Next Stop Is Vietnam

von Various
erschienen am 01.06.2010

Next Stop Is Vietnam
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    1-001Where Have All The Flowers Gone?Komponist: Seeger, PeteKingston Trio, The00:03:22
    1-002Soldier BoyKomponist: L. Dixon-F. GreenShirelles, The00:02:41
    1-003Soldier's PleaKomponist: W. Stevenson-F. Hale-G. GordyGaye, Marvin00:02:43
    1-004Letter To A BuddieKomponist: Joe MedwickMedwick, Joe00:03:41
    1-005Soldiers Who Want To Be HeroesKomponist: McKuen, RodMcKuen, Rod00:02:08
    1-006The Cruel WarKomponist: Adapted & Arranged by Peter Yarrow-Paul StookeyPeter, Paul & Mary00:03:28
    1-007The Infiltration BluesKomponist: Dolf DrogeDroge, Dolf00:02:26
    1-008President Eisenhower warns of a "military industrial complex" (January 17, 1961)Eisenhower, Dwight D.00:00:24
    1-009Masters Of WarKomponist: Dylan, BobDylan, Bob00:04:32
    1-010Distant DrumsKomponist: Cindy WalkerReeves, Jim00:02:53
    1-011Senator Wayne Morse: "We're at war in violation of the Constitution..." (August 2, 1964)Senator Morse, Wayne00:00:43
    1-012There's A WarKomponist: L. O'KunGunty, Morty00:02:32
    1-013President Johnson reports attacks in the Gulf of Tonkin and requests a Congressional resolution (August 4, 1964)Johnson, Lyndon B.00:01:28
    1-014What did you learn in school today?Komponist: T. PaxtonPaxton, Tom00:01:45
    1-015Mr. Where Is Viet-NamKomponist: B. NecaiseLil' Gary D & the Delta Sho-Men / Necaise, Bob00:03:21
    1-016Talking VietnamKomponist: Ochs, PhilOchs, Phil00:03:36
    1-017Our Daddy's In VietnamKomponist: B. PowellPowell Sisters, The Sandy & Sue00:02:16
    1-018The Willing ConscriptKomponist: Paxton, TomSeeger, Pete00:02:13
    1-019Goodbye High School (Hello Viet Nam)Komponist: DeeDee, Tommy00:02:29
    1-020Teenage Soldier BoyKomponist: N. HemphillHemphill, Janie & The Tynsions00:02:38
    1-021Universal SoldierKomponist: Sainte-Marie, BuffySainte-Marie, Buffy00:02:15
    1-022The Universal CowardKomponist: Jan Berry-Jill GibsonJah Berry00:03:04
    1-023Eve Of DestructionKomponist: P. F. SloanMcGuire, Barry00:03:33
    1-024The Dawn Of CorrectionKomponist: J. Madara-D. White-R. GilmoreSpokesman, The00:03:26
    1-025We Ain't At WarKomponist: Weiss-DeAngelisTeachers, The00:02:58
    1-026Lyndon Johnson Told The NationKomponist: Paxton, TomPaxton, Tom00:03:04
    1-0277 O'Clock News / Silent NightKomponist: Simon, PaulSimon & Garfunkel00:02:14
    1-028Christmas In VietNamKomponist: Jack TaylorBowens, Private Charles & The Gentlemen from Tigerland00:03:12
    2-001Marching Off To WarKomponist: Eddie Floyd-Steve CropperBell, William00:03:17
    2-002Battle Of VietnamKomponist: J. van Winkle-F. DarianJack, Jimmy00:02:25
    2-003The Battle Of VietNamKomponist: Ginger & Hal WillisWillis, Hal00:02:24
    2-004Hello VietnamKomponist: Hall, Tom T.Wright, Johnny00:03:08
    2-005Hello VietNam (Goodbye My Love)Komponist: Hall, Tom T.Hildebrand, Ray00:02:08
    2-006It's For God, And Country, And You Mom (The Ballad of Viet Nam)Komponist: Dave McEneryTubb, Ernest & His Texas Troubadours00:03:25
    2-007Fightin' For The U.S.A.Komponist: Jerry R. HubbardReed, Jerry00:02:12
    2-008Is This A Useless WarKomponist: Charles Moore- Bill NapierMoore, Charlie / Napier, Bill00:02:03
    2-009The Ballad Of The Green BeretsKomponist: SSgt Barry Sadler-Robin MooreSadler, Barry00:02:29
    2-010SGT. Barry Sadler Interviewed by Four StudentsSadler, Barry00:02:33
    2-011He Wore The Green BeretKomponist: P. Barsella - F. CatanaMiller, Lesley00:02:19
    2-012The Son Of A Green Beret (A Childs Ballad of The Green Beret)Komponist: A. Cordasco-S. Cordasco-J. McNamaraArthur, Craig00:02:07
