
CDA 67135

Edward II

von McCabe, John | Wordsworth, Barry / Royal Ballet Sinfonia
erschienen am 12.05.2000

Edward II
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    1-001Edward II (Ballett) (1993/94)Komponist: McCabe, JohnDirigent / Band Leader: Wordsworth, Barry
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Royal Ballet Sinfonia
    1-001-001Funeral cortège of Edward I - Adagio (1. Akt, 1. Szene)00:01:41
    1-003-003The "Fauvel' troupe" - Allegro giocoso00:02:06
    1-004-004Coronation of Edward II00:04:12
    1-005-005The barons' anger at Gaveston - Allegro agitato00:01:52
    1-006-006Isabella in her chamber - Lento (2. Szene)00:05:39
    1-007-007Isabella and Edward quarrel - Marcato00:05:04
    1-008-008Edward and Gaveston - pas de deux00:03:37
    1-009-009The barons - Maestoso e deciso00:04:17
    1-010-010Outdoor scene - Andantino pastorale (3. Szene)00:01:30
    1-011-011The "Fauvel' tropue" - Allegro giocoso00:03:10
    1-012-012Isabella and Mortimer - Lento00:05:41
    1-013-013Werstling Match - Allegro poco pesante00:03:00
    1-014-014Grim Reaper and Civil War - Adagio (4. Szene)00:06:41
    1-015-015The hunt for Gaveston - Allegro scorrevole00:02:53
    1-016-016Edward's grief - Adagio (5. Szene)00:05:59
    2-001-017Execution of Warwick and Lancaster - Lento (2. Akt, 1. Szene)00:04:34
    2-002-018Edward's anxiety an the Prince's journey to France00:01:40
    2-003-019The French Court - Allegretto (2. Szene)00:07:16
    2-004-020The Prince and Philippa - Moderato00:02:22
    2-005-021Mortimer and Isabella - Allegro vigoroso00:04:42
    2-006-022The "She-Wolf of France" - Allegro poco pesante00:04:30
    2-007-023Edward and Despenser hide - Lento (3. Szene)00:03:46
    2-008-024Edward's arraignment and abdication00:04:21
    2-009-025Edward is led to prison00:05:02
    2-010-026Edward in prison - Lento, molto calmo (4. Szene)00:07:11
    2-011-027Lightborn and Edward - Andante calmo00:03:12
    2-012-028Mortimer and Isabella's triumphant - pas de deux - Adagio00:02:23
    2-013-029Arrest of Mortimer and Isabella - Moderato feroce00:00:41
    2-014-030Funeral cortège of Edward II - Adagio (5. Szene)00:03:48