
CCL 832


von Byrd, William | Souter, Martin
erschienen am 01.10.2008

Zum Preis von
12,99 €
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    1-001My Ladye Nevells Booke (Auszug)Komponist: Byrd, WilliamCembalo: Souter, Martin
    1-001-001My Ladye Nevells Grownde00:05:28
    1-002-002Qui passe: for my Ladye Nevell00:05:03
    1-003-003The huntes upp00:08:34
    1-004-004Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La00:08:11
    1-005-005The firste pavian00:04:31
    1-006-006The galliard to the firste pavian00:01:48
    1-007-007A voluntarie: for my ladye nevell00:05:22
    1-008-008Will yow walke the woods soe wylde00:04:35
    1-009-009A fancie Nr. 100:05:36
    1-010-010Lord Willobies welcome home00:02:49
    1-011-011A fancie Nr. 200:04:56
    1-012-012Sellingers rownde00:06:43