

Salve Regina / Gregorianische Gesänge

von Gregorianik | Benediktinerabteien Clervaux
erschienen am 06.04.1988

Salve Regina / Gregorianische Gesänge
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    1-001Magnificat - Tu es pastor oviumChor: Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur00:03:41
    1-001-001Canticum et AntiphonaKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:03:41
    1-002Stabat Mater00:05:07
    1-002-001Sequentia in Festo Septem Dolorum B.M.V.Komponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:05:07
    1-002-0022. Stabat MaterChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-003Lauda Sion: Nunc dimittis00:06:56
    1-003-001Sequentia in Festo Corporis ChristiKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:06:56
    1-003-0033. Lauda SionChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-004Te Deum00:06:02
    1-004-001Hymnus tonus monasticusKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:06:02
    1-004-0044. Te DeumChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-005Adoro te devote00:04:24
    1-005-001Hymnus in Honorem SS. SacramentiKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:04:24
    1-005-0055. Adoro teChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-006O sacrum convivium00:01:17
    1-006-001Antiphona tonus monasticus in Honorem SS. SacramentiKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:01:17
    1-006-0066. O sacrum conviviumChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-007Ave verum Corpus00:01:34
    1-007-001Sequentia in Honorem SS. SacramentiKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:01:34
    1-007-0077. Ave, verum corpusChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-008Tantum ergo00:01:26
    1-008-001Hymnus in Honorem SS. SacramentiKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:01:26
    1-008-0088. Tantum ergoChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-009O salutaris Hostia00:01:21
    1-009-001Hymnus tonus monasticus in Honorem SS. SacramentiKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:01:21
    1-009-0099. O salutaris HostiaChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-010Salve Regina00:02:53
    1-010-001Antiphona tonus monasticus in Honorem Beatae Mariae VirginisKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:02:53
    1-010-01010. Salve ReginaChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-011Ave Maria00:01:07
    1-011-001Antiphona in Honorem Beatae Mariae VirginisKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:01:07
    1-011-01111. Ave MariaChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-012Sub tuum praesidium00:00:59
    1-012-001Antiphona tonus monasticus in Honorem Beatae Mariae VirginisKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:00:59
    1-012-01212. Sub tuum praesidiumChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-013Alma Redemptoris Mater00:01:52
    1-013-001Antiphona tonus monasticus in Honorem Beatae Mariae VirginisKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:01:52
    1-013-01313. Alma Redemptoris MaterChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-014-001Sequentia in Honorem Beatae Mariae VirginisKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:01:45
    1-014-01414. InviolataChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-015Regina caeli00:01:46
    1-015-001Antiphona tonus monasticus in Honorem Beatae Mariae VirginisKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:01:46
    1-015-01515. Regina caeliChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-016Victimae paschali laudes00:01:50
    1-016-001Sequentia Tempore PaschaliKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:01:50
    1-016-01616. Victimae paschali laudesChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur
    1-017Veni, Creator Spiritus00:03:34
    1-017-001Hymnus tonus monasticus in Festo PentecostesKomponist: Gregorian Chant; Gregorian ChantChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur Clervaux00:03:34
    1-017-01717. Veni, Creator SpiritusChor: Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Clevaux; Clervaux, Benediktiner der Abtei St. Maurice & Saint-Maur

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