

The Veil of the Temple

von Tavener, John | Layton, Stephen / Holst Singers / +
erschienen am 07.02.2014

The Veil of the Temple
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    1-001The veil of the templeKomponist: Taverner, JohnSopran: Rozario, Patricia
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Layton, Stephen
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Members of the English Chamber Orchestra
    Gemischter Chor: Choir of the Temple Church, The; Holst Singers, The
    1-001-001Mytical Love Song of the Sufis (Cycle 1)00:05:05
    1-002-002Primordial call00:02:41
    1-003-003Primordial call (Cycle 2)00:00:31
    1-004-004God's creation00:05:39
    1-005-005Outside the gates of paradise00:02:51
    1-006-006Our father00:02:58
    1-007-007Holy Mary00:03:00
    1-008-008Alleluia, Theos Erastos00:01:44
    1-009-009Gospel of St. John00:04:22
    1-010-010Thrice-holy hymn - Resurrection00:02:58
    1-011-011Beatitudes of St. Isaac the Syrian00:04:37
    1-012-012Primordial call (Cycle 3)00:01:18
    1-013-013Psalm of creation00:01:49
    1-014-014O blessed paradise, pray for me00:03:13
    1-015-015Primordial call (Cycle 4)00:01:54
    1-016-016Mystery of the nothingness of God00:02:15
    1-017-017Primordial call (Cycle 5)00:01:51
    1-018-018You mantle yourself in light00:03:41
    1-019-019Jesus prayer00:01:13
    1-020-020The Lord's prayer00:06:58
    1-021-021Primordial call (Cycle 6)00:02:07
    1-022-022What God is, we do not know00:02:34
    1-023-023God of strength00:02:45
    1-024-024Kyrie eleison - Chant00:02:17
    1-025-025Te re rem - Ecstatic chant00:03:30
    1-026-026Jesus having risen from the tomb00:02:21
    2-001-027Apocalyptic primordial call (Cycle 7)00:01:25
    2-002-028Absolved in the mirror00:02:05
    2-003-029Jesus prayer00:01:36
    2-004-030Hesychast meditation00:04:17
    2-005-031Mary Theotokos00:02:56
    2-006-032Hail, Veil of the temple00:01:21
    2-007-033Mother of God00:05:06
    2-009-035The gospel of St. John00:13:47
    2-010-036Marantha (Cycle 8)00:02:50
    2-011-037Awake thou that sleepest00:02:11
    2-012-038Into beauty00:01:10
    2-013-039Rending of the Veil of the temple: Maya Atma00:05:40
    2-014-040Knights templar in the temple church00:04:18
    2-015-041Light of Christ00:04:31
    2-016-042Cosmic rising00:04:13
    2-017-043New Jerusalem - Upanishad hymn00:05:55