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Black Power -
von Music Of A Revolution
erschienen am 04.01.2006
Zum Preis von
24,99 €
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Track | Titel | Komponist | Interpret | Dauer |
1-001 | The Black Panther Party Calls For | Newton, Huey | ||
1-002 | You're The Man [Parts 1 & 2] | Gaye, Marvin | 00:05:45 | |
1-003 | Let's Clean Up The Ghetto | Komponist: Gamble, Kenneth; Huff, Leon; Gilbert, Cary Grant | Philadelphia International All Stars, The | 00:04:51 |
1-004 | Change It | Cleaver, Kathleen | ||
1-005 | Song to the system | Segments Of Time | 00:05:18 | |
1-006 | Right On | Sons of Slum | ||
1-007 | Tell it like it is | S.O.U.L. | 00:04:19 | |
1-008 | Mighty mighty | Arrangeur: Earth, Wind & Fire; Stepney, Charles; Earth, Wind & Fire; Stepney, Charles | Earth, Wind & Fire Flöte: Woolfolk, Andrew Gitarre: McKay, Al; Graham, Johnny; Bautista, Roland Klavier: Dunn, Larry Schlagzeug (drums): White, Fred; Johnson, Ralph; White, Maurice Percussion: Woolfolk, Andrew; Johnson, Ralph | 00:03:05 |
1-009 | Compared to what | Komponist: G. McDaniels; G. McDaniels | McCann, Les & Harris, Eddie | 00:08:34 |
1-010 | I Don't Know What This World Is Coming To | Soul Children | 00:06:49 | |
1-011 | Power To The People | Newton, Huey | ||
1-012 | (For God's Sake) Give More Power To The People | Chi-Lites, The | 00:03:01 | |
1-013 | Give the people what they want | O'Jays, The; O'Jays, The Horn: Renaldo, Don; Renaldo, Don Gitarre: Harris, Norman; Lucas, Reginald; Chambers, Roland; Eli, Bobby; Tindall, T.J. Klavier: Williams, Harold; Huff, Leon | 00:04:10 | |
1-014 | We Want Black Power | Charmichael, Stokely | ||
1-015 | Say It Loud, I'm Black And I'm Proud [Part 1] | Brown, James Orchestra | 00:02:47 | |
1-016 | Blackenized | Ballard, Hank | 00:03:00 | |
1-017 | So Much Strength | Charmichael, Stokely | ||
1-018 | Fight The Power [Part 1] | Isley Brothers, The | 00:03:18 | |
1-019 | Stop Singing And Start Swinging | Malcolm X | 00:00:38 | |
2-001 | Standing & Fighting | Malcolm X | 00:00:21 | |
2-002 | Message from a black man | Temptations, The | 00:06:06 | |
2-003 | Part- e, s | Watts Prophets, The | 00:01:52 | |
2-004 | Violence Is As American As Cherry Pie | Brown, H. Rap | ||
2-005 | The revolution will not be televised | Scott-Heron, Gil | 00:03:06 | |
2-006 | When the revolution comes | Last Poets, The | 00:02:27 | |
2-007 | Am I black enough for you? | Komponist: Gamble, Kenneth; Huff, Leon Textdichter: Gamble, Kenneth; Huff, Leon | Paul, Billy Gitarre: Bay, David; Sigler, Bunny; Chambers, Roland; Eli, Bobby; Harris, Norman Klavier: Huff, Leon; Green, Eddie Schlagzeug (drums): Young, Early; Farrington, Norman Kontrabaß: Jackson, Anthony | 00:05:17 |
2-008 | Black Unity | Charmichael, Stokely | ||
2-009 | My People - Hold On | Kendricks, Eddie | 00:05:41 | |
2-010 | Be Thankful For What You Got | DeVaughn, William | 00:07:13 | |
2-011 | Chocolate city | Parliament | 00:05:37 | |
2-012 | We're A Winner (Live) | Mayfield, Curtis | 00:04:49 | |
2-013 | We got more soul | Dyke & The Blazers | 00:02:44 | |
2-014 | I am somebody [Part 2] | Taylor, Johnnie | 00:03:25 | |
2-015 | Express yourself | Wright, Charles & The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band | 00:03:52 | |
2-016 | Respect yourself | Komponist: Ingram, Luther; M. RICE | Staple Singers, The | 00:04:51 |
2-017 | To Be Young, Gifted And Black | Komponist: Simone, Nina; Irvine, Weldon Arrangeur: Simone, Nina Textdichter: Simone, Nina; Irvine, Weldon | Simone, Nina Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Irvine, Weldon | 00:02:52 |
2-018 | Lift Every Voice And Sing | Arrangeur: R.M. Carter | Weston, Kim | 00:04:58 |
2-019 | Ain't no stoppin' us now | Mc Fadden & Whitehead | 00:07:01 |