ECLEC 72636

Strange Worlds ~ a Collection 1980-2010: 7CD Clams

von Woolly Wolstenholme & Maestoso
erschienen am 27.07.2018

Strange Worlds ~ a Collection 1980-2010: 7CD Clams
Zum Preis von
57,00 €
Preis inkl. MwSt
Nicht am Lager, nachbestellbar (verfügbar in 5-7 Werktagen) 
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(3,- EUR Versandkostenbeteiligung bei Bestellungen bis 50,- EUR im Bereich Tonträger, Noten und Bücher - bei Musikinstrumenten bis 50,- EUR beträgt die Beteiligung 5,- EUR),
Briefeinschreiben in Deutschland EUR 4,-,
Paket-Versand ins EU-Ausland bis 5 kg EUR 15,-
Paket-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 25,-,
Brief-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 9,-
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Pianos und Flügel liefern wir deutschlandweit frei Haus! Ins EU-Ausland liefern wir Pianos und Flügel für pauschal 250,- EUR. Kleinere Speditionsware ansonsten pauschal 50,- EUR, EU-Ausland pauschal 100,- EUR. Lieferungen darüber hinaus (z.B. ins nicht EU-Ausland) erfolgen zum Selbstkostenpreis.

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Der Paketversand in Deutschland bis 31 kg ist versandkostenfrei
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Briefeinschreiben in Deutschland EUR 4,-,
Paket-Versand ins EU-Ausland bis 5 kg EUR 15,-
Paket-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 25,-,
Brief-Versand ins Ausland pauschal EUR 9,-
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Bei Kauf von Digitalpianos und größeren Keyboards liefern wir deutschlandweit mit eigenem Transporter (bis 50km) oder Spedition frei Haus, Ausland pauschal 150,- EUR.
Pianos und Flügel liefern wir deutschlandweit frei Haus! Ins EU-Ausland liefern wir Pianos und Flügel für pauschal 250,- EUR. Kleinere Speditionsware ansonsten pauschal 50,- EUR, EU-Ausland pauschal 100,- EUR. Lieferungen darüber hinaus (z.B. ins nicht EU-Ausland) erfolgen zum Selbstkostenpreis.

Bei Selbstabholung legen wir die Ware (außer Tickets!) bis zu einer Woche zurück. Ticket-Reservierungen sind bis zu 3 Tage möglich.

