
CDA 066378

Solomon - A Serenata -

von Boyce, W.
erschienen am 01.06.2007

Solomon - A Serenata -
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    1-001Solomon (Serenade in 3 Teilen) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Boyce, WilliamSopran: Mills, Bronwen
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Goodman, Roy
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the Parley of Instruments
    Tenor: Crook, Howard
    Gemischter Chor: Choir of The Parley of Instruments
    1-002-002Chor: Behold, Jerusalem, behod thy king (1. Teil)00:04:26
    1-003-003Rezitativ She: From the mountains, Io!00:00:27
    1-004-004Arie She: Tell me, lovely shepherd00:03:20
    1-005-005Fairest of the virgin throng (Arie)00:02:16
    1-006-006Rezitativ She: As the rich aplle, on whose boughs00:00:20
    1-007-007Arie She: Beneath his ample shade I lay00:02:47
    1-008-008Rezitativ He: Wo quits the lily's fleecy white00:00:34
    1-009-009Balmy sweetness, ever flowing (Arie)00:05:49
    1-010-010Rezitativ und Arie She: Let not my prince his slave despise - Ah simple me!00:04:17
    1-011-011Fair and comely is my love (Arie)00:03:39
    1-012-012Rezitativ She: Forbear, O charming swain, forbear!00:01:12
    1-013-013Arie She: O fill with cooling juice the bowl!00:03:26
    1-014-014Sinfonia (Allegro assai)00:02:47
    1-015-015Rezitativ und Arie He & She: The cheerful Spring - Sweet music (2. Teil)00:04:02
    1-016-016Duett He & She: Together letz us range the fields00:03:59
    1-017-017Rezitativ He: How lovely art thou to the sight00:00:24
    1-018-018Let me love, they bole ascending (Arie)00:02:16
    1-019-019Rezitativ She: O that a sister's specious name00:00:40
    1-020-020Arie She: Soft! I adjure you, by the fawns00:01:26
    1-021-021Rezitativ He: My fair's a garden of delight00:00:22
    1-022-022Soflty rise, O southern breeze! (Arie & Chor)00:05:03
    1-023-023Arioso He: Arise, my fair, the doors unfold (3. Teil)00:03:42
    1-024-024Rezitativ She: Obedinet to thy voice I hie00:00:42
    1-025-025Arie She: Ye blooming virgins, as ye rove00:01:46
    1-026-026Chor der Jungfrauen: Who is thy love, O charming maid!00:00:39
    1-027-027Arie She: On his face the vernal rose00:02:04
    1-028-028Arioso She: This, O ye virgings, is the swain00:00:37
    1-029-029Rezitativ He: Sweet nymph, whom ruddier charms adorn00:00:41
    1-030-030Rezitativ She: O take me! Stasmp me on the breast!00:00:45
    1-031-031Duett He, She & Chor: Thou soft invader of the soul!00:05:14

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