
PH 17053

Tchaikovsky Opera Collection

von Tchaikovsky, P. I. | Soloists of Bolshoi Theatre
erschienen am 18.05.2018

Tchaikovsky Opera Collection
Zum Preis von
53,00 €
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    1-001Voyevoda op. 3 (based on Ostrovsky) (19 fragments)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Sokolovskaya, Zinaida; Rozhdestvenkaja, Natalia
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Kovalyov, Alexei
    Mezzosopran: Legostaeva, Ludmilla
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra
    Tenor: Orfionov, Anatoly; Pontrjagin, Pavel
    Bariton: Korolyov, Alexey
    Gemischter Chor: Moscow Radio Symphony Chorus
    Baß: Polyayev, Konstantin; Demyanov, Daniil
    1-001-001Overture: Moderato quasi allegro00:09:41
    1-002-002Kak vor probralsya ya ukradkoy - Dogoray na nebe (Act 1)00:06:35
    1-003-003Otkuda ty?00:01:52
    1-004-004Day mne poteshitsya svobodoy00:03:01
    1-005-005Pozhaluy nas, izvol prisest00:07:06
    1-006-006Ty ne slezi svoi sokoli ochi00:03:45
    1-007-007Entr'acte - Dances of the chambermaids: Andante comodo assai (Act 2)00:11:10
    1-008-008Gosudarynya, boyaryshnya!00:03:10
    1-009-009Tikho luna vzoydet00:01:24
    1-010-010Tishe! Idut!00:02:23
    1-011-011Za dvorom luzhok zeleneshenek00:01:44
    1-012-012Dusha zhivaya zdes nas ne uslyshit (Act 3)00:02:36
    1-013-013Zanylo serdtse retivoye00:03:51
    1-014-014Nakryl ya vas, zlodei, vory!00:01:50
    1-015-015Ty prosti, proshay00:01:59
    1-016-016Sila zlaya odolela00:01:57
    1-017-017Derzhite ikh!00:01:12
    1-019-019Slava! Slava!00:03:42
    2-001Undina (based on Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué) (4 fragments)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Milashkina, Tamara
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Akulov, Yevgeny
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Moscow Radio Opera Orchestra
    Tenor: Raykov, Yevgeny
    Gemischter Chor: Moscow Radio Opera Large Chorus
    2-001-001Introduction: Moderato assai00:05:47
    2-002-002Vodopad moy dyadya, rucheyok moy brat00:03:57
    2-003-003Spasaytes, spasaytes00:04:53
    2-004-004Undina, zabud moi prestuplenya00:04:08
    2-005Mandragora (Fragment)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschDirigent / Band Leader: Akulov, Yevgeny
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Moscow Radio Opera Orchestra
    Gemischter Chor: Moscow Radio Opera Large Chorus
    2-005-001Chorus of flowers and insects00:07:53
    2-006OprichnikKomponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Rozhdestvenskaya, Natalya; Kleshchova, Antonina
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Orlov, Aleksandr
    Mezzosopran: Legostayeva, Lyudmila
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): USSR Radio Symphony Orchestra
    Alt: Dolukhanova, Zara
    Tenor: Tarkhov, Dmitry
    Bariton: Polyayev, Konstantin
    Gemischter Chor: USSR Radio Symphony Chorus
    Baß: Tyutyunnik, Vsevolod; Korolyov, Aleksey
    2-006-001Introduction: Allegro giusto00:05:44
    2-007-002Pozhaluy nas, izvol prisest (Act 1)00:04:39
    2-008-003Na more utushka00:06:58
    2-009-004Solovushka v dubrovushke00:04:39
    2-011-006Ty lish svistni00:01:48
    2-012-007Zhitye u nas i umirat ne nado00:05:55
    2-013-008Pochudilis mne budto golosa00:05:00
    2-014-009Za dvorom luzhok, zelenyoshenek00:02:12
    3-001-010Entr'acte: Andante sostenuto (Act 2)00:03:46
