

Young People's Concerts, Vol.2

von Bernstein, Leonard
erschienen am 01.03.2019

Young People's Concerts, Vol.2
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    1-001What is sonata form?Komponist: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus / Prokofieff, Sergej / Bizet, GeorgesSopran: Tyler, Veronica
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    1-001-001A hard subject
    1-002-002What is sonata?
    1-003-003What makes it satisfying?
    1-004-004The sonata form
    1-005-005Tonlity & exposition
    1-008-008Prokofiev - Classical Symphony
    1-009-009Mozart - Symphony Nr. 41 "Jupiter"
    1-010A tribute to SibeliusKomponist: Sibelius, JeanVioline: Luca, Sergiu
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    1-010-001Who is Jean Sibelius?
    1-012-003The Violin concerto
    1-013-004About Sibelius' Symphony Nr. 2
    1-014-005Sibelius - Symphony Nr. 2
    2-001Musical atoms: a study of intervalsKomponist: Wagner, Richard / Strauß, Johann Vater / Brahms, Johannes / Vaughan Williams, RalphDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    2-001-001Our new hall
    2-002-002One simple note is not music
    2-003-003An interval
    2-004-004Measuring intervals
    2-005-005Vertical and horizontal
    2-007-007Brahms & thirds
    2-008-008Brahms - Symphony Nr. 4
    2-009-00912 notes in an octave
    2-010-010Vaughan Williams & seconds
    2-011-011Major seconds
    2-012-012Vaughan Williams - Symphony Nr. 4
    2-013The sound of an orchestraKomponist: Haydn, Jopseph / Beethoven, Ludwig van / Debussy, Claude / Brahms, Johannes / Strawinsky, Igor / Gershwin, GeorgeDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    2-013-001How the music should not sound
    2-014-002What's wrong? - Exaggeration
    2-015-003Vibrato, glissando, rubato
    2-016-004An oversized orchestra
    2-017-005Haydn, played properly
    2-018-006The roughness of Beethoven
    2-019-007French vs. German
    2-020-008What is the sound of an orchestra?
    2-021-009Modern music
    2-022-010The sound of America music
    2-023A birthday tribute to SchostakovichKomponist: Schostakowitsch, Dimitri / Beethoven, Ludwig vanDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    2-023-001Who is Dmitri Shostakovich?
    2-024-002About the 9th Symphony
    2-025-003Wrong notes
    2-026-004A jaunty second theme
    2-027-005First movement
    2-028-006Second movement
    2-029-007Third movement
    2-030-008Fourth movement
    2-031-009Fifth movement
    3-001What is mode?Komponist: Debussy, Claude / Sibelius, Jean / Liszt, Franz / Rimsky-Korssakoff, Nikolai / Brahms, Johannes / Prokofieff, SergejDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    3-001-001Special scales
    3-002-002Debussy - Fêtes
    3-003-003Dorian mode
    3-004-004Dorian mode in pop music
    3-005-005Sibelius Symphony Nr. 6
    3-006-006Phrygian mode
    3-007-007lydian mode
    3-008-008Mixolydian mode
    3-009-009Aeolian, Locrian, Ionian modes
    3-010-010Debussy - Fêtes
    3-011A toast to Vienna in timeKomponist: Strauß, Johann Sohn / Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus / Haydn, Joseph / Beethoven, Ludwig van / Mahler, GustavDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Mezzosopran: Ludwig, Christa
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    Baßbariton: Berry, Walter
    3-011-001Brother orchestras
    3-012-002J. Strauss - Wiener Blut
    3-013-003Three groups of composers
    3-015-005Haydn & Beethoven
    3-016-006Christa Ludiwg & Walter Berry
    3-017-007R. Strauss: Rosenkavalier Waltzes
    3-018Quiz-Concert: How musical are you?Komponist: Rimsky-Korssakoff, Nikolai / Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus / Prokofieff, SergejDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    3-018-001Paper and pencils
    3-019-002The qiuz, part one
    3-020-003Five more questions of observation
    3-021-004Part two
    3-022-005Part three
    3-023-006True or flase
    3-024-007Musical terms
    4-001Berlioz takes a tripKomponist: Berlioz, HectorDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    4-001-001The first psychedelic symphony
    4-002-002Idée fixe - The theme of the beloved