    2-013The 'A' TeamKomponist: Whitcup-Fairbanks-SadlerSadler, Barry00:02:07
    2-014Marine's BalladKomponist: Bob LayLay, Staff Sgt. Bob USMC00:02:32
    2-015Mind Your Manners, BoysKomponist: Jacqueline SharpeSharpe, Jacqueline00:03:05
    2-016with Marines at the village of Cam Ne (August 5, 1965)Safer, Morley from CBS-TV00:02:22
    2-017Off To Viet Nam (In The Green)Komponist: BonnBonn, Skeeter00:02:40
    2-018Soldier In VietNamKomponist: S. SimpsonSimpson, Sue00:03:11
    2-019Postmarked VietNamKomponist: June BlackBlack, June00:02:12
    2-020A Fearless SoldierKomponist: Jeanne BozikisThomas, Mike00:03:32
    2-021Gallant MenKomponist: Charles Wood-John CacavasMcKinley Dirksen, Everett Senator00:02:41
    2-022Bob Hope introduces Honey Ltd. while on tour in Vietnam (December 1968)Hope, Bob00:00:14
    2-023The WarriorKomponist: Polkinghorne-TemmerHoney Ltd.00:02:54
    2-024Private Wilson WhiteKomponist: M. RobbinsRobbins, Marty00:03:16
    2-025Danny FernandezKomponist: Eddy HarrisonHarrison, Eddy00:02:04
    2-026Sky Pilot [Part One]Komponist: Burdon-Briggs-Weider-Jenkins-McCullochBurdon, Eric And The Animals00:02:00
    2-027The MedicKomponist: Neil RayRay, Neil00:02:56
    2-028Nurse In The U.S. Army CorpsKomponist: Gladys ShelleyFrancis, Connie00:01:15
    2-029Brave Men Not AfraidKomponist: Kenny PriceBraun, Bob & The Hometowners00:02:36
    2-030U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam, Henry Cabot Lodge: "Sensational results..." (1966)Lodge, Henry Cabot00:00:17
    2-031When The Green Berets Come HomeKomponist: Boudleaux BryantHerrington, Capt. Ty U. S. Special Forces - Green Berets00:02:48
    3-001Uncle Sam Called Me (I Got To Go)Komponist: Arthur WestonWeston, Arthur00:04:08
    3-002Greetings (Uncle Sam Wants You)Long, Shorty & The Santa Fe Rangers00:02:08
    3-003Here Comes Uncle SamKomponist: Richie KayeKaye, Richie00:03:20
    3-004VietnamKomponist: Lenoir, J. B.Lenoir, J. B.00:02:40
    3-005The Ballad Of Our TimesKomponist: King, BobKing, Bob & the King's Court00:02:39
    3-006President Johnson warns that "there will be some nervous nellies..." (1966)Johnson, Lyndon B.00:00:26
    3-007Hey! Uncle SamKomponist: S. Losagio-C. OdenheimerCombinations00:02:51
    3-008I Gotta Go To VietnamKomponist: J. L. HookerHooker, John Lee00:04:23
    3-009Uncle SamKomponist: Marlene TeasleyHughes, Jimmy00:02:30
    3-010Fightin' For SamKomponist: Leon FraizerProphets, The00:02:57
    3-011The Draft Dodger RagKomponist: Ochs, PhilOchs, Phil00:02:10
    3-012Draft Time BluesKomponist: Midnight SonsMidnight Sons, The00:02:25
    3-013Greetings (This Is Uncle Sam)Komponist: S. Avig-R. Bateman-B. Holland-M. Coleman-R. Dunbar-A. Glasser-J. LightMonitors, The00:03:03
    3-014Conscientious ObjectorKomponist: K. GravenhorstEverett, Keith00:02:38
    3-015My UncleKomponist: G. Parsons-C. HillmanFlying Burrito Brothers, The00:02:38
    3-016David McReynolds explains why he burned his draft card (November 6, 1965)McReynolds, David00:00:40
    3-017Draft ResisterKomponist: J. Kay-G. McJohn-L. ByromSteppenwolf00:03:18
    3-018The first draft lottery birth date - September 14 - is announced (December 1, 1969)keine Künstlerinformation00:00:29
    3-019The Red White & BlueKomponist: Verlin 'Red' SpeeksSpeeks, Verlin 'Red'00:03:12
    3-020PSA to parentsCrosby, Bing00:00:30
    3-021An Open Letter To My Teenage SonKomponist: Robert R. ThompsonLundberg, Victor00:04:08
    3-022A Letter To DadKomponist: Bill Dean-Ron MarshallEvery Father's Teenage Son00:02:55