    3-002-011Kak ni gadai00:02:22
    3-003-012Ya pered voleyu gospodney00:03:08
    3-004-013Kruchina vsyo rodnaya!00:03:37
    3-005-014Snega beley, solntsa svetley00:11:02
    3-006-015Prelude: Andante sostenuto - Allegro giusto00:02:07
    3-007-016Kamo ot grekov utayusya!00:10:53
    3-008-017Kak pered Bogom00:02:04
    3-009-018Gotov li ty tsaryu prisyagu dat?00:10:10
    3-010-019Slaven, slaven, kak solntse v krasny den00:01:43
    4-001-020Entr'acte: Andante non troppo (Act 3)00:04:16
    4-002-021Chorus of people: Allegro moderato00:04:26
    4-003-022Kak odinoka ya teper00:02:40
    4-004-023Duet for Natalya and Morozova: Allegro giusto00:05:44
    4-005-024Bezhim, bezhim skorey kuda-nibud00:01:17
    4-006-025Otets! Kak pered Bogom00:04:50
    4-007-026Finale: Allegro giusto00:06:34
    4-008-027Ya ne mogu yeshchyo ponyat00:05:29
    4-009-028K tsaryu! K tsaryu!00:01:39
    4-010-029Wedding chorus: Allegro moderato e maestoso (Act 4)00:04:10
    4-011-030Dances of Oprichniks and women: Allegro giusto - Allegro molto00:04:35
    4-012-031Recitatives: Andante - Moderato assai00:02:33
    4-013-032Dobry molodets00:02:33
    4-014-033Duet for Andrey and Natalya: Allegro giusto00:05:20
    4-015-034Chto bleden tak?00:01:26
    4-016-035Scene: Allegro vivo - Moderato00:02:06
    4-017-036Radi matushki rodimoy00:05:19
    4-018-037Chto zh ty, golobushka?00:05:09
    5-001Cherevichki (based on Nikolay Gogol)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Kruglikova, Yelena
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Melik-Pashaev, Aleksandr
    Mezzosopran: Insarova, Olga; Antonova, Yelizaveta
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
    Tenor: Nelepp, Georgy; Godovkin, Fyodor; Shevtsov, Venyamin; Peregudov, Aleksandr
    Bariton: Ivanov, Aleksey; Ivanov, Andrey
    5-001-001Overture: Andante con moto - Allegro giusto00:09:33
    5-002-002Oi, kak svetit mesyats yasnyi (1. Akt)00:07:08
    5-003-003Snowstorm (Ekh razzadorila, rastormoshila)00:09:56
    5-004-004Ish ty, kakaya vyuga!00:06:40
    5-005-005Ne mozhet naglyadetsya na sebya00:05:46
    5-006-006Vish kakoy!00:01:35
    5-007-007Chto tut za gvalt?00:05:59
    5-008-008Ekh, kaby lyudi da umneye byli00:05:02
    5-009-009Entr'acte: Allegro moderato (Act 2)00:01:24
    5-010-010Vikhrem venik uneslo00:05:06
    5-011-011Vot eto sneg!00:03:02
    5-012-012Net, nikogo?!00:06:19
    5-013-013Zdorovo! Akh, moy milenkyi00:03:55
    5-014-014Vot uzh i god proshyol i snova00:03:49
    6-001-015Vyrosla u tyna krasnaya kalina00:05:14
    6-002-016Cherevichki, nevelichki00:08:01
    6-003-017A! Vakula!00:05:24
    6-004-018Entr'acte: Andante non tanto (Act 3)00:02:59
    6-005-019Temno nam, temno, temnyoshenko00:02:31
    6-006-020Kuda eto zabryol ya?!00:07:36
    6-008-022Ne v ray li ya perenesen!00:05:30
    6-009-023Poka ne nachilisya tantsy00:05:35
    6-010-024Blagopoluchno li vy sovershili put?00:03:21
    6-011-025Russian dance and Cossack dance: Allegro comodo - Andante - Allegro molto00:05:59
    6-012-026Seychas nachnyotsya domashnem00:02:26
    6-013-027Kto govorit:utopilsya! (Act 4)00:04:46
    6-014-028K nnam milosti prosim00:10:28
    7-001Eugen Onegin (based on Aleksandr Puschkin)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Zhukovskaya, Glafira
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Nebolsin, Vasily
    Mezzosopran: Butenina, Maria; Antarova, Konkordia
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