    4-003-003Psychedelic fireworks
    4-004-004Theme development
    4-005-005The mad oboe
    4-006-006The ballroom scene
    4-007-007Scene in the countryside
    4-008-008The march of the Scaffold
    4-009-009The dream of the witches' Sabbath
    4-010Two ballet birdsKomponist: Strawinsky, Igor / Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    4-010-001Ballet music without the dancing
    4-011-002Two kinds of ballet
    4-012-003Swan Lake
    4-013-004The male dancer's turn
    4-014-005Black Swan & coda
    4-016-007Firebird suite
    4-017-008Firebird - Berceuse & finale
    4-018Fidelio: a celebration of lifeKomponist: Beethoven, Ludwig vanSopran: Darian, Anita
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    Tenor: Warren, Forest
    Baßbariton: Cumberland, David
    Baß: Ross, Howard
    4-018-001A flawed masterpiece
    4-019-002The story
    4-020-003Two operas stuck together
    4-021-004The opening of act two
    4-022-005The duet - Leonore & Rocco
    4-023-006Trio - Florestan, Leonore & Rocco
    4-024-007Quartet - Pizzaro, Florestan, Leonore & Rocco
    5-001Unusual instruments of the present, past & futureKomponist: Villa-Lobos, Heitor / De la Torre, Francisco / Bach, Johann SebastianDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    Sonstige Holzblasinstrumente: Darian, Anita
    Sonstige Instrumente: Ussachevsky, Vladimir
    5-001-001Uncommon percussion instruments
    5-002-002Peculiar instruments of the past - Shawms
    5-003-003Old and new brass instruments
    5-004-004Eighteenth century instruments
    5-005-005Electronic instruments
    5-006-006An unusual symphonic instrument
    5-007Overtures and preludesKomponist: Rossini, Gioacchino / Beethoven, Ludwig van / Debussy, Claude / Bernstein, LeonardDirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    5-007-001The excitement of an overture
    5-008-002An overture masterpiece
    5-009-003An overture without an opera
    5-010-004An overture to a broadway musical
    5-011Aaron Coland birthday partyKomponist: Copland, AaronDirigent / Band Leader: Copland, Aaron; Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    Bariton: Warfield, William
    5-011-001Aaron Copland: 60 years young
    5-012-002Modern music
    5-013-003Jazzy music
    5-014-004Tone painting rural America
    5-015-005Music of the American west
    5-016-006Folk songs
    5-017-007Copland conducts Copland
    6-001Young performers, Nr. 4Komponist: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus / Liszt, FranzKlavier: Weiner, Joan; Watts, André; Paul, Pamela; Hoca, Claudia
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Rozsnyai, Zoltan; Krasnopolsky, Yuri; Fournier, Serge; Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    6-002-002Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    6-003-003Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    6-004-004Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    6-005-005Franz Liszt
    6-006Young performers, Nr. 5Komponist: Händel, Georg Friedrich / Ravel, Maurice / Bartók, Béla / Rossini, Gioacchino / Ran, ShulamithFlöte: Eisenberg, Amos
    Klavier: Ran, Shulamith
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Abbado, Claudio; Bernstein, Leonard; Calderón, Pedro; Kosler, Zdenek
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    Harfe: Lehwalder, Heidi
    Violoncello: Kates, Stephen
    Klarinette: Berry, weldon
    6-007-002Georg Friedrich Händel
    6-008-003Maurice Ravel
    6-009-004Shulamith Ran
    6-010-005Béla Bartók
    6-011-006Gioacchino Rossini
    6-012Young performers, Nr. 6Komponist: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus / Ravel, Maurice / Mendelssohn Bartholdy, FelixVioline: Buswell, James
    Klavier: Michaelian, Patricia
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Bernstein, Leonard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): New York Philharmonic Orhestra
    6-013-002Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    6-014-003Felix Mendelssohn
    6-015-004A model of orchestra
    6-016-005The sleeping beauty
    6-018-007Empress of the Pagodas
    6-019-008Beauty and the Beast
    6-020-009The enchanted garden