Charles Gerhardt Conducts Classic Film Scores

von Various | Gerhardt, Charles
erschienen am 13.03.2020

Charles Gerhardt Conducts Classic Film Scores
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    1-001The Sea Hawk: Main Title - Reunion - Finale (From 'The Sea Hawk')Komponist: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang; Korngold, Erich WolfgangRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:06:53
    1-001-001Hauptthema - Reunion - Finale00:06:56
    1-002Nora's Theme (From 'Of Human Bondage')Komponist: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang; Korngold, Erich WolfgangRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:04:21
    1-002-001Noras Thema00:04:25
    1-003March of the Merry Men - Battle (From 'The Adventures of Robin Hood')Komponist: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang; Korngold, Erich WolfgangRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:04:01
    1-003-001March of the Merry Men - Battle00:04:05
    1-004Juarez: Love Theme (From 'Juarez')Komponist: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang; Korngold, Erich WolfgangRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:01:48
    1-005Kings Row; Main Title (From 'Kings Row')Komponist: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang; Korngold, Erich WolfgangRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:01:39
    1-006Tomorrow (From 'The Constant Nymph')Komponist: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang; Korngold, Erich WolfgangFrauenchor: Ambrosian Singers, The
    Alt: Procter, Norma
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    1-006-001Tomorrow op. 3300:06:06
    1-007Overture (From 'Captain Blood')Komponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    1-008No Father, No Mother, No Name (From 'Anthony Adverse')Komponist: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang; Korngold, Erich WolfgangRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:39
    1-008-001No father, no mother, no name00:02:43
    1-009Between Two Worlds: Main Title - Mother and Son (From 'Between Two Worlds')Komponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    1-009-001Hauptthema - Mother and son00:05:34
    1-010Deception: Main Title (From 'Deception')Komponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    1-011The Death of Emily Bronte (From 'Devotion')Komponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    1-011-001The death of Emily Brontë00:04:08
    1-012Escape Me Never: Main Title - Venice - March - Love Scene - Finale (From 'Escape Me Never')Komponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangVioline: Sax, Sidney
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    1-012-001Hauptthema - Venice - Marsch - Liebesszene - Finale00:08:17
    2-001Lost Horizon (1937)Komponist: Tiomkin, Dimitri; Tiomkin, DimitriOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    2-001-002Foreword Card
    2-001-003Riot in Baskui
    2-001-004Mob Scene at Refueling Station
    2-001-005Morning After the Plane Crash
    2-001-006Arrival of the Caravan
    2-001-007The Journey Over the Mountains
    2-001-008Entrance into Shangri-La
    2-001-010Riding Sequence
    2-001-011The Waterfall
    2-001-012Chinese Children's Scherzo
    2-001-013Bell Sequence
    2-001-014Funeral Cortege of the High Lama
    2-001-015Escape from Shangri-La
    2-001-016Return to Shangri-La
    2-002Prelude (From 'The Guns of Navarone')Komponist: Tiomkin, DimitriOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    2-003The Big SkyKomponist: Tiomkin, DimitriOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    2-003-002Forest at Night (Nocturne)
    2-003-003The Wide Missouri (Epilogue)
    2-004Overture (From 'The Fourposter')Komponist: Tiomkin, DimitriOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    2-005Love Scene in the Barn (From 'Friendly Persuasion')Komponist: Tiomkin, DimitriOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    2-005-001Love scene in the barn00:05:57
    2-006Choral Finale (From 'Search for Paradise')Komponist: Tiomkin, Dimitri; Tiomkin, DimitriDirigent / Band Leader: wrhardt, Charles
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    2-006-001Finale (Choral)00:03:33
    3-001Adventures of Don JuanKomponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    3-001-001The king - Hauptthema: Don Juan - The brocade - Don Juans Serenade - Parade into London - Don Juan and the queen - Final00:09:35
    3-002The Sea Hawk - SuiteKomponist: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang; Korngold, Erich WolfgangOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    3-002-001The albatross - The throne room of Elizabeth I - Entrance of the sea hawks - The orchid - Panama (Marsch) - The duel...00:08:13
    3-003Ship in the Night (From 'Captain Blood')Komponist: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang; Korngold, Erich WolfgangRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:08
    3-003-001Ship in the night00:02:10
    3-004They Died with Their Boots OnKomponist: Steiner, Max; Steiner, MaxWilbraham, John / Macintosh, Ian