    Alt: Zlatogorova, Bronislava
    Tenor: Kovalenko, Yury; Lemeshev, Sergey
    Bariton: Nortsov, Panteleymon
    Gemischter Chor: Bolshoi Theatre Chorus
    Baß: Yakhontonov, Anatoly
    7-001-001Introduction - Slykhali I, vy (Act 1)00:06:57
    7-002-002Bolyat moi skory nozhenki sopokhodushki00:04:09
    7-003-003Kak ya lyublyu pod zvuki pesen etikh00:03:24
    7-004-004Nu ty, moya vostrushka00:03:02
    7-005-005Mesdames! Ya na sebya vzyal smelost00:03:25
    7-006-006Kak schastliv, kak schastliv ya00:06:04
    7-007-007A vot i vy!00:02:42
    7-008-008Nu, zaboltalas ya00:08:01
    7-009-009Puskay pogibnu ya, no prezhde00:12:20
    7-010-010Akh, nyanya, sdelay odolzhene00:06:00
    7-011-011Devitsy, krasavitsy00:02:36
    7-012-012Vy mne pisali, ne otpiraytes00:07:42
    8-001-013Vot tak syurpriz (Act 2)00:07:21
    8-002-014à cette fête conviés00:06:35
    8-003-015Messieurs! Mesdames!00:04:33
    8-004-016V vashem dome!00:05:06
    8-005-017Kuda, kuda, kuda vy udalilis00:09:07
    8-006-018A, vot oni!00:05:34
    8-007-019Polonaise: Moderato, Tempo di polacca (Act 3)00:03:45
    8-008-020Lyubvi vse vozrasty pokorny00:11:23
    8-009-021Uzhel ta samaya Tatyana00:03:34
    8-010-022O! Kak mne tyazhelo00:13:09
    9-001The Maid of Orleans (based on Friedrich Schiller)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Preobrazhenskaya, Sofya; Merzhevskaya, Maria; Kashevarova, Olga
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Khaikin, Boris
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Mariinsky Kirov Orchestra
    Tenor: Grishanov, Nikolay; Kilchevsky, Vitaly; Ulyanov, Vladimir
    Bariton: Solomyak, Leopold; Runovsky, Nikolay
    Gemischter Chor: Mariinsky Kirov Opera
    9-001-001Introduction: Andante con moto - Allegro vivo00:07:26
    9-002-002Poka na nebe ne pogas (Act 1)00:02:17
    9-003-003Ne po dushe mne pesni vashi, igry00:05:16
    9-004-004Otvet' zhe, Ioanna!00:01:25
    9-005-005Vdali pozhar i kolokola zvuki!00:04:12
    9-006-006O, brat'ya i druz'ya, otrite vashi slyozy!00:03:32
    9-007-007Tsar Vyshnih Sil, ty nash pokrov00:06:44
    9-008-008Da, chas nastal!00:06:54
    9-009-009No sily budut li00:04:06
    10-001-010Entr'acte: Allegro molto vivace (Act 2)00:03:01
    10-002-011Begut goda i dni bessmenoy cheredoyu00:03:21
    10-003-012O Agnesa Kak grustny eti pesni!00:00:36
    10-004-013Gypsies' dance: Allegro vivace - Dance of the pages and dwaves: Allegro moderato - Dance of the clowns and tumblers00:11:08
    10-005-014Dovolen vami ya!00:02:39
    10-006-015Dorog nam kazhdyi chas00:01:00
    10-007-016Chudnye mgnoven'ya, sladkie tomlen'ya00:02:19
    10-008-017O gore, gore! Gosudar'00:01:44
    10-009-018Chto delat - Pospeshit tuda, gde ty spasen'ye naydyosh00:01:51
    10-010-019Uzhasnaya svershayetsya sudba00:03:28
    10-011-020Esli sily tebe ne dano00:02:49
    10-012-021Kogda b ne ty, moy angel-uteshitel00:02:32
    10-013-022Da zdravstvuet spasitel'nitsa Deva!00:04:02
    10-014-023Ty I, divnaya?00:10:57
    10-015-024Dolzhno molchat' pered glagolom neba00:03:46
    11-001-025Stoy! Stoy! Ty pogib! (Act 3)00:07:59
    11-002-026O, Bozhe moy! Zachem za mech voinstvennyi00:06:03
    11-003-027Slava! Slava Korolyu!00:06:53
    11-004-028Vorotimsya, moy dobry D'Ark00:04:33
    11-005-029Tebya, zizhditelya tvortsa00:16:49
    11-006-030Introduction: Andante non troppo, quasi moderato (Act 4)00:02:47
    11-007-031Kak mne, mne lyuboviyu pylat?00:02:59
