
CHAN 9826

Billy Budd (Revidierte Fassung 1961)

von Britten, Benjamin | Langridge / Keenlyside / Tomlinson / Hickox / LSO
erschienen am 01.04.2012

Billy Budd (Revidierte Fassung 1961)
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    1-001Billy Budd (Oper in 2 Akten) (revidierte Fassung 1961) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Britten, BenjaminDirigent / Band Leader: Hickox, Richard
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): London Symphony Orchestra
    1-001-001I'am an old man (Prolog)00:05:09
    1-002-002Pull me, bantams! (1. Akt / 1. Szene)00:06:43
    1-003-003Boat ahoy!00:03:16
    1-004-004First man forward00:02:16
    1-005-005Your name?00:02:39
    1-006-006Billy Budd, king of the birds!00:02:27
    2-001-007I heard, your honour!00:03:30
    2-002-008Come along, kid!00:04:21
    2-003-009Christ! The poor chap...00:01:30
    2-004-010What's that? What's those whistles?00:01:15
    2-005-011Starry Vere we call him00:02:17
    2-006-012Boy! (2. Szene)00:03:25
    2-007-013Gentlemen, the king!00:05:43
    2-008-014Ay, at Spithead...00:01:00
    2-009-015We are, sir. Claggart is an able one00:06:35
    2-010-016Blow her away (3. Szene)00:02:44
    2-011-017We're off to Samoa00:03:43
    2-012-018Hi! you...a...a...!00:03:02
    2-013-019Over the water00:07:29
    2-014-020Come here00:06:22
    2-015-021Billy!...Hist! Billy Budd!00:04:23
    2-016-022Dansker, old friend00:04:51
    3-001-023I don't like the look of the mist... (2. Akt / 1. Szene)00:02:18
    3-002-024With great regret I must disturb your honour00:01:03
    3-003-025Deck ahoy!00:03:26
    3-004-026Volunteers! Call for boarding volunteers!00:08:13
    3-005-027There you are again, Master-at-Arms00:05:01
    3-006-028Oh, this cursed mist!00:04:03
    3-007-029Claggart, John Claggart, beware! (2. Szene)00:03:36
    3-008-030Master-at-Arms and foretopman...00:03:19
    3-009-031God o' mercy!00:02:10
    3-010-032Gentlemen, William Budd here...00:01:33
    3-011-033William Budd, you are accused...00:05:48
    3-012-034Poor fellow, who could save him?00:05:02
    3-013-035I accept their verdict00:05:15
    3-014-036Look! (3. Szene)00:06:05
    3-015-037Here! Baby!00:04:10
    3-016-038And farewell to ye...00:05:47
    3-017-039Interlude (4. Szene)00:03:11
    3-018-040According to the articles of war...00:02:17
    3-019-041Down all hands!00:02:26
    3-020-042We comitted his body to the deep (Epilog)00:04:56