
DCD 34285

The Anvil

von Howard, Emily | Royal, Kate / Gernon, Ben / BBC Philharmonic
erschienen am 20.10.2023

The Anvil
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21,99 €
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    1-001The Anvil: An Elegy for Peterloo (2019)Komponist: Howard, EmilySopran: Royal, Kate
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Gernon, Ben
    1-001-001Weave: Heavy stone harvest00:03:12
    1-002-002Weave: Pelt of rough turf00:01:47
    1-003-003Weave: Battered shuttles00:04:39
    1-004-004The Commissioner for Paving00:01:07
    1-005-005RISE: Fife drums love command liberty00:01:59
    1-006-006RISE: A lake of hats00:02:24
    1-007-007RISE: We walk in communion00:00:58
    1-008-008RISE: We ask for sustenance and suffrage00:00:48
    1-009-009The Order Comes: The order comes00:00:25
    1-010-010The Order Comes: Were we quickened from brick-dust00:00:45
    1-011-011The Order Comes: Sabred and stabbed00:02:53
    1-012-012The Order Comes: The field turns inside out00:04:35
    1-013-013Some of Our Cry Is Their Cry: Some of our cry is their cry00:03:09
    1-014-014Some of Our Cry Is Their Cry: Now, when you see a blush00:01:53
    1-015-015Some of Our Cry Is Their Cry: Ghosts conjured from cotton smoke00:02:49
    1-016-016Some of Our Cry Is Their Cry: Our shibboleth00:02:59
    1-017Elliptics (2022)Komponist: Howard, EmilySopran: Booth, Claire
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Kaziboni, Vimbayi
    1-017-001Like a bird that has hit glass00:01:12
    1-018-002Be quiet, you say00:01:54
    1-019-003On the way, I reckon up trios of street lamps00:01:21
    1-020-004Rooks wake, warn and clatter00:01:16
    1-021-005The long-gone and the not-yet-here00:02:05
    1-022-006Full-tilt towards infinity00:01:28
    1-023-007Night-long drive00:01:50
    1-024-008Houses dark and steep, oblivious00:00:56
    1-025-009Love alone brooks resurrection00:00:40
    1-026-010Under our feet, below the sewers00:01:48
    1-027-011Seven swans in grief00:01:28
    1-028-012Wildfires on the bare hills00:01:17
    1-029-013Like a bird that has hit glass00:00:52
    1-030-014Beyond these walls is so much silence00:00:15
    1-031-015Dusk that never blossoms. Endless vespers00:05:54