
Klavier Easy
HL 1164124

Songs In Easy Keys


Songs In Easy Keys
Zum Preis von
26,99 €
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    1.All My Loving / Beatles
    2.All You Need Is Love / Beatles
    3.And I Love Her / Beatles
    4.Can'T Buy Me Love / Beatles
    5.Do You Want To Know A Secret / Beatles
    6.Eleanor Rigby / Beatles
    7.Golden Slumbers / Beatles
    8.Good Day Sunshine / Beatles
    9.Good Night / Beatles
    10.Here Comes The Sun / Beatles
    11.Hey Jude / Beatles
    12.I Am The Walrus / Beatles
    13.I'Ll Follow The Sun / Beatles
    14.In My Life / Beatles
    15.Let It Be / Beatles
    16.Love Me Do / Beatles
    17.Octopus'S Garden / Beatles
    18.Penny Lane / Beatles
    19.Something / Beatles
    20.Strawberry Fields Forever / Beatles
    21.When I'M Sixty Four / Beatles
    22.With A Little Help From My Friends / Beatles
    23.Yellow Submarine / Beatles
    24.Yesterday / Beatles