► | 1-001 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 1: Introduction | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Marietta Simpson; Tommy Morgan; Kittel, Jeremy; Thomas Young; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth; Ilana Davidson; Nathan Lee Graham; Linda Hohenfeld; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris | |
► | 1-002 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 1: The Ecchoing Green | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Marietta Simpson; Carmen Pelton; Thomas Young; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth; Ilana Davidson; Nathan Lee Graham; Linda Hohenfeld; Kittel, Jeremy; Tommy Morgan; Carmen Pelton | |
► | 1-003 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 1: The Lamb | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Peter Ruth; Brueggergosman, Measha; Linda Hohenfeld; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris; Nmon Ford; Tommy Morgan; Marietta Simpson; Christine Brewer; Nathan Lee Graham; Ilana Davidson | |
► | 1-004 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 1: The Shepherd | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Marietta Simpson; Tommy Morgan; Kittel, Jeremy; Thomas Young; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth; Ilana Davidson; Nathan Lee Graham; Linda Hohenfeld; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris | |
► | 1-005 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 1: Infant Joy | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Peter Ruth; Ilana Davidson; Nathan Lee Graham; Linda Hohenfeld; Brueggergosman, Measha; Nmon Ford; Joan Morris; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Ilana Davidson; Carmen Pelton | |
► | 1-006 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 1: The Little Black Boy | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Thomas Young; Tommy Morgan; Brueggergosman, Measha; Linda Hohenfeld; Nathan Lee Graham; Ilana Davidson; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris; Nmon Ford; Marietta Simpson; Brueggergosman, Measha | |
► | 1-007 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 2: Laughing Song | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy; Thomas Young; Carmen Pelton; Nmon Ford; Joan Morris; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Tommy Morgan; Tommy Morgan; Peter Ruth | |
► | 1-008 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 2: Spring | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Carmen Pelton; Linda Hohenfeld; Marietta Simpson; Carmen Pelton; Marietta Simpson; Tommy Morgan; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris; Nmon Ford; Brueggergosman, Measha; Nathan Lee Graham | |
► | 1-009 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 2: A Cradle Song | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Marietta Simpson; Tommy Morgan; Kittel, Jeremy; Thomas Young; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth; Ilana Davidson; Nathan Lee Graham; Linda Hohenfeld; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris | |
► | 1-010 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 2: Nurse's Song | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Nathan Lee Graham; Linda Hohenfeld; Nathan Lee Graham; Ilana Davidson; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris; Carmen Pelton; Marietta Simpson; Nmon Ford; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth | |
► | 1-011 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 2: Holy Thursday | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Ilana Davidson; Linda Hohenfeld; Brueggergosman, Measha; Nmon Ford; Joan Morris; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Carmen Pelton; Nathan Lee Graham; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth | |
► | 1-012 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 2: The Blossom | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Nathan Lee Graham; Linda Hohenfeld; Nathan Lee Graham; Ilana Davidson; Ilana Davidson; Carmen Pelton; Marietta Simpson; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth | |
► | 1-013 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 2: Interlude | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Ilana Davidson; Linda Hohenfeld; Brueggergosman, Measha; Ilana Davidson; Carmen Pelton; Nmon Ford; Joan Morris; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Tommy Morgan; Kittel, Jeremy | |
► | 1-014 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 2: The Chimney Sweeper | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Peter Ruth; Tommy Morgan; Thomas Young; Nathan Lee Graham; Ilana Davidson; Peter Ruth; Joan Morris; Nmon Ford; Ilana Davidson; Marietta Simpson; Kittel, Jeremy | |
► | 1-015 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 2: The Divine Image | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Peter Ruth; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris; Brueggergosman, Measha; Linda Hohenfeld; Joan Morris; Nmon Ford; Brueggergosman, Measha; Kittel, Jeremy; Tommy Morgan; Marietta Simpson | |
► | 1-016 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 3: Nocturne | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Nmon Ford; Peter Ruth; Marietta Simpson; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris; Nmon Ford; Ilana Davidson; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth; Carmen Pelton; Thomas Young | |
► | 1-017 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 3: Night | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Ilana Davidson; Nmon Ford; Nathan Lee Graham; Ilana Davidson; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth; Thomas Young; Kittel, Jeremy; Tommy Morgan; Joan Morris; Carmen Pelton | |
► | 1-018 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 3: A Dream | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Peter Ruth; Thomas Young; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Thomas Young; Kittel, Jeremy; Tommy Morgan; Brueggergosman, Measha; Linda Hohenfeld; Ilana Davidson; Ilana Davidson | |
