
PH 19040

Seven great Russian Operas from 1955 - National Th

von Tchaikovsky, P. I. /Mussorgsky, M. /Glinka, M. /+ | Danon, O. /Markevitch, I. /Kresimir, B. /et al
erschienen am 17.01.2020

Seven great Russian Operas from 1955 - National Th
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    1-001Ein Leben für den Zaren (Oper in 4 Akten mit Epilog) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Glinka, MichaelDirigent / Band Leader: Markevitch, Igor
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestre de l'Association des Concerts Lamoureux
    1-002-002Einleitung - In storm and gale00:07:23
    1-003-003Cavatina - Rondo - I gaze toward the field00:06:24
    1-004-004Why make plans for the wedding?00:05:21
    1-005-005Greetings, countrymen!00:06:24
    1-006-006Do not torture me, dear father00:11:31
    1-007-007Pour out the wine!00:04:33
    1-009-009Pas de quatre - Walzer00:03:52
    1-010-010Mazurka - Finale00:03:46
    1-011-011Where are you from?00:07:29
    2-002-013When the young fledgling's mother was killed00:02:05
    2-003-014Father dear, what news?00:07:22
    2-004-015We are going out into the forest00:03:24
    2-005-016Antonida! My dear children!00:11:27
    2-006-017Well, God be praised00:06:34
    2-007-018No terrors fright me00:07:05
    2-008-019The spring water have quite flooded the meadows00:02:51
    2-009-020I do not grieve for that, my friends00:04:04
    2-010-021Antonida! What's happened00:02:48
    3-002-023My poor horse fell in the fields00:07:56
    3-003-024Who was that calling at the cloister gates00:04:08
    3-004-025We're dog-tired and numb with cold!00:05:10
    3-005-026The truth is beginning00:05:38
    3-006-027Not so long ago00:07:13
    3-008-029Nothing but blizzards00:05:35
    3-010-031Glory, glory to thee, my Russia!00:04:28
    3-012-033In the storm00:06:30
    4-001Boris Godunow (Oper in 4 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Mussorgsky, ModestDirigent / Band Leader: Baranovic, Kresimir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the National Theatre Belgrade
    4-001-001No! How then!00:04:05
    4-002-002Mitjuch, say, Mitjuch00:03:13
    4-003-003Silence! Rise up!00:03:17
    4-004-004Glory to Thee Most High00:04:11
    4-005-005Long live Tsar Boris Feodorovich00:05:42
    4-006-006My soul is sad!00:05:10
    4-007-007Just one more page00:05:40
    4-008-008God of truth and justice00:05:55
    4-009-009Regret not that00:02:41
    4-010-010I hear the martin bell00:03:03
    4-011-011Once I caught a drake00:04:15
    4-012-012Why so grave and melancholic00:01:39
    4-013-013Here's what happened at the town of Kazan00:02:20
    4-014-014Why don't you sing along?00:04:57
    4-015-015We are peaceful hermits, honest monks we are00:02:24
    4-016-016Why do you stare and watch me so closely?00:05:06
    5-001-017The Song of the Gnat00:03:11
    5-002-018Once a gnat was cutting wood - The Clapping Game00:02:42
    5-003-019I'll tell you a tale00:01:27
    5-004-020Ah! Me! What now? - Monolog des Boris00:04:00
    5-005-021I have achieved the power00:05:51
    5-006-022Most gracious Lord and Tsar00:02:10
    5-007-023Undoubtedly my Tsar, your throne is safe00:05:55
    5-008-024Ouf! I suffocate!00:03:46
    5-009-025In the garden at midnight by the fountain00:02:57
    5-010-026Nay, my lord, I do not believe in your passion00:03:37
    5-011-027Demitri! Zarewitsch!00:04:24
    5-012-028But without the throne of Moscow00:06:13
    6-001-029Bring him overe here00:02:19
    6-002-030No falcon is flying in skies00:02:51