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    1-001Sail awayWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:03:20
    1-002Quiet islandsWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:04:43
    1-003A prospect of WhitbyWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:03:01
    1-004Lives on the lineWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:03:12
    1-005PatriotsWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:06:54
    1-006Gates of heaven (14/18)Wolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:02:29
    1-007American expressWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:05:55
    1-008Maestoso - A hymn in the roof of the worldWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:06:46
    1-009WaveformWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:03:09
    1-010Even the night (Live in Vienna 1982)Wolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:04:06
    1-011Has to be a reason (Live in Vienna 1982)Wolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:04:57
    2-001Deceivers allWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:06:02
    2-002Has to be a reasonWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:04:35
    2-003Down the lineWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:02:35
    2-004All get burnedWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:03:25
    2-005Too much, too loud, too lateWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:06:10
    2-006Even the nightWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:03:20
    2-007The will to flyWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:04:12
    2-008Sunday bellsWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:04:40
    2-009OpenWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:03:38
    2-010Why remainWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:01:53
    2-011Sail away (Demo)Wolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:03:54
    2-012A prospect of Whitby (Demo)Wolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:02:59
    2-013Patriots (Demo)Wolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:05:57
    2-014Quiet islands (Demo)Wolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:05:02
    2-015American express (Live in Vienna)Wolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:06:10
    2-016Lives on the line (Live in Vienna)Wolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:02:52
    2-017Deceivers all (Demo)Wolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:06:13
    2-018Bootham park elegyWolstenholme, Woolly / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Grady, Terry00:03:36
    3-001The bells, the bells!Wolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:01:38
    3-002Blood and bonesWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:05:17
    3-003A waiting gameWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:04:00
    3-004It's you (Sixties Mix)Wolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:03:26
    3-005SoukWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:05:11
    3-006One drop in a dry worldWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:07:10
    3-007ANSSWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:04:35
    3-008The end of the roadWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:02:57
    3-009ExplorersWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:04:04
    3-0102 amWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:05:03
    3-011The starving people of the world all thank you for your timeWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:02:23
    3-012CarpetWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Whitehead, Kevin00:05:35
    4-001AbendrotWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:01:19
    4-002The bells, the bells!Wolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:01:47
    4-003Deceivers allWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:05:46
    4-004Has to be a reasonWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:05:49
    4-005In search of EnglandWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:04:29
    4-006The Iron MaidenWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:03:26
    4-007Sunday bellsWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:02:52
    4-008Poor wagesWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:04:27
    4-009The poet / After the dayWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:11:08
    4-010The will to flyWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:04:19
    4-011A prospect of WhitbyWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:03:43
    4-012HarbourWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:03:56
    4-013Early morningWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:03:21
    4-014Big organ endWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Leach, Jeff00:00:57
    5-001Coming soon to cinema near youWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:01:07
    5-002Through a stormWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:07:11
    5-003Love is...Wolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:02:17
    5-004A larkWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:05:45
    5-005That's the price you payWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:04:28
    5-006The Iceman comethWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:04:00
    5-007Hebden bridgeWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:04:58
    5-008LootWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:01:02
    5-009Harp and crapWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:05:23
    5-010BirdsWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:01:16
    5-011Location, location, locationWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:02:52
    5-012AbendrotWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:04:36
    5-013Marsch BurleskeWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:02:39
    5-014Pas de deuxWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:03:28
    5-015A scene from a London flatWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim00:03:21
    6-001CaterwaulingWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:00:49
    6-002Soldier of fortuneWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:11:36
    6-003The road of nowhereWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:04:08
    6-004Matilda YarrowWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:05:04
    6-005The collectorWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:04:04
    6-006ClosureWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:02:44
    6-007AlwaysWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:04:06
    6-008I don't like youWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:03:33
    6-009Tonight could be the nightWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:04:10
    6-010ShoesWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:03:43
    6-011Strange worldsWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:02:16
    6-012QuicksandWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:05:30
    6-013Blossom hillWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:03:53
    6-014PillsWolstenholme, Woolly / Fletcher, Craig / Broomhead, Steve / Turner, Kim / Richardson, Geoffrey00:03:11
    7-001Your starter for tenWolstenholme, Woolly00:00:50
    7-002The streets of this townWolstenholme, Woolly00:05:16
    7-003Brian MacleanWolstenholme, Woolly00:02:57
    7-004The AngelusWolstenholme, Woolly00:02:36
    7-005Faith, hope & charityWolstenholme, Woolly00:03:21
    7-006HiraethWolstenholme, Woolly00:03:23
    7-007The light at the end of the worldWolstenholme, Woolly00:02:46
    7-008WagonWolstenholme, Woolly00:04:02
    7-009MadrigalWolstenholme, Woolly00:01:39
    7-010A stolen lifeWolstenholme, Woolly00:03:10
    7-011AloneWolstenholme, Woolly00:01:30
    7-012Bill songWolstenholme, Woolly00:03:59
    7-013A funny kind of blueWolstenholme, Woolly00:03:44
    7-014Day songWolstenholme, Woolly00:03:26
    7-015SleepingWolstenholme, Woolly00:02:04
    7-016RomanzeWolstenholme, Woolly00:02:56
    7-017It's dream (Robbie's song)Wolstenholme, Woolly00:03:35
    7-018Winter world (for Chloe)Wolstenholme, Woolly00:02:49
    7-019BethlehemWolstenholme, Woolly00:02:57
    7-020Death in OldhamWolstenholme, Woolly00:07:43

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