
MB 33581

God Of Tango

von Gardel, Carlos
erschienen am 17.09.2012

God Of Tango
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    1-001Mi TierraGardel, Carlos00:02:57
    1-002Lacopa del olvidoGardel, Carlos00:02:17
    1-003Eche otra cana, pulperoGardel, Carlos00:02:24
    1-004Nubes de homoGardel, Carlos00:02:27
    1-005La Mina Del FordGardel, Carlos00:02:09
    1-006PrincipeGardel, Carlos00:02:39
    1-007La garconnièreGardel, Carlos00:02:45
    1-008Entrá momásGardel, Carlos00:02:02
    1-009Soy Una FieraGardel, Carlos00:02:19
    1-010Tengo miedoGardel, Carlos00:02:34
    1-011A Media LuzGardel, Carlos00:02:03
    1-012Dicha pasadaGardel, Carlos00:02:10
    1-013Ave sin rumboGardel, Carlos00:03:03
    1-014Aquella cantina de la riberaGardel, Carlos00:02:56
    1-015Besame en la bocaGardel, Carlos00:02:59
    1-016CorrientesGardel, Carlos00:02:42
    1-017Sanjuanina de mi amorGardel, Carlos00:02:59
    1-018Siga El CorsoGardel, Carlos00:02:32
    1-019Oro muertoGardel, Carlos00:02:48
    2-001No Te Quiero MasGardel, Carlos00:02:44
    2-002Noche de ReyesGardel, Carlos00:02:22
    2-003EbrioGardel, Carlos00:02:23
    2-004Un tropezónGardel, Carlos00:02:08
    2-005Una tardeGardel, Carlos00:02:27
    2-006Yo te perdonoGardel, Carlos00:02:22
    2-007Gajito de cedrónGardel, Carlos00:02:25
    2-008CarnavalGardel, Carlos00:02:18
    2-009AmuradoGardel, Carlos00:02:35
    2-010CompadronGardel, Carlos00:02:33
    2-011ArrabaleroGardel, Carlos00:02:10
    2-012Che MarianoGardel, Carlos00:03:14
    2-013Copetin, vos sos mi hermanoGardel, Carlos00:02:34
    2-014Lo han visto con otraGardel, Carlos00:02:40
    2-015Mala EntrañaGardel, Carlos00:02:09
    2-016Pan comidoGardel, Carlos00:02:16
    2-017Paseo De JulioGardel, Carlos00:02:23
    2-018PataduraGardel, Carlos00:02:46
    2-019Adiós MuchachosGardel, Carlos00:02:24
    3-001Alma en penaGardel, Carlos00:02:37
    3-002Bandoneon ArrabaleroGardel, Carlos00:02:08
    3-003Barra QueridaGardel, Carlos00:02:31
    3-004Buenos AiresGardel, Carlos00:03:11
    3-005CaminitoGardel, Carlos00:02:30
    3-006Che, BartoloGardel, Carlos00:02:35
    3-007Che papusa, oíGardel, Carlos00:02:23
    3-008ChorraGardel, Carlos00:02:04
    3-009Claveles mendocinosGardel, Carlos00:02:47
    3-010DandyGardel, Carlos00:02:23
    3-011El Bulin De La Calle AyacuchoGardel, Carlos00:02:52
    3-012Esta noche me emborrachoGardel, Carlos00:02:22
    3-013Fierro ChifleGardel, Carlos00:02:32
    3-014La borrachera del TangoGardel, Carlos00:02:31
    3-015La cieguitaGardel, Carlos00:02:43
    3-016La CumparsitaGardel, Carlos00:02:16
    3-017MedianocheGardel, Carlos00:02:46
    3-018MilongueraGardel, Carlos00:03:01
    3-019PatoGardel, Carlos00:02:28
    4-001Pompas de jabónGardel, Carlos00:02:13
    4-002Rosas de otoñoGardel, Carlos00:02:26
    4-003Tu vieja ventanaGardel, Carlos00:02:19
    4-004Te aconsejo que me olvidesGardel, Carlos00:02:24
    4-005Senda floridaGardel, Carlos00:02:47
    4-006Todavia Hay OtariosGardel, Carlos00:01:49
    4-007SilbandoGardel, Carlos00:02:49
    4-008Por Qué Me Das Dique?Gardel, Carlos00:02:06
    4-009Lloro Como Una MujerGardel, Carlos00:02:36
    4-010HaraganGardel, Carlos00:02:18
    4-011MalevajeGardel, Carlos00:02:23
    4-012Mano A ManoGardel, Carlos00:03:04
    4-013Ríe PayasoGardel, Carlos00:02:40
    4-014De todo te olvidasGardel, Carlos00:02:36
    4-015Qué vachacheGardel, Carlos00:02:27
    4-016Misa de onceGardel, Carlos00:02:45
