

Ghost Of A Rose [ltd. ] -

von Blackmore S Night
erschienen am 12.09.2008

Ghost Of A Rose [ltd. ] -
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    1-001Way To MandalayBlackmore's Night00:06:24
    1-0023 Black CrowsBlackmore's Night00:03:37
    1-003Diamonds And RustBlackmore's Night00:04:50
    1-004CartoucheBlackmore's Night00:03:42
    1-005Queen For A Day [Part 1]Blackmore's Night00:03:05
    1-006Queen For A Day [Part 2]Blackmore's Night00:01:30
    1-007Ivory TowerBlackmore's Night00:04:21
    1-008Nur Eine MinuteBlackmore's Night00:01:03
    1-009Ghost Of A RoseBlackmore's Night00:05:41
    1-010Mr. Peagram's Morris And SwordBlackmore's Night00:01:56
    1-011LoreleyBlackmore's Night00:03:30
    1-012Where Are We Going From HereBlackmore's Night00:03:59
    1-013Rainbow BluesBlackmore's Night00:04:25
    1-014All For OneBlackmore's Night00:05:30
    1-015Dandelion WineBlackmore's Night00:05:39
    1-016Mid Winter's NightBlackmore's Night00:04:44
    1-017Way To MandalayRadio Edit00:03:00

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