    6-003-031Trrr trrr!00:02:29
    6-004-032Dark is the sun and dark is the moon00:03:41
    6-005-033Regem Demetrium Moscoviae00:04:10
    6-006-034Äwe, Dimitri Ivanovich00:02:08
    6-007-035Flow, ah flow my bitter tears00:02:14
    6-008-036Well, the council should begin00:04:02
    6-009-037I'll luck! Schuiski's not here00:02:50
    6-010-038E've called you together, boyars00:02:34
    6-011-039A peaceful monk00:06:31
    6-012-040Farewell my son, I am dying00:02:59
    6-013-041O my God00:02:20
    6-014-042Hark! This is the passing bell00:04:35
    6-015Boris Godunow (Oper in 4 Akten) (Auszug)Komponist: Mussorgsky, ModestDirigent / Band Leader: Baranovic, Kresimir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the National Theatre Belgrade
    6-015-001What? Is mass finished already?00:04:56
    6-016-002Ha! Old saucepan cap00:04:08
    6-017-003A-a! A-a! - Boris! A Boris!00:02:48
    6-018-004Flow, ah flow my bitter tears00:03:03
    7-001Chowanschtschina (Die Fürsten Chowansky, Oper in 5 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Mussorgsky, ModestDirigent / Band Leader: Baranovic, Kresimir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the National Theatre Belgrade
    7-001-001Vorspiel - Dawn over the River Moscow00:05:08
    7-002-002I shall go, it shall go00:03:20
    7-003-003Hey, Hey you, scribbler00:08:15
    7-004-004The Chief's coming00:07:04
    7-005-005Have mercy00:02:14
    7-006-006So, prince, this is how you remain ture to me!00:03:30
    7-007-007Prince Andrei!00:03:48
    7-008-008A time of darkness00:03:33
    7-009-009Dear land00:04:46
    7-010-010Brother Vassenka, my light00:04:44
    7-011-011Coming to see you, prince00:02:04
    7-012-012Mysterious forces, great powers00:05:32
    7-013-013So that is to be my fate00:02:14
    7-014-014I came in without waiting00:04:18
    7-015-015Princes, calm your anger00:04:36
    7-016-016We have destroyed the heresy00:01:20
    7-017-017Have mercy! Your Highness, don't have me put to death!00:03:04
    8-001-018We have destroyed the heresy - Lied der Marifa00:03:47
    8-002-019There wenta young maiden00:07:56
    8-003-020If you had ever known00:03:00
    8-004-021Why are you in such a fury00:02:10
    8-005-022Oh my darling child - Arie des Shaklovity00:05:17
    8-006-023The lair of Streltsy is sunk in sleep00:05:24
    8-007-024Get up, young fellows!00:02:26
    8-008-025Ah, you damned loafers!00:04:20
    8-009-026Streltsi, let's ask our chief00:02:46
    8-010-027Greetings to you, children00:03:01
    9-001-028In the meadow near the river00:03:55
    9-002-029Late at night I sat alone00:02:05
    9-003-030Persische Tänze00:07:20
    9-004-031Why are you here00:02:00
    9-005-032There swims a lady swan00:02:22
    9-006-033Look, they're taking him away00:03:08
    9-007-034Fate`s decree has been fulfilled00:05:22
    9-008-035Ah, you are here, wicked woman! Serpent!00:04:08
    9-009-036Oh, Lord, my Gold! All is lost!00:06:23
    9-010-037Here in this place00:05:58
    9-011-038Brethren, our cause is lost00:03:53
    9-012-039Sisters, you will be true to the faith00:02:11
    9-013-040The enemy of mankind, Satan00:03:20
    9-014-041They have gone away! Lord, I will not hide00:06:59
    9-015-042Those bugles herald eternity!00:03:37
    9-016-043Be preaised, Lord of all glory!00:03:34
    10-001Schneeflöckchen (Oper in 4 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Rimsky-Korssakoff, NikolaiDirigent / Band Leader: Baranovic, Kresimir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the National Theatre Belgrade
