

Amahl And The Night Visitors

von Menotti, Gian Carlo | Mitropoulos / Allen / Kuhlmann
erschienen am 28.02.2011

Amahl And The Night Visitors
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    1-001Amahl and the Night Visitors: Amahl! Amahl! (The Mother, Amahl)Komponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloRosemary Kuhlmann; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Andrew McKinley; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner
    1-002Amahl and the Night Visitors: What was keeping you outside? (The Mother, Amahl)Komponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloFrank Monachino; Andrew McKinley; Andrew McKinley; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; Leon Lishner; Leon Lishner; Frank Monachino
    1-003Amahl and the Night Visitors: Don't cry, Mother dear (Amahl, The Mother)Komponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloAndrew McKinley; Leon Lishner; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Leon Lishner; Chet Allen; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Andrew McKinley
    1-004Amahl and the Night Visitors: From far away we come and farther we must go (King Kaspar, King Melchior, King Balthazar)Komponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloDavid Aiken; Leon Lishner; Andrew McKinley; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Frank Monachino; Chet Allen; Andrew McKinley
    1-005Amahl and the Night Visitors: Amahl, go and see who's knocking at the door (The Mother, Amahl)Komponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloRosemary Kuhlmann; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; David Aiken; Chet Allen; Andrew McKinley; Andrew McKinley
    1-006Amahl and the Night Visitors: Good evening! (King Kaspar, King Melchior, King Balthazar, Amahl, The Mother)Komponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloFrank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Leon Lishner; Frank Monachino; David Aiken; Andrew McKinley; Andrew McKinley; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Rosemary Kuhlmann
    1-007Amahl and the Night Visitors: Are you a real King? (Amahl, King Balthazar, King Kaspar, The Mother, King Melchior)Komponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloAndrew McKinley; Andrew McKinley; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Rosemary Kuhlmann
    1-008Amahl and the Night Visitors: Have you seen a child (King Melchior, The Mother, King Balthazar, King Kaspar)Komponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloAndrew McKinley; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; David Aiken; Chet Allen; Rosemary Kuhlmann
    1-009Amahl and the Night Visitors: Shepherds! Shepherdesses! (Shepherds, The Mother, King Melchior, King Kaspar, King BalthazKomponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloAndrew McKinley; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Andrew McKinley; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Leon Lishner; Frank Monachino
    1-010Amahl and the Night Visitors: Shepherds' DanceKomponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloAndrew McKinley; Andrew McKinley; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Frank Monachino
    1-011Amahl and the Night Visitors: Thank you, good friends (King Balthazar, Shephards, Amahl, King Kaspar)Komponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloFrank Monachino; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Andrew McKinley; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Andrew McKinley; Leon Lishner
    1-012Amahl and the Night Visitors: All that gold! All that gold! (The Mother, The Page, King Melchior, King Balthazar, King KKomponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloAndrew McKinley; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen
    1-013Amahl and the Night Visitors: Oh, woman, you may keep the gold (King Melchior, The Mother, Amahl, King Kaspar, King BaltKomponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloLeon Lishner; Andrew McKinley; Andrew McKinley; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner
    1-014Amahl and the Night Visitors: Look, mother, I can dance (Amahl, King Kaspar, King Melchior, King Balthazar, The Mother,Komponist: Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian Carlo; Menotti, Gian CarloDavid Aiken; Rosemary Kuhlmann; Chet Allen; David Aiken; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Frank Monachino; Leon Lishner; Andrew McKinley; Chet Allen; Andrew McKinley
    1-015Sebastian Suite: I. IntroductionKomponist: Menotti, Gian CarloDirigent / Band Leader: Mitropoulos, Dimitri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philadelphia Robin Hood Dell Orchestra
    1-016Sebastian Suite: II. BarcarolleKomponist: Menotti, Gian CarloDirigent / Band Leader: Mitropoulos, Dimitri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philadelphia Robin Hood Dell Orchestra
    1-017Sebastian Suite: III. Street FightKomponist: Menotti, Gian CarloDirigent / Band Leader: Mitropoulos, Dimitri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philadelphia Robin Hood Dell Orchestra
    1-018Sebastian Suite: IV. CortegeKomponist: Menotti, Gian CarloDirigent / Band Leader: Mitropoulos, Dimitri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philadelphia Robin Hood Dell Orchestra
    1-019Sebastian Suite: V. Sebastian's DanceKomponist: Menotti, Gian CarloDirigent / Band Leader: Mitropoulos, Dimitri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philadelphia Robin Hood Dell Orchestra
    1-020Sebastian Suite: VII. PavaneKomponist: Menotti, Gian CarloDirigent / Band Leader: Mitropoulos, Dimitri
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philadelphia Robin Hood Dell Orchestra