    11-008-032O, chudnyi sladkiy son!00:04:24
    11-009-033Zavet nebes narushen00:02:26
    11-010-034Vedut! Vedut! Uzh vidno charodeyku!00:03:07
    11-011-035Svyatoy otets, o, podderzhi menya! Mne strashno!00:04:42
    12-001Mazeppa (based on Aleksandr Pushkin)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Pokrovskaya, Nina
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Nebolsin, Vasily
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
    Tenor: Bolshakov, Grigory; Cherniakov, Tikhon; Godovkin, Fiodor
    Bariton: Ivanov, Aleksey
    Gemischter Chor: Bolshoi Theatre Chorus
    Baß: Petrov, Ivan; Tyutyunik, Vsevolod
    12-001-001Introduction: Allegro non troppo (Act 1)00:07:07
    12-002-002Ya zav'yu venok moy dushistiy00:04:39
    12-003-003Vam lyuby pesni, milye podruzhki00:03:32
    12-004-004Tebya s mladencheskikh godov lyublyu00:04:49
    12-005-005Nu, Chestvuyesh, Vasiliy, ty menya00:02:46
    12-006-006Netu, netu tut mostocka, netu perekhodu00:01:29
    12-007-007Hopak (Vivace)00:03:53
    12-008-008Vot khoroso, lyublyu00:02:45
    12-009-009Mgnovenno serdtse molodoye gorit i gasnet00:01:50
    12-010-010Mazeppa, ty menya smushchayesh rechyu00:08:33
    12-011-011Ne groza nebesa kroyet tucheyu00:03:17
    12-012-012Ochnis' ot gorya, Kochubey!00:06:52
    12-013-013Blagodarju, Andrey tebya00:03:35
    12-014-014Introduction (Act 2)00:03:39
    12-015-015Tak vot nagrada za donos00:06:10
    12-016-016Tak ne oshiblis vy00:05:57
    12-017-017Introduction: Andante00:02:38
    12-018-018Tikha ukraynskaya noch00:05:22
    13-001-019O, Mariya, Mariya!00:05:17
    13-002-020Moy Milyi Drug!00:06:39
    13-003-021Davno zamyslili my delo00:07:30
    13-004-022Kak bleshchut zvyozdy v nebe00:08:42
    13-005-023Folk scenes: Allegro moderato00:02:02
    13-006-024Skoro Li? Skoro Li? Vezut al net?... Molodushka, moloda00:02:14
    13-007-025Ukhodi zhe! Ukhodi zhe!00:03:09
    13-008-026Drug, voznesiom v poslednij raz00:04:55
    13-009-027Entr'acte: The battle of Poltava (Brillante, con fuoco)00:06:06
    13-010-028V boyu krovavom, na pole chesti00:07:42
    13-011-029Nevdaleke ya slyshu konskiy topot...00:03:53
    13-012-030Nescastny! Vidit Bog, ya ne khotel tvoey pogibeli00:07:35
    13-013-031Ushol starik, kak serdtse byotsya00:02:40
    13-014-032Pridi v sebja, ja umirayu00:03:42
    13-015-033Spi, mladenets moy prekrasny00:02:51
    14-001The EnchantressKomponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Sokolova, Natalya; Gradova, Vera
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Samosud, Samuil
    Mezzosopran: Matyuchina, Anna; Borisenko, Vera
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra
    Tenor: Nelepp, Georgy; Korobkov, Pavel; Zladkopevtsev, Sergey; Usmanov, Aleksey
    Bariton: Pontryagin, Pavel
    14-001-001Introduction: Andante sostenuto00:06:43
    14-002-002Lyubo nam za Okoy u Kumy molodoy sobiratsya! (Act 1)00:03:34
    14-003-003Poydy l vydu l, ya poydu l; vydu l ya00:01:17
    14-004-004Gde byla-v lugu zelenom00:03:08
    14-005-005Zdravsvui, matushka Kuma00:02:41
    14-006-006Pesniu! Pesniu!00:01:35
    14-007-007Glianut s Nizhnego00:04:24
    14-008-008Dolzhno s okhoty, brattsy, knyazich00:05:34
    14-009-009Tak vot, gde gulbishch skvernoye gnezdo!00:10:19
    14-010-010Mne etot persten dragotsenny!00:02:36
    14-011-011A ty vina, Mamyrov, khochesh'00:03:29
    14-012-012Dance of the tumblers: Allegro vivace assai - Adagio con moto00:03:00
