963) - Voice | Komponist: Traditional; Anonym | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | |
3-003 | Motet à8, Crucifixus - Voice | Komponist: ANTONIO LOTTI 1667-1740 | Orgel: Baker, Martin Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | |
3-004 | Reproaches (I), Popule meus / Ego te eduxi (from the Liber Usualis, edited by the monks of Solesmes, Desclée 1963) - ... | Komponist: Traditional; Anonym | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | 00:03:32 |
3-005 | Motet à8, O Domine Jesu Christe (from the Sacrae symphoniae, 1597) - Voice | Komponist: Gabrieli, Giovanni | Orgel: Baker, Martin Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | |
3-006 | Reproaches (II), Quia eduxi te / Ego te pavi (from the Liber Usualis, edited by the monks of Solesmes, Desclée 1963) ... | Komponist: Traditional; Anonym | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | 00:03:21 |
3-007 | Motet à 6, Adoramus te, Christe (from the Libro primo de motetti...di Giulio Cesare Bianchi, Venice, 1620) - Voice | Komponist: Monteverdi, Claudio Arrangeur: Bartlett, Clifford | Orgel: Baker, Martin Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | 02:36:00 |
3-008 | Reproaches (III), Quid ultra debui / Ego te exaltavi (from the Liber Usualis, edited by the monks of Solesmes, Desclé... | Komponist: Traditional; Anonym | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | 00:03:39 |
3-009 | Hymn, Crux fidelis / Pange, lingua - Voice | Komponist: JOHN IV OF PORTUGAL 1604-1656; Johann IV von Portugal | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | |
3-010 | Te Deum laudamus (Plainchant) - Voice | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Orgel: Baker, Martin Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | |
3-011 | Ave Maria mater Dei - Voice | Komponist: WILLIAM CORNYSH d. 1523 | Orgel: Baker, Martin Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | |
3-012 | Christe, qui lux es et dies - Voice | Komponist: ROBERT WHYTE c.1538-1574 | Orgel: Baker, Martin Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | |
3-013 | Drop, drop, slow tears - Voice | Komponist: ORLANDO GIBBONS 1583-1625 | Orgel: Baker, Martin Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | |
3-014 | Remember not, Lord, our offences - Voice | Komponist: Purcell, Henry Arrangeur: Walter Emery | Orgel: Baker, Martin Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | |
3-015 | Litany to the Holy Spirit - Voice | Komponist: PETER HURFORD b.1930 | Orgel: Baker, Martin Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Neary, Martin | |
4-001 | ? cruaulti logie en grand beaulti ' 4 - Voice | Komponist: PIERRE de MANCHICOURT c.1510-1564; Manchicourt, Pierre de | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
4-002 | De lamentatione Hieremiae feria 6 in Parasceve (Lamentations for 5 voices) - Voice | Komponist: FABRIZIO DENTICE 2nd half of 16th Century; Dentice, Fabrizio | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
4-002-001 | Lectio Prima | |||
4-003 | Cangues, Vilancicos e Motets Portugueses Siculos XVI & XVII - Instrumental | Komponist: Anonym | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
4-003-001 | Na fomte esta Lianor | |||
4-003-002 | V. Giovane donna | |||
4-004 | Lagrime di San Pietro - Vocal | Komponist: Lasso, Orlando di | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
4-005 | Opus musicum - Vocal | Komponist: Gallus, Jacobus | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
4-005-001 | In Dedicatione Templiet A Dominica Postpentecostem Usque Ad Adventum Domini: Planxit David à 8 | |||
4-006 | Le Printans (Le Printemps) Chansons en vers mésurés à l'antique - Voice | Komponist: CLAUDE LE JEUNE c.1528-1600 Bearbeiter: Nevel, Paul Van Textdichter: Jean-Antoine de Baïf 1532-1589 | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
4-006-001 | Revecy venir du printans (II) à 2, 3, 4 & 5 | |||
4-006-002 | Part I: I. Il magnanimo Pietro | |||
4-007 | Lagrime di San Pietro - Vocal | Komponist: Lasso, Orlando di | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
4-008 | Cangues, Vilancicos e Motets Portugueses Siculos XVI & XVII - Instrumental | Komponist: Machado, Maunel | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