► | 1-019 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 3: On Another's Sorrow | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Tommy Morgan; Linda Hohenfeld; Brueggergosman, Measha; Ilana Davidson; Marietta Simpson; Christine Brewer; Peter Ruth; Nmon Ford; Joan Morris; Peter Ruth; Carmen Pelton | |
► | 1-020 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 3: The Little Boy Lost | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Peter Ruth; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris; Nmon Ford; Brueggergosman, Measha; Linda Hohenfeld; Nathan Lee Graham; Tommy Morgan; Brueggergosman, Measha; Kittel, Jeremy; Peter Ruth | |
► | 1-021 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 3: The Little Boy Found | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Marietta Simpson; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth; Thomas Young; Kittel, Jeremy; Tommy Morgan; Brueggergosman, Measha; Linda Hohenfeld; Nathan Lee Graham; Carmen Pelton; Ilana Davidson | |
► | 1-022 | Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Part 3: Coda | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Thomas Young; Christine Brewer; Joan Morris; Nmon Ford; Nathan Lee Graham; Carmen Pelton; Thomas Young; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth; Nmon Ford | |
► | 2-001 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 1: Introduction | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Ilana Davidson; Marietta Simpson; Joan Morris; Thomas Young; Tommy Morgan; Linda Hohenfeld; Kittel, Jeremy; Peter Ruth; Nmon Ford; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy | |
► | 2-002 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 1: Hear the Voice of the Bard | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Joan Morris; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Thomas Young; Tommy Morgan; Marietta Simpson; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Nmon Ford; Kittel, Jeremy; Linda Hohenfeld | |
► | 2-003 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 1: Interlude | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Tommy Morgan; Brueggergosman, Measha; Ilana Davidson; Peter Ruth; Thomas Young; Tommy Morgan; Linda Hohenfeld; Kittel, Jeremy; Kittel, Jeremy; Carmen Pelton; Christine Brewer | |
► | 2-004 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 1: Earth's Answer | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Brueggergosman, Measha; Thomas Young; Tommy Morgan; Kittel, Jeremy; Linda Hohenfeld; Tommy Morgan; Thomas Young; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Peter Ruth; Carmen Pelton | |
► | 2-005 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 2: Nurse's Song | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Christine Brewer; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Nmon Ford; Nathan Lee Graham; Brueggergosman, Measha; Ilana Davidson; Nathan Lee Graham; Brueggergosman, Measha; Ilana Davidson; Peter Ruth | |
► | 2-006 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 2: The Fly | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Linda Hohenfeld; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Joan Morris; Thomas Young; Tommy Morgan | |
► | 2-007 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 2: The Tyger | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Christine Brewer; Brueggergosman, Measha; Nathan Lee Graham; Nmon Ford; Peter Ruth; Carmen Pelton; Ilana Davidson; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy; Linda Hohenfeld; Marietta Simpson | |
► | 2-008 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 2: The Little Girl Lost | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Ilana Davidson; Christine Brewer; Kittel, Jeremy; Linda Hohenfeld; Marietta Simpson; Brueggergosman, Measha; Nathan Lee Graham; Nmon Ford; Peter Ruth; Carmen Pelton; Tommy Morgan | |
► | 2-009 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 2: In the Southern Clime | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Marietta Simpson; Linda Hohenfeld; Kittel, Jeremy; Carmen Pelton; Tommy Morgan; Thomas Young; Christine Brewer; Peter Ruth; Thomas Young; Joan Morris; Nmon Ford | |
► | 2-010 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 2: The Little Girl Found | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Joan Morris; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Thomas Young; Tommy Morgan; Linda Hohenfeld; Kittel, Jeremy; Peter Ruth; Marietta Simpson; Ilana Davidson; Brueggergosman, Measha | |
► | 2-011 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 3: The Clod and the Pebble | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Joan Morris; Linda Hohenfeld; Tommy Morgan; Thomas Young; Marietta Simpson; Christine Brewer; Ilana Davidson; Brueggergosman, Measha; Nathan Lee Graham; Nmon Ford; Peter Ruth | |
► | 2-012 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 3: The Little Vagabond | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Ilana Davidson; Peter Ruth; Nmon Ford; Nathan Lee Graham; Brueggergosman, Measha; Ilana Davidson; Thomas Young; Tommy Morgan; Peter Ruth; Carmen Pelton; Joan Morris | |
► | 2-013 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 3: Holy Thursday | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Christine Brewer; Peter Ruth; Nmon Ford; Nathan Lee Graham; Brueggergosman, Measha; Peter Ruth; Ilana Davidson; Kittel, Jeremy; Linda Hohenfeld; Tommy Morgan; Thomas Young | |
► | 2-014 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 3: A Poison Tree | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Christine Brewer; Brueggergosman, Measha; Nathan Lee Graham; Nmon Ford; Peter Ruth; Carmen Pelton; Ilana Davidson; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy; Linda Hohenfeld; Marietta Simpson | |
► | 2-015 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 3: The Angel | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Brueggergosman, Measha; Brueggergosman, Measha; Ilana Davidson; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Joan Morris; Peter Ruth; Thomas Young; Tommy Morgan; Linda Hohenfeld; Kittel, Jeremy | |
