

Tintinnabuli - Chorwerke

von Pärt, Arvo | Phillips / Tallis Scholars, The
erschienen am 06.03.2015

Tintinnabuli - Chorwerke
Zum Preis von
21,99 €
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    1-001Magnificat-Antiphonen Nr. 1-7Komponist: Pärt, ArvoVokalensemble: Tallis Scholars
    Chorleiter: Phillips, Peter
    1-001-001Nr. 1 O Weisheit00:01:27
    1-002-002Nr. 2 O Adonai00:02:28
    1-003-003Nr. 3 O Spross aus Isais Wurzel00:01:00
    1-004-004Nr. 4 O Schlüssel Davids00:02:01
    1-005-005Nr. 5 O Morgenstern00:02:02
    1-006-006Nr. 6 O König aller Völker00:01:10
    1-007-007Nr. 7 O Immanuel00:03:17
    1-008MagnificatKomponist: Pärt, ArvoVokalensemble: Tallis Scholars
    Chorleiter: Phillips, Peter
    1-009Which was the son of...Komponist: Pärt, ArvoVokalensemble: Tallis Scholars
    Chorleiter: Phillips, Peter
    1-010Nunc dimittisKomponist: Pärt, ArvoVokalensemble: Tallis Scholars
    Chorleiter: Phillips, Peter
    1-010-001Nunc dimittis00:01:44
    1-011-002Quia viderunt oculi mei00:02:47
    1-013The woman with the alabaster boxKomponist: Pärt, ArvoVokalensemble: Tallis Scholars
    Chorleiter: Phillips, Peter
    1-013-001Now when Jesus was in Bethany00:02:27
    1-014-002Why trouble ye the woman?00:01:16
    1-015-003Verily I say unto you00:01:45
    1-016Tribute to CaesarKomponist: Pärt, ArvoVokalensemble: Tallis Scholars
    Chorleiter: Phillips, Peter
    1-016-001Then went the Pharisees00:03:42
    1-017-002And they brought unto him a penny00:02:47
    1-018I am the true vineKomponist: Pärt, ArvoVokalensemble: Tallis Scholars
    Chorleiter: Phillips, Peter
    1-019TriodionKomponist: Pärt, ArvoVokalensemble: Tallis Scholars
    Chorleiter: Phillips, Peter
    1-019-001Introduction: In the name of the Father00:00:23
    1-020-002Ode 1: We do homage00:03:34
    1-021-003Ode 2: Unto the Birth-giver of God00:04:37
    1-022-004Ode 3: A rule of faith00:04:12
    1-023-005Coda: Glory to the Father00:01:01