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    3-004-001Morning - The farewell before the battle - Preparation - Marsch - The 7th cavalry - Garry Owen - The Sioux - ...00:08:41
    3-005Dodge CityKomponist: Steiner, Max; Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:07:56
    3-005-001Warner Bros. Fanfare - Hauptthema - The open prairie - The iron horse - Surrett - The comrades - The covered wagon - ...00:08:00
    3-006Parachute Drop (From 'Objective Burma')Komponist: Waxman, Franz; Waxman, FranzRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:16
    3-006-001Parachute drop00:02:19
    3-007The Sun Also RisesKomponist: Friedhofer, Hugo; Friedhofer, HugoRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:04:42
    3-007-001Prolog (Solennelle) - The lights of Paris00:04:44
    3-008The Adventures of Robin HoodKomponist: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang; Korngold, Erich WolfgangRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:12:20
    3-008-001The archery tournament - Escape from the gallows - Robin and Lady Marian - Coronation procession00:12:23
    4-001Main Title: Dixie, Mammy, Tara, Rhett (From 'Gone With The Wind')Komponist: Steiner, Max; Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:04
    4-001-001Hauptthema: Dixie - Mammy - Tara - Rhett00:03:04
    4-002Opening Sequence: The Twins, Katie Bell, Ashley, Mammy (From 'Gone With The Wind')Komponist: Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:13
    4-002-002Eröffnungssequenz: The twins - Katie Bell - Ashley - Mammy00:02:13
    4-003Driving Home, Gerald O'Hara, Scarlett, Tara (From 'Gone With The Wind')Komponist: Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:48
    4-003-003Driving home - Gerald O'Hara - Scarlett - Tara00:02:48
    4-004Dance Montage: Charleston Heel and Toe Polka, Southern Belle Waltz, Can Can (From 'Gone With The Wind')Komponist: Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:26
    4-004-004Tanzmontage: Charlesto Heel - Toe Polka - Southern Belle Waltz - Can Can00:03:25
    4-005Grazioso, Mammy, Ashley, Ashley and Scarlett, Scarlett, Ashley and Melanie Love Theme (From 'Gone With The Wind')Komponist: Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:05:00
    4-005-005Grazioso - Mammy - Ashley - Ashley and Scarlett - Scarlett, Ashley and Melanie love theme00:05:00
    4-006Civil War, Fall of the South, Scarlett Walks Among the Wounded (From 'Gone With The Wind')Komponist: Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:05:19
    4-006-006Civil war - Fall of the South - Scarlett walks among the wounded00:05:23
    4-007True Love - Ashley Returns to Tara from the War - Tara in Ruins (From 'Gone With The Wind')Komponist: Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:15
    4-007-007True love - Ashley returns to Tara from the war - Tara in ruins00:03:15
    4-008Belle Watling (From 'Gone With The Wind')Komponist: Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:24
    4-008-008Belle Watling00:02:23
    4-009Reconstruction, The Nightmare, Tara Rebuilt, Bonnie, The Accident (From 'Gone With The Wind')Komponist: Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:06:42
    4-009-009Reconstruction - The nightmare - Tara rebuilt - Bonnie - The accident00:06:41
    4-010Mammy and Melanie on the Staircase - Rhett's Sorrow (From 'Gone With The Wind')Komponist: Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:53
    4-010-010Mammy and Melanie on the staircase - Rhett's sorrow00:02:53
    4-011Apotheosis: Melanie's Death, Scarlett and Rhett, Tara (From 'Gone With The Wind')Komponist: Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:06:24
    4-011-011Apotheose: Melanie's death - Scarlett and Rhett - Tara00:06:22
    5-00120th Century-Fox Fanfare with the CinemaScope Extension and Street SceneKomponist: Newman, AlfredNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    5-001-00120th Century Fox Fanfare - Strassenszene00:04:26
    5-002Captain From CastileKomponist: Newman, AlfredBand Of The Grenadier Guards
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    5-002-002Pedro and Catana
    5-003Cathy's Theme (From 'Wuthering Heights')Komponist: Newman, Alfred; Newman, AlfredRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:51
    5-003-001Cathys Thema00:02:53
    5-004Hornpipe (From 'Down To The Sea In Ships')Komponist: Newman, Alfred; Newman, AlfredRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:01:56
    5-005The Song of BernadetteKomponist: Newman, Alfred; Newman, AlfredAmbrosian Singers, The
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    5-005-002The Vision
    5-006The Hunters (Main Title) [From 'The Bravados']Komponist: Newman, Alfred; Newman, AlfredRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:04
    5-007Anastasia (Main Title)Komponist: Newman, Alfred; Newman, AlfredRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:45
    5-008London Calling (From 'The Best Of Everything')Komponist: Newman, Alfred; Newman, AlfredRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:51
    5-008-001London calling00:02:55
    5-009Airport (Main Title)Komponist: Newman, Alfred; Newman, AlfredRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:13
