
CDRSN 3027

Children's Classics

von Prokofieff / Saint - Saens / Mozart, | Ustinov / PO / Ellis, P.
erschienen am 25.05.2012

Children's Classics
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    1-001Peter and the wolf op. 67 (Peter und der Wolf) (Symphonic Fairy Tale / Ein musikalisches Märchen) (1936)Komponist: Prokofieff, SergejDirigent / Band Leader: Ellis, Philip
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philharmonia Orchestra
    Sprecher / Erzähler: Ustinov, Peter
    1-003-003The bird00:00:06
    1-004-004The duck00:00:14
    1-005-005The cat00:00:13
    1-007-007The wolf00:00:17
    1-009-009Peter goes out into the meadow00:01:21
    1-010-010On a branch sat a little bird00:01:31
    1-011-011A duck came waddling along00:02:19
    1-012-012Suddenly, Peter noticed a cat00:01:56
    1-013-013Peter's grandfather came out00:02:17
    1-014-014A big grey wolf00:01:29
    1-015-015The cat climbed up the tree00:00:26
    1-016-016The duck climbed out of the pond00:01:36
    1-017-017This is how things stood00:02:00
    1-018-018Peter ran home and took a strong rope00:00:50
    1-019-019Bird, fly down and circle the wolf's head00:01:37
    1-020-020Peter made a lasso00:02:00
    1-021-021Just then, some hunters came out of the woosds00:01:35
    1-022-022Don't shoot...let's take him to the zoo00:01:01
    1-023-023A triumphant procession00:03:52
    1-024-024The duck is alive in the wolf00:01:00
    1-025The carnival of the animals (Der Karneval der Tiere / Le Carnaval des animaux) (A grand Zoological Fantasy) (1886)Komponist: Saint-Saëns, CamilleKlavier: O'Gorman, Laura; Walker, Nicholas
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Ellis, Philip
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philharmonia Orchestra
    1-025-001Introduction and Royal march of the lion00:02:13
    1-026-002Cocks ands hens00:00:44
    1-027-003Wild asses00:00:40
    1-029-005The elephant00:01:09
    1-031-007The Aquarium00:02:47
    1-032-008Personages with long ears00:00:32
    1-033-009The cuckoo in the wood00:02:23
    1-034-010The aviary00:01:20
    1-037-013The swan00:03:15
    1-038-014The finale00:02:13
    1-039Toy Symphony in G (Sinfonie G-Dur "Spielzeug-Sinfonie)Komponist: Mozart, LeopoldDirigent / Band Leader: Ellis, Philip
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): Philharmonia Orchestra
    1-039-0011. Allegro00:04:17
    1-040-0022. Menuetto00:04:48
    1-041-0033. Allegro00:01:21

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