► | 2-016 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 3: The Sick Rose | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Ilana Davidson; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Nmon Ford; Nathan Lee Graham; Brueggergosman, Measha; Kittel, Jeremy; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Tommy Morgan; Thomas Young | |
► | 2-017 | Songs of Experience, Volume I: Part 3: To Tirzah | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Marietta Simpson; Nmon Ford; Nathan Lee Graham; Brueggergosman, Measha; Marietta Simpson; Joan Morris; Thomas Young; Christine Brewer; Thomas Young; Tommy Morgan; Carmen Pelton | |
► | 3-001 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 4: The Voice of the Ancient Bard | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Nathan Lee Graham; Ilana Davidson; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Linda Hohenfeld; Brueggergosman, Measha; Nmon Ford; Joan Morris; Christine Brewer; Nmon Ford; Tommy Morgan | |
► | 3-002 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 4: My Pretty Rose Tree | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Tommy Morgan; Thomas Young; Marietta Simpson; Joan Morris; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Nmon Ford; Linda Hohenfeld; Nathan Lee Graham | |
► | 3-003 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 4: Ah! Sun-Flower | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Marietta Simpson; Nmon Ford; Carmen Pelton; Tommy Morgan; Brueggergosman, Measha; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Ilana Davidson; Carmen Pelton; Linda Hohenfeld; Nathan Lee Graham | |
► | 3-004 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 4: The Lilly | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Nmon Ford; Marietta Simpson; Joan Morris; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy; Thomas Young; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Thomas Young; Christine Brewer; Linda Hohenfeld | |
► | 3-005 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 5: Introduction | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Linda Hohenfeld; Kittel, Jeremy; Peter Ruth; Joan Morris; Peter Ruth; Carmen Pelton; Thomas Young; Marietta Simpson; Christine Brewer; Nmon Ford; Tommy Morgan | |
► | 3-006 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 5: The Garden of Love | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Linda Hohenfeld; Ilana Davidson; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Thomas Young; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy; Brueggergosman, Measha; Brueggergosman, Measha | |
► | 3-007 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 5: A Little Boy Lost | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Peter Ruth; Ilana Davidson; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy; Tommy Morgan; Brueggergosman, Measha; Linda Hohenfeld; Nathan Lee Graham; Nmon Ford; Marietta Simpson | |
► | 3-008 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 5: A Little Girl Lost | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Christine Brewer; Nmon Ford; Tommy Morgan; Brueggergosman, Measha; Nathan Lee Graham; Nmon Ford; Peter Ruth; Linda Hohenfeld; Nathan Lee Graham; Carmen Pelton; Kittel, Jeremy | |
► | 3-009 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 5: Infant Sorrow | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Joan Morris; Carmen Pelton; Thomas Young; Thomas Young; Nathan Lee Graham; Nmon Ford; Tommy Morgan; Linda Hohenfeld; Tommy Morgan; Brueggergosman, Measha; Ilana Davidson | |
► | 3-010 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 5: Vocalise | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Nathan Lee Graham; Tommy Morgan; Linda Hohenfeld; Brueggergosman, Measha; Ilana Davidson; Carmen Pelton; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Joan Morris; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy | |
► | 3-011 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 6: London | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Christine Brewer; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Nmon Ford; Linda Hohenfeld; Nathan Lee Graham; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Joan Morris; Marietta Simpson; Peter Ruth | |
► | 3-012 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 6: The School-Boy | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Linda Hohenfeld; Brueggergosman, Measha; Christine Brewer; Marietta Simpson; Ilana Davidson; Nmon Ford; Tommy Morgan; Nathan Lee Graham; Nmon Ford; Linda Hohenfeld; Marietta Simpson | |
► | 3-013 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 6: The Chimney Sweeper | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Christine Brewer; Nathan Lee Graham; Nmon Ford; Tommy Morgan; Ilana Davidson; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Brueggergosman, Measha; Ilana Davidson; Linda Hohenfeld; Joan Morris | |
► | 3-014 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 6: The Human Abstract | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Christine Brewer; Nmon Ford; Tommy Morgan; Brueggergosman, Measha; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy; Carmen Pelton; Peter Ruth; Kittel, Jeremy; Thomas Young; Nathan Lee Graham | |
► | 3-015 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 6: Interlude - Voces Clamandae | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Peter Ruth; Marietta Simpson; Kittel, Jeremy; Thomas Young; Carmen Pelton; Ilana Davidson; Carmen Pelton; Brueggergosman, Measha; Ilana Davidson; Nathan Lee Graham; Nmon Ford | |
► | 3-016 | Songs of Experience, Volume II: Part 6: A Divine Image | Komponist: Bolcom, William | Ilana Davidson; Joan Morris; Marietta Simpson; Peter Ruth; Joan Morris; Carmen Pelton; Nathan Lee Graham; Thomas Young; Kittel, Jeremy; Linda Hohenfeld; Nathan Lee Graham | |