► | 1-001 | Forget Me | | Solo: Capaldi, Lewis; TBC Capaldi, Lewis / TBC Gitarre: TBC; Garrison, John Klavier: TBC; Pollack, Michael Sänger(in): TBC; Kohn, Ben; Atkinson, Nick Keyboards: Kelleher, Peter | 00:03:24 |
► | 1-002 | Wish You The Best | | Solo: Capaldi, Lewis; TBC Capaldi, Lewis / TBC Gitarre: TBC; Kelleher, Peter Klavier: TBC; Cowley, Neil Sänger(in): TBC; Capaldi, Lewis Synthesizer: Barnes, Tom; TBC | 00:03:31 |
► | 1-003 | Pointless | | Solo: Capaldi, Lewis; TBC Capaldi, Lewis / TBC Violine: Morató, Xavi; Núñez, Diego; Morató, Xavi Gitarre: TBC; Pearce, Steve Keyboards: TBC; Mac, Steve Viola: Eggar, Dave | 00:03:54 |
► | 1-004 | Heavenly Kind Of State Of Mind | | Solo: TBC; Capaldi, Lewis Capaldi, Lewis / TBC Gitarre: Holloway, Edd Klavier: Holloway, Edd Sänger(in): Atkinson, Nick; Capaldi, Lewis Synthesizer: Capaldi, Lewis; Holloway, Edd; Holloway, Edd | 00:03:22 |
► | 1-005 | Haven't You Ever Been In Love Before? | | Solo: TBC; Capaldi, Lewis Streichinstrument: Wired Strings Capaldi, Lewis / TBC Violine: Stanford, Ellie; Jackson, Sally; Klouda, Natalie; Pomfrett, Hayley; Morris, Steve; Jenson, Charis; Benyounes, Zahra | 00:03:51 |
► | 1-006 | Love The Hell Out Of You | | Solo: TBC; Capaldi, Lewis Chor: Copeland, Patrice; Hernandez, Wayne; Cole, Travis; Daniel, Tehillah; Jones-Campbell, Priscilla; Scott, Patricia; Johnson, Nia; Briscoe, Lorrain; Copeland, Patrice | 00:03:26 |
► | 1-007 | Burning | | Solo: TBC; Capaldi, Lewis Capaldi, Lewis / TBC Gitarre: Holloway, Edd Klavier: Holloway, Edd Sänger(in): Holloway, Edd; Atkinson, Nick; Capaldi, Lewis Synthesizer: Holloway, Edd; Holloway, Edd | 00:03:37 |
► | 1-008 | Any Kind Of Life | | Solo: TBC; Capaldi, Lewis Chor: Copeland, Patrice; Johnson, Candice; Guyatt, Brendan; Hernandez, Wayne; Cole, Travis; Daniel, Tehillah; Jones-Campbell, Priscilla; Scott, Patricia; Johnson, Nia | 00:03:15 |
► | 1-009 | The Pretender | | Solo: TBC; Capaldi, Lewis Streichinstrument: Holloway, Edd; Holloway, Edd Capaldi, Lewis / TBC Gitarre: Holloway, Edd Klavier: Holloway, Edd Sänger(in): Capaldi, Lewis; Atkinson, Nick | 00:03:40 |
► | 1-010 | Leave Me Slowly | Komponist: Capaldi, Lewis | Solo: TBC; Capaldi, Lewis Capaldi, Lewis / TBC Gitarre: max Gsus, fat; max Gsus, fat; Holter, Oscar; max Gsus, fat Klavier: Martin, Max Sänger(in): Martin, Max; max Gsus, fat; Lange, Robert John "Mutt" | 00:03:43 |
► | 1-011 | How This Ends | | Solo: TBC; Capaldi, Lewis Streichinstrument: Wired Strings Capaldi, Lewis / TBC Violine: Stanford, Ellie; Jackson, Sally; Klouda, Natalie; Pomfrett, Hayley; Morris, Steve; Jenson, Charis; Benyounes, Zahra | 00:03:47 |
► | 1-012 | How I'm Feeling Now | Komponist: Capaldi, Lewis | Solo: TBC; Capaldi, Lewis Streichinstrument: Eggar, Dave Capaldi, Lewis / TBC Gitarre: Kelleher, Peter Sänger(in): Capaldi, Lewis Viola: Eggar, Dave; Eggar, Dave Schlagzeug (drums): Barnes, Tom Violoncello: Eggar, Dave | 00:03:49 |