
CD EXTRA/enhanced


von Goldenthal, Elliot | OST / Various
erschienen am 10.03.2003

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9,99 €
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    1-001Benediction And Dream (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, ElliotSolo: Downs, Lila00:02:31
    1-002The Floating Bed (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, ElliotKlavier: Goldenthal, Elliot00:01:30
    1-003El Conejo (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Los Cojolites; Los CojolitesLos Cojolites00:02:29
    1-004Paloma negra (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Mendez, Tomas; Tomas MendezSolo: Vargas, Chavela00:03:18
    1-005Self-portrait With Hair Down (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, Elliot; Hernan Bravo
    Textdichter: Bravo, Hernan
    1-006Alcoba Azul (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot
    Produzent: Martinez, Richard; Heiblum, Leonardo; Lieberman, Jacobo
    Textdichter: Bravo, Hernan
    Goldenthal, Elliot
    Flöte: Estrin, Harvey
    Harfe: Martinez, Javier; Ruyle, Bill; Castillo, Augusto
    Percussion: Haddad, Jamey; Naranjo, Valerie
    Violoncello: Yellin, Garo; Locker, Richard
    Xylophon: Naranjo, Valerie
    Akkordeon: Clavel, Herbert
    1-007Carabina 30/30 - Corrido Tradicional (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Traditional; TraditionalEl Poder Del Norte00:02:43
    1-008Solo tu (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, ElliotKlavier: Goldenthal, Elliot00:01:23
    1-009El Gusto - Son Huasteco Tradicional (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Traditional; TraditionalTrio Huasteco Caimanes de Tamuin00:02:19
    1-010The Journey (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, ElliotKlavier: Goldenthal, Elliot00:02:59
    1-011El Antifaz (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Torras, Luis Arcaraz; Luis Arcaraz TorrasSolo: Garcia, Gerardo; Galindo, Miguel; Marehuala, Alejandro
    Liberacion; Miguel Galindo; Gerardo Garcia; Alejandro Marehuala
    1-012The Suicide Of Dorothy Hale (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, ElliotGoldenthal, Elliot
    Flöte: Estrin, Harvey
    Harfe: Martinez, Javier; Castillo, Augusto; Martinez, Javier; Castillo, Augusto
    Percussion: Haddad, Jamey; Naranjo, Valerie
    Violoncello: Locker, Richard; Yellin, Garo
    Xylophon: Naranjo, Valerie
    1-013La Cavalera (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, ElliotKlavier: Goldenthal, Elliot00:01:40
    1-014La Bruja - Son Jarocho Tradicional (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Traditional; TraditionalSolo: Hayek, Salma
    Los Vega; Salma Hayek
    1-015Portrait Of Lupe (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, ElliotKlavier: Goldenthal, Elliot00:02:14
    1-016La Llorona (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Mars, Luis; Luis MarsSolo: Vargas, Chavela00:02:22
    1-017Estrella Oscuridad (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, ElliotSolo: Downs, Lila00:01:48
    1-018Still Life (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, Elliot; Hernan Bravo
    Textdichter: Bravo, Hernan
    1-019Viva la vida (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot
    Textdichter: Bravo, Hernan
    Flöte: Estrin, Harvey
    Harfe: Castillo, Augusto; Martinez, Javier; Ruyle, Bill
    Percussion: Naranjo, Valerie; Haddad, Jamey
    Violoncello: Yellin, Garo; Locker, Richard
    Xylophon: Naranjo, Valerie
    Mundharmonika: Brauer, Cecilia
    Akkordeon: Clavel, Herbert
    1-020The Departure (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, ElliotKlavier: Goldenthal, Elliot00:02:13
    1-021Coyacan And Variations (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, ElliotKlavier: Goldenthal, Elliot00:02:35
    1-022La Llorona (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Mars, Luis; Luis MarsSolo: Downs, Lila
    Mariachi Juvenil de Tecalitlán; Downs, Lila
    1-023Burning Bed (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, Elliot; Julie Taymor
    Textdichter: Taymor, Julie
    1-024Burn It Blue (From "Frida" Soundtrack)Komponist: Goldenthal, Elliot; Goldenthal, Elliot; Julie Taymor
    Textdichter: Taymor, Julie
    Solo: Veloso, Caetano
    Veloso, Caetano
    1-025Frida: Motion Picture Soundtrack Enhancements (Video)Soundtrack
    Klavier: Goldenthal, Elliot
    Kammerensemble: Los Cojolites; El Poder Del Norte; Trio Huasteco Caimanes de Tamuin; Liberación; Los Vega; Trio Marimberos; Mariachi Juvenil de Tecalitlán

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