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Essential Igor Stravinsky

von Strawinsky, Igor | Strawinsky, Igor
erschienen am 19.05.2003

Essential Igor Stravinsky
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    1-001Fireworks, Op. 4 - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-002L'Oiseau de Feu (The Firebird) - 1910 versionKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-002-001Danse infernale de tous les sujets de Kastchei - 1910 version00:04:41
    1-002-002Berceuse (l'Oiseau de feu) - 1910 version00:02:32
    1-002-003Reveil de Kastchei - 1910 version00:01:07
    1-002-004Mort de Kastchei - Profonds ténèbres - 1910 version00:01:21
    1-002-005Disparition du palais et des sortilèges de Kastchei, animation des chevaliers pétrifiés, allegresse générale - 1910 ver00:02:49
    1-003Petrushka (excerpts) - Album VersionKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY 1882-1971Philharmonia Orchestra, The / Thomas, Michael Tilson
    Klavier: Troon, Vivian
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Thomas, Michael Tilson
    1-003-001Scene I - The Shrove-tide Fair/The Charlatan's Booth/Russian Dance - Album Version00:00:52
    1-003-002Berceuse (l'Oiseau de feu) - 1910 version00:02:32
    1-003-003The Charlatan's Booth - Album Version00:02:00
    1-003-004Russian Dance - Album Version00:02:40
    1-003-005Scene II - Petrushka's Room - Album Version00:04:34
    1-004Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring) - InstrumentalKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY 1882-1971Stravinsky, Igor / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-004-001Part One: The Adoration of the Earth - Introduction - Instrumental00:02:57
    1-004-002Auguries of Spring (Dances of the Young Girls) - Instrumental00:03:04
    1-004-003Reveil de Kastchei - 1910 version00:01:07
    1-004-004Spring Khorovod (Round Dance) - Instrumental00:03:05
    1-004-005Games of the Rival Clans - Instrumental00:02:00
    1-004-006Procession of the Wise Elder - Instrumental00:00:43
    1-004-007Adoration of the Earth (The Wise Elder) - Instrumental00:00:25
    1-004-008Dance of the Earth - Instrumental00:01:15
    1-005Suite No. 1 for Small OrchestraKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY 1882-1971Members of the CBC Symphony Orchestra / Stravinsky, Igor
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-005-001I. Andante00:01:16
    1-005-002II. Napolitana00:01:13
    1-005-003III. Espanola00:01:07
    1-005-004Mort de Kastchei - Profonds ténèbres - 1910 version00:01:21
    1-006Ragtime for Eleven Instruments - InstrumentalKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY 1882-1971Stravinsky, Igor
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-006-005Disparition du palais et des sortilèges de Kastchei, animation des chevaliers pétrifiés, allegresse générale - 1910 ver00:02:49
    1-007Petrushka (excerpts) - Album VersionKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorPhilharmonia Orchestra, The / Thomas, Michael Tilson; Stravinsky, Igor
    Violine: Baker, Israel
    Klavier: Troon, Vivian
    Trompete: Brady, Charles
    Klarinette: d'Antonio, Roy
    Posaune: Marsteller, Robert
    Kontrabaß: Kelly, Richard
    Fagott: Christlieb, Don
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Thomas, Michael Tilson
    1-007-001Scene I - The Shrove-tide Fair/The Charlatan's Booth/Russian Dance - Album Version00:00:52
    1-007-002Petit Concert - Instrumental00:02:58
    1-008Piano-Rag MusicKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY 1882-1971Stravinsky, Igor
    Klavier: Stravinsky, Igor
    1-008-002The Shrove-tide Fair - Album Version00:04:34
    1-009Pulcinella Suite - InstrumentalKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY 1882-1971Stravinsky, Igor / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-009-001I. Sinfonia: (Ouverture) - Instrumental00:01:56
    1-009-002VI. Gavotta con due variazioni - Instrumental00:04:17
    1-009-003The Charlatan's Booth - Album Version00:02:00
    1-010Octet for Wind Instruments - InstrumentalKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY 1882-1971Salonen, Esa-Pekka
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Salonen, Esa-Pekka
    1-010-001I. Sinfonia. Lento - Allegro moderato - Instrumental00:03:39