    14-013-013D'jak, Pliashi! - Mne... Besa Teshit00:01:51
    15-001-014Entr'acte: Andante molto sostenuto (Act 2)00:02:52
    15-002-015Vsiu noch odna v tiazhelykh dumakh00:08:53
    15-003-016Tak vot beda prishla otkuda00:01:43
    15-004-017Akh, Yury, zdravstvuy00:03:37
    15-005-018Day nam Bog v schastyi zhit00:04:34
    15-006-019Prizvan byl i priidokh Ya ne zval00:05:04
    15-007-020Kol s delom ty, v drygoye vremya00:03:23
    15-008-021A obraz toy prigozhnitsy00:02:37
    15-009-022Menia izvolil ty pozvat00:07:18
    15-010-023Derzhi yego! Lovi yego!00:05:45
    15-011-024Zachem v ottsovy ty dela meshayeshsya, moy syn?00:04:50
    15-012-025Ty, gosudar, potupiv ochi00:14:26
    15-013-026Kak vyderzhat dostalo sily!00:08:23
    16-001-027Sveti! Yeyo zdes net? (Act 3)00:21:27
    16-002-028Entr'acte: Andante non tanto (Act 4)00:03:51
    16-003-029Nikak roga! Trubit Okhota00:07:41
    16-004-030Medvedya, Kniazhich, my podnyali00:02:13
    16-005-031Zachem prishla? - Za zelyem smertnym00:05:31
    16-006-032Vot zdes prichalit nam veleli00:03:42
    16-007-033Gde zhe ty, moi zhelannyi00:02:43
    16-008-034Kuma? Nu Da! Sama sudba00:04:32
    16-009-035Nastya! - Milyi moy!00:02:21
    16-010-036No chto s toboju? Vsia drozhish ty!00:06:14
    16-011-037Nagnal! Tak vot vy gde ukrylis00:05:48
    16-012-038Chto sdelal ja? O Buzhe, Bozhe!00:03:54
    17-001Pique Dame op. 68 (based on Aleksandr Puschkin)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Shpiller, Natalya; Makhova, Larissa; Dzerzhinskaya, Xenia
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Samosud, Samuil
    Mezzosopran: Stavrovskaya, Lubov; Petrova, Faina
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
    Alt: Oboukhova, Nadezhda; Antonova, Yelisaveta
    Tenor: Peregudov, Aleksandr; Godovkin, Fedor
    17-001-001Introduction: Andante mosso00:03:40
    17-002-002In the summer garden (Act 1)00:28:37
    17-003-003Liza's room00:28:17
    17-004-004Ballroom in Saint Petersburg - Intermezzo - The faithful shepherdess (Act 2)00:16:48
    18-001-005Intermezzo - Finale: Prilepa and Milovzor00:14:03
    18-002-006The Countess's sleep room00:24:04
    18-003-007Hermans room in the barracks (Act 3)00:10:00
    18-004-008By the winter canal in Saint Petersburg00:13:16
    18-005-009The gaming house00:17:50
    19-001Iolanta (based on Henrik Hertz)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Zhukovskaya, Glafira; Rachevskaya, Kapitolina
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Samosud, Samuil
    Mezzosopran: Amborskaya, Basya
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra
    Alt: Levina, Mariya
    Tenor: Bolshakov, Grigory
    Bariton: Nortsov, Panteleymon; Baturin, Aleksandr
    Gemischter Chor: Bolshoi Theatre Chorus
    Chorleiter: Cooper, Max
    19-001-001Introduction: Andante quasi adagio00:02:34
    19-002-002Moy ptenchik, Iolanta, ty ustala?00:09:14
    19-003-003Polno, ne nado, rodnaya00:02:09
    19-004-004Brigitta, eto ty?00:06:10
    19-005-005Prizyvnyi rog!00:08:44
    19-006-006Tvoye litso besstrastno00:06:51
    19-007-007Ne toropis00:04:50
    19-008-008Odnako gde zhe my?00:20:47
    20-001-009Iolanta! Iolanta! Iolanta!00:11:33
    20-002-010Prosti menya, ya obmanul tebya00:13:02
    20-003-011King René's Arioso00:04:58
    20-004Romeo and Juliet op. posth.Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Shumskaja, Elizaveta
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Golovanov, Nilolay
