

Pierre Boulez Edition: Stravinsky (Messiaen, Dukas)

von Strawinsky, Igor / Messiaen, Olivier / Dukas, Paul | Boulez, Pierre
erschienen am 30.10.2009

Pierre Boulez Edition: Stravinsky (Messiaen, Dukas)
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    1-001The Firebird Suite (1910) - InstrumentalKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)
    Regisseur: Boulez, Pierre
    BBC Symphony Orchestra
    1-001-001I. Introduction; The Enchanted Garden of Kastchei and the Dance of the Firebird00:06:23
    1-002-002II. The Firebird's Entreaties00:04:36
    1-003-003III. The Princesses' Game with the Golden Apples00:02:38
    1-004-004IV. The Princesses' Khorovod00:04:44
    1-005-005V. Infernal Dance of all the subjects of Kastchei00:04:06
    1-006Pulcinella Suite pour petit orchestre d'apres Pergolesi / for Chamber Orchestraafter Pergolesi - InstrumentalKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)
    Regisseur: Boulez, Pierre
    New York Philharmonic / Boulez, Pierre
    1-006-001I. Sinfonia (Ouverture)00:02:01
    1-007-002II. Serenata00:03:04
    1-008-003IIIa. Scherzino00:01:57
    1-009-004IIIb. Allegro00:01:11
    1-010-005IIIc. Andantino00:01:36
    1-011-006IV. Tarantella00:01:53
    1-012-007V. Toccata00:00:58
    1-013-008VI. Gavotta con due variazioni;00:01:51
    1-014-009Variazione Ia: Allegretto00:00:52
    1-015-010Variazione IIa: Allegro piu tosto..00:01:55
    1-016-011VII. Vivo00:01:34
    1-017-012VIIIa. Minuetto00:02:18
    1-018-013VIIIb. Finale00:02:01
    1-019Scherzo Fantastique, Op. 3Komponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY (1881-1971)
    Regisseur: Boulez, Pierre
    New York Philharmonic / Boulez, Pierre00:11:52
    1-020Suite No. 1 pour petit orchestre / for small Orchestra (from 5 Easy Piano Pieces for piano duet, 1917) - InstrumentalKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)
    Regisseur: Boulez, Pierre
    Ensemble Intercontemporain
    1-020-001I. Andante00:01:04
    1-021-002II. Napolitana00:01:05
    1-022-003III. Espanola00:00:56
    1-023-004IV. Balalaika00:01:02
    1-024Suite No. 2 pour petit orchestre / for small Orchestra (from 3 Easy Pieces for piano duet, 1915, No. 4 from 5 Easy Pcs)Komponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)
    Regisseur: Boulez, Pierre
    Boulez, Pierre
    1-024-001I. Marche00:01:12
    1-025-002II. Valse00:01:56
    1-026-003III. Polka00:00:55
    1-027-004IV. Galop00:01:52
    2-001Petrouchka: Scenes burlesques en quatre tableaux - 1911 versionKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)New York Philharmonic / Boulez, Pierre
    Klavier: Jacobs, Paul
    2-001-001Premier Tableau: Fete populaire de la Semaine Grasse (The Shrove-Tide Fair) - 1911 version00:05:39
    2-002-002La Baraque du Charlatan (The Charlatan's Booth) - 1911 version00:02:00
    2-003-003Danse Russe (Russian Dance) - 1911 version00:02:35
    2-004-004Deuxieme Tableau: Chez Petrouchka (Petrouchka's Room) - 1911 version00:04:04
    2-005-005Troisieme Tableau: Chez le Maure (The Moor's Room) - 1911 version00:02:48
    2-006-006Danse de la Ballerine (Dance of the Ballerina) - 1911 version00:00:46
    2-007-007Valse - La Ballerine et le Maure (Waltz - The Ballerina and the Moor) - 1911 version00:03:11
    2-008-008Quatrieme Tableau: The Shrove-Tide Fair (towards evening)/Dance of the Wet-Nurses - 1911 version00:03:26
    2-009-009L'Ours et un paysan (The Bear and the Peasant) - 1911 version00:01:25
    2-010-010Un Marchand ferard avec deux Tziganes (The Jovial Merchant with Two Gypsy Girls) - 1911 version00:01:08
    2-011-011Danse de cochers et des palefreniers (Dance of the Coachmen and the Grooms) - 1911 version00:02:00
    2-012-012Les Deguises (The Masquerader) - 1911 version00:01:33