    3-023Letter From A Teenage SonKomponist: M. SweeneyWade, Brandon00:02:53
    3-024Please Mr. JohnsonKomponist: Art WayneJones, Dewey00:02:39
    3-025Little Becky's Christmas WishKomponist: DeAngelo-CasabonLamb, Becky00:03:07
    3-026Wish You Were Here (With Me)Komponist: E. Todd-L. BarbourFawns, The00:03:01
    3-027Army BoundKomponist: L. Sherry-K. SherryLois & Karen00:02:38
    3-028I Will WaitKomponist: Hershel BaileyNally, Nancy & Jubilee Wranglers00:02:44
    3-029What's Been Going On (In VietNam)Komponist: Jean SurreyGinger & Jean00:01:58
    3-030Does Anybody Know I'm Here?Komponist: Bobby MillerDells, The00:03:16
    4-001I Ain't Marching AnymoreKomponist: Ochs-GibsonOchs, Phil00:02:32
    4-002Hell No, I Ain't Gonna GoKomponist: M. Jones-E. LaronJones, Matt & Laron, Elaine00:03:25
    4-003The War Drags OnKomponist: Softley, MickDonovan00:03:41
    4-004Kill For PeaceKomponist: Tuli KupferbergFugs, The00:02:09
    4-005I Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die RagKomponist: J. McDonaldCountry Joe & The Fish00:03:45
    4-006Saigon BrideKomponist: Nina Dusheck-Joan BaezBaez, Joan00:03:14
    4-007Waist Deep In The Big MuddyKomponist: P. SeegerSeeger, Pete00:02:55
    4-008PSA regarding upcoming 1968 electionsGriffin, Merv00:00:35
    4-009Eugene McCarthy For President (If You Love Your Country)Komponist: Peter, Paul & MaryPeter, Paul & Mary00:03:11
    4-010Senator Eugene McCarthy speaks on Vietnam (January 1968)McCarthy, Eugene Senator00:00:40
    4-011Simple Song Of FreedomKomponist: B. DarinHardin, Tim00:03:53
    4-012President Nixon speaks on Vietnam and the future of America (January 1969)Nixon, Richard President00:00:22
    4-013Fortunate SonKomponist: J. C. FogertyRevere, Paul & The Raiders00:01:44
    4-014No More War... (October 1969)Moratorium speaker00:00:59
    4-015Lay Down (Candles In The Rain)Komponist: M. SafkaMelanie / Hawkins, Edwin Singers00:03:48
    4-016Ballad Of Two BrothersKomponist: B. Braddock-C. Putman-B. KillenInman, Autry / Luman, Bob00:03:31
    4-017President Nixon complains about "Bums on campus..." (May 2, 1970)Nixon, Richard President00:00:59
    4-018Mister ProfessorKomponist: Harlan HowardDyke, Leroy Van00:02:28
    4-019President Nixon announces "Cambodian Incursion" (April 30, 1970)Nixon, Richard President00:00:51
    4-020Brigadier General Robert Canterbury, Ohio National Guard, explains what happened at Kent State University (May 4, 1970)Canterbury, Robert Brigadier General00:01:24
    4-021Monday In May (The Kent State Tragedy)Komponist: C. RobinetteThird Condition00:03:01
    4-022The Kent State MassacreKomponist: Jack Warshaw-Barbara DaneDane, Barbara00:03:44
    4-023A Kent State student: "They didn't have blanks..." (May 1970)A Kent State student keine Künstlerinformation00:00:18
    4-024Arthur Krause, Kent State father: "Is this a reason for killing her...?" (1970)Krause, Arthur Kent State father00:00:44
    4-025Student Demonstration TimeKomponist: Leiber-Stoller-LoveBeach Boys, The00:03:55
    4-026WarKomponist: N. Whitfield-B. StrongStarr, Edwin00:03:23
    4-027Bring The Boys HomeKomponist: G. Perry-A. Bond-G. JohnsonPayne, Freda00:03:30
    4-028I Should Be ProudKomponist: J. Hinton-H. Crosby-P. SawyerReeves, Martha & The Vandellas00:02:56
    4-029People, Let's Stop The WarKomponist: Mark FarnerGrand Funk Railroad00:05:12
    5-001What We're Fighting ForKomponist: Hall, Tom T.Dudley, Dave00:02:27
    5-002The VietNam BluesKomponist: Kristofferson, KrisSanders, Jack00:02:36
    5-003There Won't Be Any Snow (Christmas In The Jungle)Komponist: Vance-PockrissRoberts, Derrik00:02:55