    10-001-001Winter is past00:04:15
    10-002-002At the time appointed00:01:39
    10-003-003Not thus do I greet00:03:36
    10-004-004Comrades: While-flanked magpies00:03:28
    10-005-005The birds have all gathered00:03:53
    10-006-006Gainst the richt village houses00:03:14
    10-007-007You've amused yourself no end00:02:30
    10-008-008A-oo, a-oo! Oh, poor Snow Maiden00:01:13
    10-009-009To go picking berries00:05:00
    10-010-010I have heard00:02:19
    10-011-011You hear? Melt!00:03:42
    10-012-012Early in the morning00:05:20
    10-013-013Bright summer will pass00:01:10
    10-014-014Come on home!00:04:44
    10-016-016For a kid welcome00:04:10
    10-017-017Once a little strawberry00:02:46
    10-018-018When the trees rustle in the forest00:03:50
    10-019-019How miserable I am00:03:02
    11-001-020The Snow Maiden is all alone00:02:55
    11-002-021Wedding ritual - Dear friends, my dear companions00:03:53
    11-003-022Dear friends of mine00:06:31
    11-004-023Dear friends and companions00:08:28
    11-005-024Strings eloquent and resonant00:05:55
    11-006-025Great Tsar off the happy Berendeyans00:04:21
    11-007-026Your Majesty, Father-Tsar00:07:27
    11-008-027People of this realm00:02:08
    11-009-028Ceremonial procession of Tsar Berendej00:01:56
    11-010-029Hail to you00:01:30
    11-011-030My thanks to you00:03:55
    11-012-031Mighty Nature is cramful of wonder00:03:17
    11-013-032Snow Maiden, your time has come00:08:21
    11-014-033Hail to you II00:01:47
    11-015-034Oh, in a field a sweet linden tree stood00:04:39
    11-016-035Our merry day departs - One more amusement00:03:09
    11-017-036Dance of the tumblers00:03:42
    12-001-037With thunder a storm-cloud00:03:58
    12-002-038Thank you, Lel00:05:38
    12-003-039Handsome Lel00:02:37
    12-004-040My wreath has faded00:04:27
    12-005-041In the warm blue sea00:03:56
    12-006-042Wander the whole night long in search00:04:07
    12-007-043Where has she vanished00:06:28
    12-008-044Einleitung - In storm and gale00:03:06
    12-009-045Dear mother, in misery and tears00:02:42
    12-010-046Snow Maiden, my child, what is your wish?00:03:02
    12-011-047So be it, my child - The perfumed flower of spring lovage00:06:27
    12-012-048Oh mother, mother, what's come over me?00:02:00
    12-013-049Stay, stay, Snow Maiden!00:05:29
    12-014-050We've sowed milldet00:03:14
    12-015-051May your union be blessed - Mitty tsar00:06:44
    12-016-052Like the spring snnow has she melted away00:02:04
    12-017-053Light and power, bog Yarilo00:02:33
    13-001Fürst Igor (Oper in 4 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Borodin, AlexanderDirigent / Band Leader: Baranovic, Kresimir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the National Theatre Belgrade
    13-002-002Introduktion: Glory, glory to the radiant sun00:04:10
    13-003-003Forward! To battle with the enemies00:02:41
    13-004-004Princes! It is time to go00:05:34
    13-005-005It is time to say farewell00:08:37
    13-006-006Ha! Glory to Vladimir!00:02:01
    13-007-007I Make no secret boredom I hate00:04:02
    13-008-008Long live Prince Galitsky!00:01:11
    13-009-009Oh, what misfortune!00:02:34
    13-010-010Wait, young fellows, listen!00:00:55
    13-011-011At the palace of Prince Vladimir00:03:25
    13-012-012Yes, this is the one we should rule00:02:44
    13-013-013Much time has passed00:09:42
    13-014-014A group of maidens has come to see you00:05:11
    13-015-015Oh! The prince is here! God help us!00:07:44