    2-013-013La Rixe: Le Maure et Pitrouchka (The Fight: The Moor and Petrouchka) - 1911 version00:00:39
    2-014-014Mort de Petrouchka (Death of Petrouchka) - 1911 version00:00:45
    2-015-015The Police and the Charlatan/Apparition of Petrouchka's Double - 1911 version00:02:06
    2-016Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring) - 1947 versionKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)Cleveland Orchestra, The / Boulez, Pierre
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Boulez, Pierre
    2-016-001Introduction - 1947 version00:03:36
    2-017-002Danses des adolescentes - 1947 version00:03:20
    2-018-003Jeu du rapt - 1947 version00:01:26
    2-019-004Rondes printanieres - 1947 version00:03:53
    2-020-005Jeux des cites rivales - 1947 version00:01:59
    2-021-006Cortege du sage - 1947 version00:00:43
    2-022-007L'Adoration de la terre - 1947 version00:00:21
    2-023-008Danse de la terre - 1947 version00:01:20
    2-024-009Introduction - 1947 version00:04:06
    2-025-010Cercles mysterieux des adolescentes - 1947 version00:03:18
    2-026-011Glorification de l'Elue - 1947 version00:01:32
    2-027-012Evocation des ancetres - 1947 version00:00:35
    2-028-013Action rituelle des ancetres - 1947 version00:03:42
    2-029-014Danse sacrale - L'Elue - 1947 version00:04:38
    3-001Et Exspecto Resurrectionem MortuorumKomponist: OLIVIER MESSIAEN (1908-1992)Groupe Instrumental a percussion de Stra (sbourg) / Orchestre Du Domaine Musical
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Boulez, Pierre
    3-001-001I. Des profondeurs de l'abime, je crie vers toi, Seigneur; Seigneur, ecoute ma voix! (Psalm 130: 1, 2)00:03:43
    3-002-002II. Le Christ, ressuscite des morts, ne meurt plus; la mort n'a plus sur lui d'empire. (Romans VI: 9)00:05:30
    3-003-003III. L'heure vient ou les morts entendront la voix du Fils de Dieu. (St. John V: 25)00:05:04
    3-004-004IV. Ils ressusciteront, glorieux, avec un nom nouveau dans le concert joyeux des etoiles... (I Corinthians XV: 43; Revel00:08:49
    3-005-005V. Et j'entendis la voix d'une foule immense... (Revelations XIX: 6)00:06:45
    3-006Couleurs de la Cite CelesteKomponist: OLIVIER MESSIAEN (1908-1992)Klavier: Loriod, Yvonne
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Boulez, Pierre
    3-007Symphonies of Wind InstrumentsKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY (1882-1971)Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Boulez, Pierre00:09:37
    4-001La PeriKomponist: Dukas, PaulNew York Philharmonic
    4-001-001Fanfare - Album Version00:02:23
    4-002-002Poeme danse en un tableau - Album Version00:16:43
    4-003El sombrero de tres picos (The Three-Cornered Hat)Komponist: MANUEL DE FALLA (1876-1946)New York Philharmonic
    Mezzosopran: DeGaetani, Jan
    4-003-001Introduccion (Introduction) - Album Version00:01:27
    4-004-002Atardecer (Afternoon) - Album Version00:05:24
    4-005-003Danza de la molinera (Fandago) (Dance of the Miller's Wife) - Album Version00:03:50
    4-006-004Las uvas (The Grapes) - Album Version00:04:22
    4-007-005Danza de los vecinos (Seguidillas) (Dance of the Neighbors) - Album Version00:03:27
    4-008-006Danza de la molinero (Farruca) (Dance of the miller) - Album Version00:07:29
    4-009-007Danza del corregidor - Album Version00:06:23
    4-010-008Danza final (Jota) (Final Dance) - Album Version00:06:07
    4-011Concerto for Harpsichord, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Violin and CelloKomponist: MANUEL DE FALLA (1876-1946)New York Philharmonic / Kipnis, Igor
    Flöte: Brook, Paige
    4-011-001I. Allegro00:03:16
    4-012-002II. Lento (giubiloso ed energico)00:05:38
    4-013-003III. Vivace (flessibile, scherzando)00:03:55