    5-004I'm gonna help hurry my brothers homeKomponist: J. Holiday-E. Wright-E. JonesHoliday, Jimmy00:03:00
    5-005It's America (Love It Or Leave It)Komponist: Jimmy HelmsTubb, Ernest00:01:51
    5-006Keep The Flag FlyingKomponist: Cecil NullWright, Johnny00:02:18
    5-007What's Come Over This WorldKomponist: Greenfield-KellerCarr, Billy00:02:57
    5-008The Minute Men (Are Turning In Their Graves)Komponist: Harlan HowardJackson, Stonewall00:02:24
    5-009Day For DecisionKomponist: Allen N. PeltierSea, Johnny00:05:45
    5-010The Ballad Of The Yellow BeretKomponist: D. Dodger aka Bob SegerBeach Bums, The00:02:29
    5-011Wish You Were Here, BuddyKomponist: P. BooneBoone, Pat00:02:14
    5-012Gen. Westmoreland: "Militarily we have never been in a better relative position in South Vietnam." (1968)Westmoreland, WILLIAM General00:00:13
    5-013We Are WinningKomponist: Jim BullingtonBullington, Jim00:02:00
    5-014Kathy's LetterKomponist: Dan Hoffman-Gary EdwardsHoffman, Little Kathy00:04:37
    5-015Dear Mr. PresidentKomponist: Lee GillsonGillson, Lee00:04:46
    5-016Letter From A Boy In VietnamKomponist: M. DaulerioDauler, Mark00:02:56
    5-017Ballad Of The Unknown SoldierKomponist: Bob TubertFrady, Garland00:02:12
    5-018Freedom's CauseKomponist: C. Gray-B. BrockFloyd, Bill00:02:09
    5-019PSA for patriotism by Anita BryantBryant, Anita00:00:59
    5-020"What The..." (Is Going On In Washington)Komponist: B. WithersWithers, Bob00:02:42
    5-021Okie From MuskogeeKomponist: M. Haggard-E. BurrisHaggard, Merle & The Strangers00:02:43
    5-022Vice President Spiro Agnew becomes the outspoken voice of the Nixon administration (January 1970)Agnew, Spiro Vice President00:00:54
    5-023Keep Our Country FreeKomponist: Tommy KizziahKizziah, Tommy00:02:18
    5-024The Fightin' Side Of MeKomponist: Haggard, MerleHaggard, Merle & The Strangers00:02:53
    5-025War's CrossKomponist: Jerry Free-Jack Rule-Bettye OrrSenators, The00:02:35
    5-026Ballad Of My LaiKomponist: Thurman McKinney-Donald PeckMcKinney, Matt00:03:43
    5-027interview with Paul Meadlo about My Lai (November 24, 1969)Wallace, Mike CBS News00:01:13
    5-028Pinkville HelicopterKomponist: T. ParrottParrott, Thom00:03:48
    5-029Battle Hymn Of LT. CalleyKomponist: Julian Wilson-James M. SmithC Company & Nelson, Terry00:03:49
    5-030Lt. Calley found guilty of crimes at My Lai (March 29, 1971)Calley, William Lieutenant00:00:37
    5-031The U.S.A. SoldierKomponist: Adams, BillyAdams Brothers, The00:03:13
    5-032Set Calley Free [Part 1]Komponist: Dave HallFree Blue00:02:34
    6-001The Unknown SoldierKomponist: Doors, TheDoors, The00:03:23
    6-002War Is HellKomponist: Lewis-Floyd-BrownLewis, Hugh X.00:03:20
    6-003report of a death in the jungle (October 12, 1965)Safer, Morley from CBS-TV00:00:28
    6-004VietNamKomponist: Not creditedSouthern Bells, The00:03:43
    6-005Waitin' For The V.C. To ComeKomponist: SGT. Gayle ParkerParker, Gayle Seargent00:02:34
    6-006A Letter From Vietnam (To Mother)Komponist: Snow, HankSnow, Hank00:02:44
    6-007Street Without Joy [Part 1]Komponist: R. FinchFinch, Tommy00:03:27
    6-008Out Here In VietNamKomponist: Joe Green-L. BlaschkeBlaskey, Lindy00:03:04
    6-009A soldier writes home from "Hamburger Hill" (May 1969)Keine Künstlerinformation A Soldier00:00:35
    6-010To Susan On The West Coast WaitingKomponist: D. LeitchDonovan00:03:12
    6-011Freckle-Faced SoldierKomponist: C. Lovett-T. PhillipsLovett, Colleen00:03:09
    6-012The Gentle SoldierKomponist: Dick WarnerScott, Tony00:03:16
    6-013Fellows In VietnamKomponist: I. FoxxFoxx, Inez & Charlie00:03:10