4-008-001 | Que bien siente Galatea - Romance a 3 | |||
4-009 | Magnificat secundi toni - Voice | Komponist: NICOLAS GOMBERT c.1500-c.1557; Gombert, Nicolas | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
4-009-001 | b. Quia fecit a 4 | |||
4-010 | Cangues, Vilancicos e Motets Portugueses Siculos XVI & XVII - Instrumental | Komponist: Tavares, Manuel de | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
4-010-001 | Parce mihi Domine - Motete a 7 | |||
4-010-002 | III. Tre volte haveva | |||
4-011 | Lagrime di San Pietro - Vocal | Komponist: Lasso, Orlando di | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
4-012 | Opus musicum - Vocal | Komponist: Gallus, Jacobus | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
4-012-001 | In Adventu Domini Nostri Jesu Christi: Obsecro Domine à 4 | |||
4-013 | Le Printans (Le Printemps) Chansons en vers mésurés à l'antique - Voice | Komponist: CLAUDE LE JEUNE c.1528-1600 Bearbeiter: Nevel, Paul Van Textdichter: Jean-Antoine de Baïf 1532-1589 | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
4-013-001 | Voicy le verd et beau May (VIII) à 4 & 6 | |||
4-014 | Missa Veni Sancte Spiritus: Gloria ' 6 - Voice | Komponist: PIERRE de MANCHICOURT c.1510-1564; Manchicourt, Pierre de | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
4-015 | Je prens congie - Chanson for eight voices - Voice | Komponist: NICOLAS GOMBERT c.1500-c.1557; Gombert, Nicolas | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
4-016 | Der Tag vertreibt die finster Nacht for four parts - Vocal | Komponist: Praetorius, Michael; Praetorius, Michael Regisseur: Nevel, Paul Van | ||
4-016-001 | II. Ma gli archi | |||
4-017 | Lagrime di San Pietro - Vocal | Komponist: Lasso, Orlando di | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
4-018 | Opus musicum - Vocal | Komponist: Gallus, Jacobus | Dirigent / Band Leader: Nevel, Paul van Vokalensemble: Huelgas Ensemble | |
4-018-001 | De Sancta Trinitate Et De Corpore Christi: O beata Trinitas à 8 | |||
4-019 | Exaudi me Domine. Sixteen-part motet - Vocal | Komponist: Gabrieli, Giovanni; Gabrieli, Giovanni | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Nevel, Paul Van | |
5-001 | Hodie Christus natus est - Magnificat | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-002 | Rorate caeli desuper | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-003 | Vespere autem sabbati | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-004 | Gaudens in Domino | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-005 | Alleluia - Psalm 117 (116) | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-006 | Ubi caritas est vera | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-007 | Aurora lucis rutilat (Easter hymn) - Voice | Komponist: Traditional; Anonym | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-008 | Resurrexi et adhuc tecum sum | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-009 | Spiritus Domini replevit | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-010 | Factus est repente - Psalm 68 (67) | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-011 | Hodie completi sunt - Magnificat | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-012 | Veni sancte Spritus (Whitsun hymn) - Voice | Komponist: Traditional; Anonym | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-013 | Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae - Ave Maria | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-014 | Agmina celsa sunt - Gaudeamus omnes in Domino | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-015 | Virgo prudentissima - Magnificat | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-016 | Salve festa dies (Processional hymn) - Voice | Komponist: Traditional; Anonym | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-017 | Concordi laetitia | Komponist: Traditional Textdichter: Traditional | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
5-018 | Da pacem, Domine, in Diebus nostris (Antiphon and verse from Psalm 122) - Voice | Komponist: Traditional; Anonym | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Ruhland, Konrad | |