    1-010-004Russian Dance - Album Version00:02:40
    1-011Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments (Revised version, 1950)Komponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY 1882-1971Stravinsky, Igor / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Klavier: Entremont, Philippe
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-011-001III. Allegro00:05:01
    1-011-005Scene II - Petrushka's Room - Album Version00:04:34
    1-012Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring) - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-012-001Part One: The Adoration of the Earth - Introduction - Instrumental00:02:57
    1-013-002Auguries of Spring (Dances of the Young Girls) - Instrumental00:03:04
    1-014-003Mock Abduction - Instrumental00:01:17
    1-015-004Spring Khorovod (Round Dance) - Instrumental00:03:05
    1-016-005Games of the Rival Clans - Instrumental00:02:00
    1-017-006Procession of the Wise Elder - Instrumental00:00:43
    1-018-007Adoration of the Earth (The Wise Elder) - Instrumental00:00:25
    1-019-008Dance of the Earth - Instrumental00:01:15
    1-020Suite No. 1 for Small OrchestraKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorMembers of the CBC Symphony Orchestra / Stravinsky, Igor
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-020-001I. Andante00:01:16
    1-021-002II. Napolitana00:01:13
    1-022-003III. Espanola00:01:07
    1-023-004IV. Balalaika00:00:52
    1-024Ragtime for Eleven Instruments - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-025Histoire du Soldat Suite - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, Igor; C. F. RAMUZ
    Textdichter: C. F. RAMUZ
    Stravinsky, Igor
    Violine: Baker, Israel
    Percussion: Kraft, William
    Trompete: Brady, Charles
    Klarinette: d'Antonio, Roy
    Posaune: Marsteller, Robert
    Kontrabaß: Kelly, Richard
    Fagott: Christlieb, Don
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-025-001Marche Royale - Instrumental00:02:38
    1-026-002Petit Concert - Instrumental00:02:58
    1-027Piano-Rag MusicKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor
    Klavier: Stravinsky, Igor
    1-028Pulcinella Suite - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-028-001I. Sinfonia: (Ouverture) - Instrumental00:01:56
    1-029-002VI. Gavotta con due variazioni - Instrumental00:04:17
    1-030Octet for Wind Instruments - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorSalonen, Esa-Pekka
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Salonen, Esa-Pekka
    1-030-001I. Sinfonia. Lento - Allegro moderato00:03:39
    1-031Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments (Revised version, 1950)Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Klavier: Entremont, Philippe
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    1-031-001III. Allegro00:05:01
    2-001Symphony of Psalms - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorThomas, Michael Tilson / London Symphony Orchestra & Chorus
    Chorleiter: Westrop, Stephen
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Thomas, Michael Tilson
    2-001-001Part I. Exaudi orationem meam - Instrumental00:03:09
    2-002Concerto in D for Violin and OrchestraKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorLos Angeles Philharmonic
    Violine: Lin, Cho-Liang
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Salonen, Esa-Pekka
    2-002-001IV. Capriccio00:05:51
    2-003Pastorale: Chant sans paroles - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor
    Violine: Baker, Israel
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    2-004Jeu de Cartes: Ballet en trois donnesKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorCleveland Orchestra, The / Stravinsky, Igor
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    2-004-001Premiere donne00:05:16
    2-005Concerto in E-flat for Chamber Orchestra "Dumbarton Oaks"Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    2-005-001I. Tempo giusto00:04:21
    2-006Symphony in C - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorThomas, Michael Tilson / London Symphony Orchestra & Chorus
    Chorleiter: Westrop, Stephen
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Thomas, Michael Tilson
    2-006-001III. Allegretto - Instrumental00:04:46