    6-014My Soldier Boy Over ThereKomponist: E.T. McNeill-K. O'BrienShelletts, The00:03:04
    6-015The Return Of A SoldierKomponist: Eddie White-Lex de AzevedoKing, Ric00:02:56
    6-016My World Ended In South VietNam SweetheartKomponist: Winola CaterEdmond, Winola / Edmond Sisters & The Jordanians00:02:50
    6-017And They Were FiveKomponist: Stan ZabkaZabka00:03:35
    6-0184:00 A.M. In Viet NamKomponist: Earle EppsEPPS, Earl00:03:14
    6-019Follow MeKomponist: G. WylesWyles, Gene Captain00:02:22
    6-020interview with a G.I. about "Suicide Walk" (1970)Laurence, John CBS News00:00:51
    6-021Sir, My Men Refuse To GoKomponist: D. Meehan-W. GoldMeehan, Don00:03:11
    6-022Run Through The JungleKomponist: J.C. FogertyRevere, Paul & The Raiders00:02:58
    6-023GalvestonKomponist: Jim WebbCampbell, Glen00:02:41
    6-024VietnamKomponist: J. CliffCliff, Jimmy00:04:51
    6-025President Nixon sets out his "Vietnamization" policy (November 3, 1969)Nixon, Richard President00:00:55
    6-026Vietnam Rotation BluesKomponist: Lefty PritchettPritchett, Lefty00:02:33
    6-027The Soldier's PrayerKomponist: Bill GrahamOtt, Paul00:03:09
    6-028The War Keeps Draggin' OnKomponist: Larry G. WhiteheadWilburn Brothers, The00:02:56
    7-001Goodbye Travis Air Force BaseKomponist: Hershel GoberGober, Hershel00:02:24
    7-002VietnamKomponist: Heuer-Wollerton-McNatt-WestlakeHigh Priced Help, The00:02:37
    7-003SaigonKomponist: SSgt. Barry SadlerSadler, Barry00:02:29
    7-004Bamiba (Ba Muoi Ba)Komponist: SSgt. Barry SadlerSadler, Barry00:02:32
    7-005Saigon GirlsKomponist: The MerrymenMerrymen, The00:02:59
    7-006Saigon WarriorMaggie00:04:22
    7-007Battle Hymn Of The Republic Of VietnamUnknown singer keine Künstlerinformation00:03:24
    7-008comments on the war's progress (1964)McNamara, Robert Secretary of Defense00:02:00
    7-009McNamara's BandKomponist: Dolf DrogeDroge, Dolf00:00:48
    7-010Southeast Asia's DisneylandKomponist: Dolf DrogeDroge, Dolf00:01:42
    7-011GruntKomponist: Bill EllisEllis, Bill00:02:51
    7-012Six KlicksKomponist: Hershel GoberGober, Hershel00:02:03
    7-013Ballad Of The USS St. Francis RiverKomponist: Gordon AcklinGeorge, Hughes "Radioman"00:02:23
    7-014Brave BoysKomponist: Bill StubbsBullington, Jim00:03:25
    7-015The Men Of MAG-16Komponist: Jim HatchHatch, Jim00:02:56
    7-016I Fly The LineKomponist: D. McKayMcKay, Dave00:01:57
    7-017Phu Cat StarKomponist: M. A. McPeakMcPeak, Tony00:02:08
    7-018TcheponeKomponist: Toby HughesHughes, Toby00:04:11
    7-019Army AviationKomponist: Jerry ThomasMerrymen, The00:03:11
    7-020Jolly GreenDurham, Bull00:02:50
    7-021"This is the American Forces Vietnam Network, where the hits just keep on coming...." (off air, November 1970)Keine Künstlerinformation AIR CHECK: AFVN Clip00:00:19
    7-022Armed Forces RadioKomponist: Tommy D.-C. Driggs-O. MartinezRevere, Paul & The Raiders00:04:00
    7-023We Gotta Get Out Of This PlaceKomponist: Mann-WeillRevere, Paul & The Raiders00:02:00
    7-024Introduction to "A Date With Chris" (AFVN DJ AFRTS Program 57-A)Noel, Chris00:00:36
    7-025Leaving On A Jet PlaneKomponist: Denver, JohnPeter, Paul & Mary00:03:27
    7-026Singin' In Vietnam Talkin' BluesKomponist: Cash, JohnnyCash, Johnny00:02:57
    7-027Boonie Rat SongKomponist: Attributed to Spec. Ronald JordanRosenberg, Chuck00:03:42
    7-028I've Been EverywhereKomponist: C. DockeryDockery, Chip / Jonas, Dick00:01:56
    7-029Played Around And Stayed Around Vietnam Too LongKomponist: Not creditedRosenberg, Chuck / Broudy, Saul / Durham, Bull00:03:30
    7-030Freedom BirdKomponist: Bill EllisEllis, Bill00:03:12