    14-001-016You are welcome, boyars!00:09:26
    14-002-017Without water in the hot sun00:05:10
    14-003-018Tanz der Polowzer Mädchen00:02:16
    14-004-019The day is dying.00:06:18
    14-005-020Maidens, friends, quench the prisoners' thirst00:04:22
    14-006-021Daylight has slowly faded00:06:07
    14-007-022Is that you, my Vladimir?00:05:45
    14-008-023No sleep, no rest for my tormented soul00:07:57
    14-009-024Cavatina - Rondo - I gaze toward the field00:04:30
    14-010-025How are you, Prince?00:06:59
    14-011-026Hey! Bring along the slaves!00:03:29
    14-012-027Fly, our song, on the wings of the wind00:03:43
    14-013-028Sing praise to our glorious Chan!00:07:48
    15-001-029The army returns home00:05:06
    15-002-030Our sword gave us victory00:03:08
    15-003-031Sound the trumpets!00:07:36
    15-004-032Prince, make ready to depart00:02:23
    15-005-033Vladmir, can it all be true?00:03:45
    15-006-034Prince Igor has escaped00:04:43
    15-007-035Oh, I weep, I shed bitter tears00:10:40
    15-008-036It was no raging wind that howled00:03:23
    15-009-037How dismal it is all around - This is the Prince, my Prince is back!00:07:46
    15-010-038You, play, play, yes, play!00:08:35
    15-011-039A toast to the health of our Prince! Let all the people welcome the Prince00:03:44
    16-001Eugen Onegin op. 24 (Oper in 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschDirigent / Band Leader: Baranovic, Kresimir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the National Theatre Belgrade
    16-002-002Have you ever heard00:04:56
    16-003-003My swift feet ache from walking00:04:42
    16-004-004How I love to listen - Once across the bridge00:03:43
    16-005-005Well, my frolicsome one00:03:06
    16-006-006Mesdames, I have taken the liberty - Tell me, which is Tatyana?00:03:44
    16-007-007How happy I am - I love you Olga!00:05:41
    16-008-008Oh! There you are!00:02:58
    16-009-009Well I've talked too much00:08:10
    16-010-010Let me die00:13:57
    16-011-011Oh, the night has passed00:06:08
    16-012-012Pretty maidens, darling playmates00:02:39
    16-013-013He`s here, Eugene's here00:04:31
    16-014-014If I had wished to pass my life00:04:07
    17-002-016What a surprise!00:06:15
    17-003-017Have I really deserved this ridicule on your part00:06:15
    17-004-018Messieurs, Mesdames, please take your places!00:04:49
    17-005-019In your house, like a golden dream00:05:38
    17-006-020What is this? It seems your opponent hasn't appeared. Where, oh, where have you gone?00:09:23
    17-007-021Oh, here they are.00:06:06
    17-009-023I'm bored to death here too! - Pricess Gremina! Look!00:06:52
    17-010-024Love is no respecter of age00:06:52
    17-011-025So come along, l'll introduce you. - Can it really be that same Tatyana00:03:49
    17-013-027Oh, how miserable I am00:02:31
    17-014-028Onegin, I was younger then00:03:22
    17-015-029Is it possible that in my humble prayer your cold look sees nothing00:07:58
    18-001Pique Dame op. 68 (Oper in 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Tschaikowsky, Peter IljitschDirigent / Band Leader: Baranovic, Kresimir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the National Theatre Belgrade
    18-002-002Burn, shine, brightly00:04:30
    18-003-003How did the gamy end yesterday?00:03:08
    18-004-004I don`t know her name00:03:59
    18-005-005At last God has sent us a sunny day00:01:55
    18-006-006But are you sure00:03:20
    18-007-007I'm afraid!00:03:09
    18-008-008What an old witch00:01:26
