
SU 4224

Jack's Kingdom

von Ostrcil, Otakar | Koci / Zidek / Veverka / Jiracek / Prague SO & Radio Chor.
erschienen am 07.07.2017

Jack's Kingdom
Zum Preis von
22,99 €
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    1-001Jack's Kingdom (Oper in 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Ostrcil, OtakarSopran: Vymazalová, Jaroslava; Jirásková, Milada
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Jirácek, Václav
    1-001-001Forty-six degrees north latitude (Ctyricáty sesty stupen) (1. Akt)00:05:41
    1-002-002The gentlemen are coming (Páni prijdou)00:03:06
    1-003-003Good fellows, welcome back (Vítám vás tu, dobri hosi)00:05:55
    1-004-004Today was yours (Dnesek byl tvuj)00:04:16
    1-005-005A new morning (Nové jitro)00:07:29
    1-006-006The army - a happy life (Vojna, zivot vesely)00:04:06
    1-007-007Profound grief (Tezky zármutek) (2. Akt)00:03:49
    1-008-008Did you hear? (Slyseli jste?)00:03:23
    1-009-009What have you done? (Co jste to ucinili?)00:04:18
    1-010-010Help a beggar! (Pomozte zebráku)00:07:05
    1-011-011Is she sleeping? (Spí?)00:05:40
    1-012-012Word has it (Hlásali v kraji)00:05:28
    1-013-013Well, I will stay. (Nu coz, já zustanu)00:02:45
    1-014-014The wealthy magnate (Bohaty velmoz)00:05:49
    1-015-015Hail Jack - Betrayed! (Bud' zdráv Honza! - Zrazeni00:03:56
    2-001-016Either him (Bud'to on) (3. Akt)00:05:31
    2-002-017They are wreaking havoc on our farms (Na statcích nám rádí)00:03:24
    2-003-018One step further (O krok vpred)00:06:19
    2-004-019In the dark (V temnotách)00:05:01
    2-005-020War! (Válka!)00:02:32
    2-006-021An empty village square! - An enemy at last! (Náves bez zivota - Konecne neprítel!)00:05:10
    2-007-022Hooray! Long live the soldiers! (Sláva, at' zijou vojáci)00:05:23
    2-008-023Are you aiming at me? (Na mne mírís?)00:02:32
    2-009-024Eternally human (Vecne lidské)00:04:51
    2-010-025Are you suddenly frozen? (Coz jste náhle zkameneli?)00:02:22
    2-011Calvary (Krízová cesta)Komponist: Ostrcil, OtakarDirigent / Band Leader: Neumann, Václav
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
    2-011-0011. The son of man is condemned to death (Syn cloveka je odsouzen k smrti) (Grave)00:01:44
    2-012-0022. He accepts the cross (Prijímá kríz) (Poco andante, quasi marcia funebre) - 3. He collapses under the weight of the...00:03:07
    2-013-0034. He encounters his mother (Potkává svou matku) (Molto adagio - Poco più mosso)00:02:42
    2-014-0045. Simon helps him carry the cross (Simon pomáhá nést kríz) (Poco con moto)00:01:34
    2-015-0056. Veronica offers him the vestment (Veronika podává roucho) (Adagio)00:01:53
    2-016-0067. He collapses under the weight of the cross for the second time (Klesá pod tíhou kríze podruhé) (Allegro non troppo)00:01:37
    2-017-0078. Do not lament for me (Neplacte nade mnou) (Moderato assai)00:02:43
    2-018-0089. He collapses under the weight of the cross for the third time (Klesá pod tíhou kríze potretí) (Allegro)00:02:08
    2-019-00910. He is brought to Golgotha (Priveden na Golgotu) (Molto lento) - 11. He is crucified (Pribit na kríz) (attacca a...)00:03:09
    2-020-01012. He dies on the cross (Na krízi umírá) (Lento - Agitato)00:04:45
    2-021-01113. He is taken down from the cross (Snímán z kríze) (Lento)00:03:51
    2-022-01214. He is put in the tomb (Ulozen do hrobu) (Largo)00:02:07