    8-001The War Is OverKomponist: Ochs, PhilOchs, Phil00:04:21
    8-002Give Peace A ChanceKomponist: Lennon-McCartneyPlastic Ono Band MFSL00:04:51
    8-003Sign Of The "V"Komponist: J. Barry-J. Levine-K. Resnick-J. CarrollBloom, Bobby00:03:45
    8-004The Real Silent MajorityKomponist: Shrager-Chorney-ShragerJay, George00:05:04
    8-005Please Settle In VietnamKomponist: L. HopkinsHopkins, Lightnin'00:04:10
    8-006Winding The War Down / McGovern-Hatfield Amendment To End The WarKomponist: S. FrebergFreberg, Stan / Murray, Lynn00:01:04
    8-007Johnny's Not A Toy SoldierKomponist: Robert ZehmZehm, Bobby00:02:38
    8-008Pencil Marks On The WallKomponist: Richard Ahlert & Eddie SnyderCargill, Henson00:02:42
    8-009Why (A Peace Medley)Coast00:03:01
    8-010Peace Will Come (According To Plan)Komponist: M. SafkaMelanie00:04:48
    8-011Chant For PeaceKomponist: Jerry GrossPeople00:02:36
    8-012What's Going OnKomponist: A. Cleveland-M. Gaye-R. BensonGaye, Marvin00:03:56
    8-013Happy Xmas (War Is Over)Komponist: Yoko Ono-John LennonLennon, John / Ono, Yoko / Plastic Ono Band / Harlem Community Choir, The00:03:33
    8-014Congratulations (You Sure Made A Man Out Of Him)Komponist: I. Garman-C. Hoffman-J. BarrHarden, Arlene00:04:00
    8-015President Nixon: "I call on Hanoi to release all POWs..." 'Off-air' radio (1971)Nixon, Richard President00:00:56
    8-016MIA/POW (Prisoner Of War Song)Komponist: Captain John CantyCanty, John Captain U.S.A.F.00:03:16
    8-017Prisoner Of WarKomponist: Bobby Sharp-Jo Ann RothCarpenter, Norma Jean & Adam, Bobby00:03:54
    8-018I Promise I'll WaitKomponist: Billi WellesNancy00:02:16
    8-019President Nixon: "Peace with honor in Vietnam" (1/23/73) "Off-air" radioNixon, Richard President00:02:00
    8-020When The Brothers Come Marching HomeKomponist: M. McLeod-M. Bolton-C. Carrington-Q. DennardNu Page, The00:02:47
    8-021A cease fire has come.... (1/27/73)Laurence, John CBS News00:00:33
    8-022The Story Of VietnamKomponist: Bob GloverGlover, Bob00:02:14
    8-023reports on POW releases (February 1973) AFVN 'air check'Fowlston, Tom SP4 / AFVN News00:00:40
    8-024Prisoner Of War (Welcome Back Home)Komponist: Glenn Barber, Sr.Holeman, Billy00:03:18
    8-025Welcome Home POWKomponist: George WoodwardFault, Eldon00:02:28
    9-001The War Is OverKomponist: A. WilsonAll Of The Above00:03:14
    9-002We Are Glad That Our Boys Are Coming HomeKomponist: J. F. CastlemanCash, David L.00:03:03
    9-003Welcome The Boys Back HomeKomponist: W. MossMoss, Bill & The Celestials00:03:23
    9-004A Long Long Time AgoKomponist: M. L. LipitzLloyd, Mick00:04:17
    9-005Ballad Of The Plastic PrinceKomponist: B. Kaan-R. St. PierreSt. Pierre, Robin00:03:57
    9-006Returning Home From VietnamKomponist: L. Hampton-M. Cox-R. HazelwoodAudition, The00:02:48
    9-007(The Two Wars Of) Old Black JoeKomponist: Dr. William Truly, Jr.-Danny RogersDr. Truly, William Jr.00:04:22
    9-008interviews black fighting men in VietnamTerry, Wallace00:01:16
    9-009Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To TownKomponist: Tillis, MelRogers, Kenny & The First Edition00:03:02
    9-010Sam StoneKomponist: Prine, JohnPrine, John00:04:15
    9-011Hanoi Hannah News Broadcast Excerpt, Courtesy of the U.S. National Archives (1966)Keine Künstlerinformation News Broadcast00:01:31
    9-012Hanoi HannahKomponist: R. McGuinn-J. LevyMcGuinn, Roger00:02:55
    9-013Hanoi Press Conference Excerpt Courtesy of the U.S. National Archives (1972)Fonda, Jane00:06:11
    9-014Hanoi JaneKomponist: Bill RogersRausch, Leon00:02:45
