1-001 | Let's be joyful | | Hava Nagila | |
1-002 | The land of camel | | Hacarmel, Eretz | |
1-003 | In the field of Bet-Lechem | | Bisdot Bet-Lechem | |
1-004 | Let us go to dance | | Bamachol, Hava Netze | |
1-005 | Fields in the valley | | Sadat Sheba'emek | |
1-006 | Come fair maiden | | Bayee Tama | |
1-007 | Peace for israel | | Shalom al Israel | |
1-008 | Build your house | | Beneh Betcha | |
1-009 | And Usiyahu built | | Vayven Usiyahu | |
1-010 | Drums solo | | Keine Künstlerinformation | |
1-011 | Land o land | | Adamah Adamah | |
1-012 | We brouth peace upon us | | Hevenu Shalom Alechem | |
1-013 | Water Water | | Mayim Mayim | |
1-014 | Come brother | | Kuma Echa | |
1-015 | The daughter of Yiftach | | Bat Yiftach | |
1-016 | The taste of the mann | | Ta'Am Haman | |
1-017 | The Debka of the Druz | | Debka Druz | |
1-018 | The joy of the worker | | Simachat He'Ame | |
1-019 | The Hora Of Bonfire | | Hora Medura | |
1-020 | Ancient melody | | Nigun A Tik | |
1-021 | Be glad | | Simuch Na | |
2-001 | Margaritkes | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-002 | For Ich Mir Arojss | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-003 | Bei Mir Bistu Shejn | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-004 | Zwej Tajbelech | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-005 | Chaskele | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-006 | Rebbe Elimelech | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-007 | Dem Triske Rebns Nign | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-008 | A Lidele In Jiddisch | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-009 | Nigun | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-010 | 'ss Brent, Brider, 'ss Brent | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-011 | Scherele | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-012 | Havan nagila | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-013 | Der Rebbe Tiut Wunder | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-014 | S Dremlen Feygle Ouf Di Tsvaygn | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-015 | Zehn Br Der | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-016 | Trink Br, der | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-017 | Achzig Er Und Sibezig Si | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-018 | Shtil Die Nacht Is Oysgeshernt | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-019 | Tum Balalayka | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |
2-020 | Mir Lebn Eibia | | Isreaelian Folk Singers, The / Shiarazula | |