    2-007The Star Spangled Banner - VoiceKomponist: JOHN STAFFORD SMITH d. 1836
    Bearbeiter: IGOR STRAVINSKY 1882-1971
    Textdichter: Key, Francis Scott
    CBC Symphony Orchestra / Stravinsky, Igor
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    2-008Four Norwegian Moods for OrchestraKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor / CBC Symphony Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    2-008-001I. Intrada00:02:24
    2-009Circus Polka - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor / CBC Symphony Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    2-010Scherzo à la russeKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorPhilharmonia Orchestra, The / Thomas, Michael Tilson
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Thomas, Michael Tilson
    2-011Symphony in Three Movements - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorThomas, Michael Tilson / London Symphony Orchestra & Chorus
    Chorleiter: Westrop, Stephen
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Thomas, Michael Tilson
    2-011-001III. Con moto - Instrumental00:06:15
    2-012Ebony Concerto - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorColumbia Jazz Ensemble, The / Stravinsky, Igor
    Klarinette: Goodman, Benny
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    2-012-001I. Allegro moderato - Instrumental00:03:02
    2-013The Rake's Progress - Opera in Three ActsKomponist: Strawinsky, Igor; Auden, W.H.; Kallman, Chester; Andre de Badet Version francaise
    Textdichter: Auden, W.H.; Kallman, Chester; Andre de Badet Version francaise
    Sopran: Raskin, Judith
    Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Stravinsky, Igor
    Mezzosopran: Sarfaty, Regina; Manning, Jean
    Cembalo: Tilney, Colin
    Tenor: Young, Alexander; Miller, Kevin
    Bariton: Reardon, John
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    Baß: Garrard, Don; Tracey, Peter
    2-013-001"Good people, just a moment:..." - Opera in Three Acts00:02:34
    2-014Tango - New Orchestration, 1953Komponist: Strawinsky, IgorColumbia Jazz Ensemble, The / Stravinsky, Igor
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    2-015Greeting PreludeKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    2-016Monumentum pro Gesualdo di Venosa as Cd AnnumKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Stravinsky, Igor
    2-016-001II. Ma tu, cagion di quella: Madrigale XVIII, Libro quinto00:01:53
    2-017Elegy for J.F.K. - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, Igor; Auden, W.H.
    Textdichter: Auden, W.H.
    Stravinsky, Igor
    Mezzosopran: Berberian, Cathy
    Klarinette: Howland, Paul E.; Kreiselman, Jack; Russo, Charles
    2-018Fanfare for Two Trumpets - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor
    Trompete: Heinrich, Robert; Nagel, Robert
    2-019Requiem Canticles (To the memory of Helen Buchanan Seeger)Komponist: Strawinsky, Igor
    Textdichter: Latin text
    Sopran: Anderson, Linda
    Ithaca College Concert Choir, The / Craft, Robert / Columbia Symphony Orchestra
    Tenor: Bressler, Charles
    Chorleiter: Smith, Gregg
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Craft, Robert
    Baß: Gramm, Donald
    2-019-001II. Exaudi00:01:44
    2-019-002III. Dies Irae00:00:52
    2-019-003IV. Tuba Mirum00:00:57
    2-020The Owl and the Pussy-cat - InstrumentalKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY 1882-1971; Edward Lear
    Textdichter: Edward Lear
    Sopran: Albert, Adrienne
    Stravinsky, Igor
    Klavier: Craft, Robert
    2-020-002III. Dies Irae00:00:52
    2-021Portrait of Stravinsky: Stravinsky in rehearsalKomponist: IGOR STRAVINSKY 1882-1971Stravinsky, Igor
    Sprecher / Erzähler: Stravinsky, Igor
    2-021-001Stravinsky in His Own Words (narrated by John McClure)00:07:10
    2-021-003IV. Tuba Mirum00:00:57
    2-022The Owl and the Pussy-cat - InstrumentalKomponist: Strawinsky, Igor; Edward Lear
    Textdichter: Edward Lear
    Sopran: Albert, Adrienne
    Stravinsky, Igor
    Klavier: Craft, Robert
    2-023Portrait of Stravinsky: Stravinsky in rehearsalKomponist: Strawinsky, IgorStravinsky, Igor
    Sprecher / Erzähler: Stravinsky, Igor
    2-023-001Stravinsky in His Own Words (narrated by John McClure)00:07:10

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