    9-015Napalm Sticks To KidsKomponist: The Covered Wagon MusiciansCovered Wagon Musicians, The00:04:21
    9-016The Americans (A Canadian's Opinion)Komponist: Gordon SinclairSinclair, Gordon00:04:52
    9-017An American's Answer (To Gordon Sinclair)Komponist: M.C. Dupuy-C. AshmanAshman, Charles00:02:55
    9-018Text of President Jimmy Carter's pardon for draft dodgers (January 21, 1977)Carter, Jimmy00:00:20
    9-019True Red White & Blue Never Run (Amnesty Be Damned)Komponist: Bob AdenAden, Bob00:02:55
    9-020VietnamKomponist: John Paul BrennanBrennan, John Paul00:02:26
    9-021Born Of The Fourth Of JulyKomponist: Paxton, TomPaxton, Tom00:03:41
    9-022Khe SanhKomponist: Don WalkerCold Chisel00:04:08
    9-023Soldier Of 'NamKomponist: R. StevensCallender, Mike00:03:07
    9-024Still In SaigonKomponist: D. DaleyDaniels, Charlie Band00:03:53
    10-001The Big ParadeKomponist: N. Merchant10 Maniacs00:04:00
    10-002Long Black WallKomponist: Tomich-StammAnthony, Johnny00:02:51
    10-003More Than A Name On The WallKomponist: J. Fortune-J. RimelStatler Brothers, The00:02:56
    10-004I Was Only 19 (A Walk In The Light Green)Komponist: J. SchumannRedgum00:04:20
    10-00519Komponist: P. Hardcastle-W. Coutourie-J. McCordHardcastle, Paul00:03:38
    10-00619 In VietnamKomponist: P. KennedyKennedy, Pete & Bound For Glory00:02:40
    10-007Walking On A Thin LineKomponist: Pessis-WellsLewis, Huey & The News00:05:09
    10-008Orange CrushKomponist: B. Berry-P. Buck-M. Stipe-M. MillsR.E.M.00:03:51
    10-009Old HippieKomponist: David M. BellamyBellamy Brothers00:04:04
    10-010Copperhead RoadKomponist: Earle, SteveEarle, Steve00:04:30
    10-011Beach Party VietnamKomponist: J. Genaro-D. Sabatino-R. Linderman-D. SchulthiseDead Milkmen, The00:01:46
    10-012Salute The Boys Of VietnamKomponist: J. C. Weaver-M. Weaver-J. Brown-J. JamesWeaver, J. C.00:03:11
    10-013They're Still Heroes TodayKomponist: S. HuggensHuggens, Stu & The Sussquehanna River Band00:03:36
    10-014Song For The Unsung SoldiersKomponist: Fred ParentParent, Fred00:03:27
    10-015Bring 'em On Home From 'namKomponist: Reggie Gates & Tim NowlandGates, Reggie & Tim Nowland00:03:03
    10-016The Forgotten ManKomponist: Ron MillerBenoit, Joleen00:04:10
    10-017The Vets' SongKomponist: C. L. WinterWinter, Cathy00:04:15
    10-018Veteran's Song (Welcome Home)Komponist: J. DeitelbaumJeffrey D's00:04:21
    10-019Combat VetKomponist: Pat Murphy et alMurphy, Pat00:02:53
    11-001Cowboys On Horses With WingsKomponist: Axton, HoytAxton, Hoyt00:03:31
    11-002Big Time In The JungleKomponist: Critter FuquaOld Crow Medicine Show00:02:49
    11-003Galveston BayKomponist: Springsteen, BruceSpringsteen, Bruce00:04:59
    11-004Riding With Private MaloneKomponist: W. Newton-T. SheppardBall, David00:04:34
    11-005Ride To The WallKomponist: Tommy D.-C. Driggs-O. MartinezRevere, Paul & The Raiders00:04:43
    11-0068th Of NovemberKomponist: Big Kenny-John RichBig & Rich00:06:08
    11-007Some Gave AllKomponist: Billy Ray Cyrus-Cindy CyrusCyrus, Billy Ray00:04:06
    11-008Vietnam Foreign CorrespondentKomponist: Timothy M. OttoPeacemakers, The00:03:31
    11-009The Girl In The Picture (Napalm Girl)Komponist: Eric GeurtsYanah00:05:00
    11-010Ballad Of Billy SaigonKomponist: Wes HamilWes & Victoria00:06:51
    11-011Song For Hugh ThompsonKomponist: Rovics, DavidRovics, David00:03:10
    11-012Back In VietnamKomponist: A. L. HaynesRoss, Alan Haynes00:03:08
    11-013Bring Them HomeKomponist: Seeger, PeteSeeger, Pete & Friends00:03:45
    11-014Thank You VetsKomponist: Paulette CarlsonCarlson, Paulette00:05:03