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): USSR Radio Symphony Orchestra
    Tenor: Kozlovsky, Ivan
    20-004-001Duet scene00:12:15
    20-005Romeo and Juliet op. posth.Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Izotova, Kira
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Grikurov, Eduard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Leningrad Symphony Orchestra
    Tenor: Atlantov, Vladimir
    20-005-001Duet scene00:11:33
    20-006Pique Dame op. 68 (based on Aleksandr Puschkin)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschDirigent / Band Leader: Wolf-Israel, Evgeny
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Mariinsky Kirov Orchestra
    Tenor: Pechkovsky, Nikolay
    20-006-001Prosti, nebesnoye sozdane00:02:31
    20-007-002Chto nasha zhizn? Igra!00:02:14
    21-001The Snow Maiden (Snegurochka) op. 12 (Incidental music to Aleksandr Ostrovsky's Spring Legend)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschDirigent / Band Leader: Gauk, Aleksandr
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): USSR State Radio Symphony Orchestra
    Alt: Dolukhanova, Zara
    Tenor: Orfionov, Anatoly
    Gemischter Chor: USSR State Radio Symphony Chorus
    Chorleiter: Ptitsa, Clavdy
    21-001-001Introduction (Prologue)00:05:09
    21-002-002Dance and chorus of the birds00:07:10
    21-003-003Monologue of the Grandfather Frost00:04:08
    21-004-004Carnival procession00:06:22
    21-006-006Entr'acte (Act 1)00:01:28
    21-007-007Lehl's first song00:04:19
    21-008-008Lehl's second song00:01:27
    21-009-009Entr'acte (Act 2)00:02:52
    21-010-010Chant of the blind bards00:05:06
    21-012-012Chorus of the people and the courtiers00:02:35
    21-013-013Round of the young maidens (Act 3)00:04:11
    21-014-014Dance of the tumblers00:04:21
    21-015-015Lehl's third song00:06:31
    21-016-016Brusilla's song00:02:02
    21-017-017Appearance of the forest spirit and aparition of the false snow maiden00:00:46
    22-001-018Entr'acte (Act 4)00:02:44
    22-002-019Declamation of the fairy of Spring00:06:05
    22-003-020Tsar Berendey's march and chorus00:06:12
    22-005Hamlet op. 67 (Incidental musik to Shakespeare's tragedy)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschSopran: Sakharova, Galina
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Gauk, Aleksandr
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): USSR State Radio Symphony Orchestra
    Bariton: Abramov, Georgy
    Gemischter Chor: USSR State Radio Symphony Chorus
    Chorleiter: Ptitsa, Clavdy
    22-005-001Overture: Lento lugubre - Allegro vivacissimo00:09:39
    22-006-002Mélodrame: Moderato assai (Act 1)00:01:24
    22-007-003Fanfare: Allegro vivo00:00:19
    22-008-004Mélodrame: Moderato assai00:00:31
    22-009-005Mélodrame: Allegro giusto ed agitato00:03:19
    22-010-006Entr'acte: Allegro semplice (Act 2)00:03:21
    22-011-007Fanfare: Allegro00:00:24
    22-012-008Entr'acte: Andante quasi allegretto (Act 3)00:04:27
    22-013-009Mélodrame: Allegro giusto ed agitato (Act 4)00:02:09
    22-014-010Entr'acte: Andante non troppo (Elégie)00:06:36
    22-015-011Scène d'Ophélie: Andantino00:02:48
    22-016-012Entr'acte: Marcia - Moderato assai00:04:48
    22-017-013Chant du Fossoyeur: Andantino00:00:55
    22-018-014Marche funèbre: Moderato assai00:04:48
    22-019-015Fanfare: Allegro giusto00:00:20
    22-020-016Marche finale: Allegro risoluto ma non troppo00:00:46