6-001 | Die Schöpfung (The Creation), Hob. XXI: 2 - Voice | Komponist: Haydn, Joseph Textdichter: Swieten, Gottfried van | Sopran: Monoyios, Ann Tenor: Hering, Jörg Chorleiter: Schmidt-Gaden, Gerhard Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Weil, Bruno Baß: van der Kamp, Harry | |
6-001-001 | No. 1 Ouverture: Die Vorstellung des Chaos | |||
6-002 | Messe h-moll BMV 232 - Et incarnatus est-Crucifixus | Komponist: Bach, Johann Sebastian; Bach, Johann Sebastian Textdichter: JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH 1685-1750 | Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): RILLING, HELMUTH | |
6-002-001 | Et incarnatus est - Crucifixus | 00:08:01 | ||
6-003 | Stabat Mater in F minor, RV 621 - Instrumental | Komponist: Vivaldi, Antonio; Vivaldi, Antonio | Orgel: Tall, John Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Malgoire, Jean-Claude | |
6-003-001 | 1. Stabat Mater. Largo | |||
6-004 | Komm, Jesu, komm, BWV 229 - Voice | Komponist: Bach, Johann Sebastian | Sopran: Egeler, Andrea; Fischer, Inga Tenor: Brutscher, Markus Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Bernius, Frieder Baß: Herberich, Thomas | |
6-004-001 | I. Komm, Jesu, komm | |||
6-005 | Ave verum corpus for Voices, Organ & Strings, K. 618 | Komponist: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus | Dirigent / Band Leader: Schmidt-Gaden, Gerhard Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Schmidt-Gaden, Gerhard | |
6-006 | No. 16 "Kommt Her Und Seht Das Lamm" | Komponist: Händel, Georg Friedrich; Händel, Georg Friedrich | Dirigent / Band Leader: Guttenberg, Enoch zu Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Kammerphilharmonie des MDR | |
6-006-001 | Chor: Kommt her und seht das Lamm | 00:03:10 | ||
6-007 | Salve Regina, Hob. XXIIIb: 2 (for Soloists, Strings and Concerted Organ) - Voice | Komponist: Haydn, Joseph | Sopran: Monoyios, Ann Tenor: Hering, Jörg Chorleiter: Schmidt-Gaden, Gerhard Orgel: Lancaster, Geoffrey Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Weil, Bruno Baß: van der Kamp, Harry | |
6-007-001 | Salve Regina (Adagio) | |||
6-007-002 | Agnus Dei: Adagio | |||
6-008 | Mass in D Major, Op. 123 - Missa Solemnis for Soloists, Choir, Orchestra and Organ - Voice | Komponist: Beethoven, Ludwig van | Sopran: Farrell, Eileen Violine: Corigliano, John Alt: Smith, Carol Tenor: Lewis, Richard Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Bernstein, Leonard Baß: Borg, Kim | |
6-008-001 | Agnus Dei | 00:06:38 | ||
6-009 | Missa in Angustiis (Mass in D minor) H. XXII, No. 11 - Voice | Komponist: Haydn, Joseph | Sopran: Monoyios, Ann Tenor: Bunten, Wolfgang Chorleiter: Schmidt-Gaden, Gerhard Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Weil, Bruno Baß: van der Kamp, Harry | |
6-009-001 | I. Kyrie: Kyrie eleison. Allegro moderato | |||
6-010 | Elijah, Op. 70 | Komponist: Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix | Sopran: Augér, Arleen Alt: Schreckenbach, Gabriele Tenor: Tear, Robert Bariton: Nimsgern, Siegmund Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Rilling, Helmuth | |
6-010-001 | Ouverture | |||
6-010-002 | 1. Chor - Hilf, Herr! (Das Volk) | |||
6-011 | Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45 | Komponist: Brahms, Johannes | Sopran: Cotrubas, Ileana Bariton: Prey, Hermann Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Maazel, Lorin | |
6-011-001 | Herr, lehre doch mich | |||
6-012 | Deutsche Messe, D 872 (German Mass) - Voice | Komponist: Schubert, Franz | Chorleiter: Marschik, Peter; Mancusi, Guido Orgel: Hartmann, Arno Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Weil, Bruno | |
6-012-001 | I. Zum Eingang "Wohin soll ich mich wenden" (Vers 1 und 3) | |||
6-013 | Mass in E-flat Major, D 950 (for Five Solo Voices, Mixed Chorus And Orchestra) - Voice | Komponist: Schubert, Franz | Sopran: Schmidinger, Benjamin Tenor: Hering, Jörg; Azesberger, Kurt Chorleiter: Marschik, Peter; Mancusi, Guido Orgel: Hartmann, Arno Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Weil, Bruno Baß: van der Kamp, Harry | |
6-013-001 | V. Benedictus | |||
6-014 | Mass No. 2 in E minor (1882 Version) for 8-part Choir and Wind Players - Voice | Komponist: Bruckner, Anton; Bruckner, Anton | Blasorchester: Bläserphilharmonie Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Bernius, Frieder | |
6-014-001 | I. Kyrie - Feierlich |