    11-015Sons And DaughtersKomponist: Tim KellyGarvey, Pat And Sons & Daughters in Touch00:03:23
    11-016Don't Give Us A ReasonKomponist: H. Williams, Jr.Williams, Hank Jr.00:02:35
    11-017Theme For An American HeroKomponist: Taylor, ChipTaylor, Chip00:03:49
    12-001I Ain't Here AloneKomponist: Michael J. MartinMartin, Michael J. / Holiday, Tim00:04:15
    12-002Luang PrabangKomponist: Ronk, Dave vanSky, Patrick00:01:51
    12-003Quang Tri CityKomponist: Bill HomansHomans, Bill Merry Airbrakes00:02:25
    12-004Pretty PlaceKomponist: J. Maxwell-P. Gannia-D. ReynoldsStev00:05:16
    12-005Viet VetKomponist: Dick JonasJonas, Dick00:01:37
    12-006Get Me Out Of VietnamKomponist: Irv LeVineLeVine, Irv00:02:43
    12-007I Didn't Go To 'Nam But I Do Give A DamnKomponist: Michael J. MartinJones, 'Bubba' Lee00:04:14
    12-008WarspeakKomponist: M. C. Waszkiewicz-L. JonesWaszkiewicz, Marc & Lea Jones00:02:39
    12-009Johnny RamboKomponist: McDonald, Country JoeDuvall, Rick00:02:32
    12-010I Should Have Been In TokyoKomponist: V.L. HambrickLee, Bobby00:03:13
    12-011Bobby's Saigon BoogieKomponist: P. FerrazanoFerrazano, Phil00:03:21
    12-012A.P.O. San FranciscoKomponist: Jessie NighthawkNighthawk, Jessie00:04:21
    12-013BorderlineKomponist: L. BarkemeyerBarkemeyer, Larry00:04:32
    12-014DustoffKomponist: J. SomersSomers, Jim00:06:09
    12-015The Girl Next Door (Combat Nurse)Komponist: J. McDonaldMcDonald, Country Joe00:03:24
    12-016The Women On The WallKomponist: John R. BlackBlack, John00:05:14
    12-017Who Are The Names On The WallKomponist: Michael J. Martin-Tim HolidayMartin, Michael J. / Holiday, Tim00:04:55
    12-018The WallKomponist: Tim MurphyMcCann, Michael00:04:30
    12-019Finally Welcomed HomeKomponist: Don Hoffman-Judy Hoffman-Jeff RaymondRoss, Bobby 1st Lt.00:03:37
    12-020Vietnam: Still Part Of Who I AmKomponist: Bill McKenna-Sally MacKayFPO San Francisco / McKenna, Bill00:04:59
    12-021Dr. FallKomponist: John R. BlackBlack, John00:03:20
    13-001Walking Time BombKomponist: S. MaxnerMaxner, Stephen00:02:35
    13-002Leroy's SongKomponist: R.D. WillisPrice, Chuck00:02:33
    13-003This Shirt Of MineKomponist: Sarge LintecumLintecum, Sarge00:03:32
    13-004It's Just A Nam ThingKomponist: Dane Brown-David K. Dastan-Dane Brown, Jr.Ole 1 / 27 Grunts00:06:02
    13-005Shell Shock PTSDKomponist: Vincent GabrielBlind Albert00:05:49
    13-006Hot L.Z. (Thorazine Shuffle)Komponist: P. GanniaStev00:02:58
    13-007I'm CertifiedKomponist: V.L. HambrickCraft, Bill00:03:19
    13-008The JunglemanKomponist: L. ChanceChance, Lonnie00:04:37
    13-009Agent Orange SongKomponist: Muriel HoganMcDonald, Country Joe00:03:54
    13-010Thanks, Secret AgentKomponist: Jimmy LogstonLogston, Jimmy00:03:54
    13-011It Ain't Over 'Till It's Over, Over HereKomponist: C. E. Price-T. WillisPrice, Chuck00:03:24
    13-012The Claymore PolkaKomponist: J. WalktendonkWalktendonk, Jim00:02:19
    13-013VA ShuffleKomponist: M. J. MartinMartin, Michael J.00:03:58
    13-014Forgotten ManKomponist: Paul E. NorthNoel, Chris00:04:19
    13-015Veteran's LamentKomponist: T. McKinnon-J. CookCook, Jim / McKinnon, Taylor00:03:50
    13-016Twenty Years Of TearsKomponist: L. BarkemeyerBarkemeyer, Larry00:04:54
    13-017What Kind Of MenKomponist: R. DuvallDuvall, Rick00:03:38
    13-018American HeroesKomponist: W. Baker, Jr.-C. AmspigerVettz00:03:13
    13-019Vietnam I'm Dreamin' Dreamin'OnKomponist: J. R. BlackBlack, John00:04:50
    13-020Time To Lay It Down (aka The Wall)Komponist: Olin MurrellMartin, Michael J. / Holiday, Tim00:03:41

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