    4-017Muneca BravaGardel, Carlos00:02:22
    4-018Tras cartonGardel, Carlos00:02:35
    4-019Por que soy reo?Gardel, Carlos00:02:20
    5-001Te odioGardel, Carlos00:02:28
    5-002Tango argentinoGardel, Carlos00:02:26
    5-003Aquel tpado de armiñoGardel, Carlos00:02:27
    5-004Uno y unoGardel, Carlos00:02:18
    5-005Viejo CurdaGardel, Carlos00:02:23
    5-006AlmagroGardel, Carlos00:02:50
    5-007AmarguraGardel, Carlos00:02:38
    5-008Aquellas FarrasGardel, Carlos00:02:43
    5-009CancheroGardel, Carlos00:02:27
    5-010CaprichosaGardel, Carlos00:02:11
    5-011Corazon De PapelGardel, Carlos00:02:20
    5-012El sol del veinticincoGardel, Carlos00:02:40
    5-013Farolito de papelGardel, Carlos00:02:30
    5-014JuventudGardel, Carlos00:02:18
    5-015La mariposaGardel, Carlos00:03:21
    5-016La pasteleraGardel, Carlos00:01:46
    5-017La tropillaGardel, Carlos00:02:26
    5-018La VioletaGardel, Carlos00:02:22
    5-019Las Flores De Tu BalcónGardel, Carlos00:02:26
    6-001Mananita de campoGardel, Carlos00:01:37
    6-002MatálaGardel, Carlos00:02:48
    6-003Mi Noche TristeGardel, Carlos00:03:23
    6-004Palomita BlancaGardel, Carlos00:03:09
    6-005SilencioGardel, Carlos00:02:45
    6-006Tarde grisGardel, Carlos00:02:19
    6-007TortazosGardel, Carlos00:02:38
    6-008Vieja recovaGardel, Carlos00:02:47
    6-009Viejo rincónGardel, Carlos00:02:36
    6-010Viejo SmokingGardel, Carlos00:02:40
    6-011Yira... yira...Gardel, Carlos00:02:49
    6-012Tomo y obligoGardel, Carlos00:02:22
    6-013MadreselvaGardel, Carlos00:03:12
    6-014Je te diraiGardel, Carlos00:03:19
    6-015Anclao en ParísGardel, Carlos00:02:11
    6-016Como abrazado a un rencorGardel, Carlos00:02:44
    6-017El rosalGardel, Carlos00:02:12
    6-018Sueño de juventudGardel, Carlos00:03:02
    7-001AusenciaGardel, Carlos00:02:24
    7-002Criollita de mis ensueñosGardel, Carlos00:02:33
    7-003DesdenGardel, Carlos00:02:47
    7-004La Canción De Buenos AiresGardel, Carlos00:02:18
    7-005Tu diagnósticoGardel, Carlos00:03:09
    7-006Suena guitarra queridaGardel, Carlos00:03:12
    7-007Para quererte nacíGardel, Carlos00:02:40
    7-008Parlez-moi d'amourGardel, Carlos00:02:40
    7-009Mirala cómo se vaGardel, Carlos00:02:45
    7-010Recuerdo malevoGardel, Carlos00:02:23
    7-011SecretoGardel, Carlos00:02:25
    7-012Me da pena confesarloGardel, Carlos00:02:34
    7-013Me enamoré una vezGardel, Carlos00:02:23
    7-014Medallita De La SuerteGardel, Carlos00:02:12
    7-015Melodia de arrabalGardel, Carlos00:02:39
    7-016Mi manta pampaGardel, Carlos00:02:45
    7-017Clavel del aireGardel, Carlos00:02:55
    8-001VentarronGardel, Carlos00:02:37
    8-002Milonga SentimentalGardel, Carlos00:02:59
    8-003El tirador plateadoGardel, Carlos00:03:21
    8-004Mi Buenos Aires QueridoGardel, Carlos00:02:40
    8-005SoledadGardel, Carlos00:02:47
    8-006Criollita decí que síGardel, Carlos00:02:46
    8-007Cuesta AbajoGardel, Carlos00:03:14
    8-008GolondrinasGardel, Carlos00:02:29
    8-009Guitarra MíaGardel, Carlos00:03:32
    8-010Por una cabezaGardel, Carlos00:02:33
    8-011Cheating muchachitaGardel, Carlos00:02:41
    8-012Arrabal amargoGardel, Carlos00:02:33
    8-013Apure delantero bueyGardel, Carlos00:02:21
    8-014Sos ojos se cerraronGardel, Carlos00:02:45
    8-015El Dia Que Me QuierasGardel, Carlos00:03:22
    8-016Volvio Una NocheGardel, Carlos00:03:02
    8-017Lejana Tierra MiaGardel, Carlos00:02:43
    8-018VolverGardel, Carlos00:02:55