    18-009-009One day at Versailles00:03:43
    18-010-010Se non e vero, e ven trovato.00:03:50
    18-011-011This evening already00:03:07
    18-012-012Charming! Enchanting! Yes, I have it! Dear friends, playful and free from care00:05:33
    18-013-013Mesdemoiselles, what's all this noise here?00:01:48
    18-014-014It's time to go home00:02:40
    18-015-015Why these tears?00:04:18
    18-016-016Stay, I implore you!00:03:55
    18-017-017Forgive me, heavenly creature00:02:39
    18-018-018Liza open the door!00:03:09
    18-019-019Oh pity me!00:02:32
    19-001-020Bright and gay on this day00:03:56
    19-002-021The host kindly invites his dear guests00:02:45
    19-003-022I love you, love you madly00:04:26
    19-004-023Wait for me in the ballroom after the performance00:02:18
    19-005-024My master begs his valued guests - In the deep shadows00:01:50
    19-007-026My dearest gentle shepherd00:03:36
    19-008-027How sweet you are - Messieurs, Mesdames, please take your places!00:07:43
    19-009-028Who, impelled by passionate, ardent love00:04:59
    19-010-029It's all exactly as she told me00:06:20
    19-011-030Footsteps! Someone's coming! Yes!00:03:32
    19-012-031Oh! I hate the world today!00:02:10
    19-013-032Je crains de lui parler la nuit!00:04:45
    19-014-033Don't be frightened!00:04:19
    19-015-034She`s dead! It's all over!00:02:21
    20-002-036I don't believe you intended the Countess's death00:08:03
    20-003-037I'm afraid! Terrifying! There, there! I hear footsteps!00:05:45
    20-004-038It's nearly midnight00:03:50
    20-005-039I'm worn out with sorrow00:03:14
    20-006-040And how if the clock should strike me00:05:32
    20-007-041Oh, yes, my sufferings are over00:03:46
    20-008-042Drink and make merry!00:03:43
    20-009-043If pretty girls could fly like virds00:03:24
    20-010-044To business gentlemen, to dards!00:02:10
    20-011-045No more play?00:02:02
    20-012-046Oh Lord, forgive him!00:03:28
    21-001Don Quichotte (Oper in 5 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Massenet, JulesDirigent / Band Leader: Baranovic, Kresimir
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Orchestra of the National Theatre Belgrade
    21-001-001Alza! Alza! Alza! Olé00:05:48
    21-002-002Alza! Alza! Quand la femme a vingt ans00:04:06
    21-003-003Dulincee est certes jolie00:01:53
    21-004-004Allegresse! Allegresse!00:05:54
    21-005-005O Dulcinee! Ah!!! Vous allez ameuter alcade00:02:16
    21-006-006Quand apparaissent les etoiles00:04:48
    21-007-007Ah! Ah! C'est vous qui lanciez00:02:06
    21-008-008Vous etes, mon seigneur00:05:27
    21-009-009Elle màime et va me revenir00:02:32
    21-010-010Cèst vers ton amour00:06:45
    21-011-011Comment peut-on penser du bien00:02:50
    21-012-012Quoi? Quoi?00:03:58
    21-014-014Cèst le chemin00:03:55
    21-015-015Quand apparaissent les etoiles00:02:08
    21-016-016Ah! Voir un corps long00:00:50
    21-017-017Seigneur, recois mon ame00:08:08
    22-001-018Alors, traitresse, je nài plus rien a esperer?00:02:39
    22-002-019Lorsque le temps d'amour a fui00:01:53
    22-003-020Par fortune! Par fortune!00:02:52
    22-004-021Alza! Alza! Ne pensons qu'au plaisir dàimer00:02:21
    22-005-022Annonce le grand Don Quichotte00:00:57
    22-006-023O bienheureux moment00:01:36
    22-007-024L'aube bientot blanchira l`horizon!00:05:45
    22-008-025Peu de mots ont suffi00:04:58
    22-009-026Enfin te revoila!00:02:30
    22-010-027Riez, allez, riez du pauvre ideologue00:02:37
    22-012-029O mon maitre, o mon grand!00:09:21