    5-010The RobeKomponist: Newman, Alfred; Newman, AlfredBand Of The Grenadier Guards
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    5-010-001Main Title
    5-010-003Caligula's March
    5-010-004The Map of Jerusalem
    6-001CasablancaKomponist: Steiner, MaxNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-001-001Hauptthema - The immigrants - Morocco - "Sam, I thought I told you never to play..." - As time goes by - Flashback: ...00:08:44
    6-002Passage to Marseille: Rescue at SeaKomponist: Steiner, MaxNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-002-001Rescue at sea00:04:00
    6-003The Treasure of the Sierra MadreKomponist: Steiner, MaxNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-003-001Hauptthema - The trek to the gold - Fool's gold - The letter - Finale: The gold scatters in the wind00:07:50
    6-004The Big Sleep: Love ThemesKomponist: Steiner, MaxNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-005The Caine Mutiny: MarchKomponist: Steiner, MaxNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-006To Have and Have Not: Main Title: MartinqueKomponist: Waxman, Franz; Waxman, FranzNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-007The Two Mrs. CarrollsKomponist: Waxman, FranzNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-007-001Hauptthema - The embrace - The storm - The poisoned milk - The window - Geoffrey's madness - Finale00:04:31
    6-008Sabrina: Main Title; The Larrabee EstateKomponist: Hollander, FrederickNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-008-001Hauptthema - The Larrabee estate00:02:59
    6-009The Left Hand of God: Love ThemeKomponist: Young, VictorNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-010Sahara: Main TitleKomponist: Rózsa, MiklósNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-011Virginia City: Stagecoach; Love SceneKomponist: Steiner, MaxNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-011-001Stagecoach - Liebesszene00:04:20
    6-012Key LargoKomponist: Steiner, MaxNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    6-012-001Hauptthema - The bridge - McCloud and Mr. Temple - Reminiscence - Morning - Finale00:05:13
    7-001The Death Hunt (From 'On Dangerous Ground')Komponist: Herrmann, Bernard; Herrmann, BernardRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:23
    7-001-001The death hunt00:02:26
    7-002Prelude: Xanadu - Snow Picture (From 'Citizen Kane')Komponist: Herrmann, Bernard; Herrmann, BernardOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    7-002-001Präludium: Xanadu - Snow picture00:03:17
    7-003Theme and Variations (Breakfast Montage) [From 'Citizen Kane']Komponist: Herrmann, BernardRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:26
    7-003-002Thema und Variationen: Breakfast montage00:03:27
    7-004Aria from Salammbo (From 'Citizen Kane')Komponist: Herrmann, BernardSopran: Te Kanawa, Kiri
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    7-004-003Arie aus Salammbô00:04:16
    7-005Rosebud and Finale (From 'Citizen Kane')Komponist: Herrmann, BernardRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:41
    7-005-004Rosebud - Finale00:02:40
    7-006The Sea - The Lagoon (From 'Beneath the 12-Mile Reef')Komponist: Herrmann, BernardDirigent / Band Leader: Gerhardt, Charles
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    7-006-001The sea - The lagoon00:04:40
    7-007Descending (From 'Beneath the 12-Mile Reef')Komponist: Herrmann, BernardRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:01:51
    7-008The Octopus - Homecoming (From 'Beneath the 12-Mile Reef')Komponist: Herrmann, BernardRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:55
    7-008-003The octopus - Homecoming00:03:58
    7-009Concerto Macabre for Piano and Orchestra (From 'Hangover Square')Komponist: Herrmann, Bernard; Herrmann, BernardKlavier: Achúcarro, Joaquín
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    7-009-001Concerto Macabre für Klavier und Orchester00:12:01
    7-010Talking Drums - Prelude: The Riverboat - Petticoat Dance - The Safari (From 'White Witch Doctor')Komponist: Herrmann, Bernard; Herrmann, BernardRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:57
    7-010-001Talking drums - Präludium: The riverboat - Petticoat-Tanz - The safari00:03:58
    7-011Tarantula - The Lion (From 'White Witch Doctor')Komponist: Herrmann, BernardRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:01:28
    7-011-002Tarantula - The lion00:01:27
    7-012Nocturne (From 'White Witch Doctor')Komponist: Herrmann, BernardRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:47
    7-013Abduction of the Bakuba Boy - The Skulls (From 'White Witch Doctor')Komponist: Herrmann, BernardRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:01:56
    7-013-004Abduction of the Bakuba boy - The skulls00:01:56
    7-014Lonni Bound by Ropes - Departure (From 'White Witch Doctor')Komponist: Herrmann, BernardRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:28
    7-014-005Lonni bound by ropes - Departure00:02:26
    8-001Prince Valiant: SuiteKomponist: Waxman, Franz; Waxman, FranzRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:09:52
    8-001-002King Aguar's Escape
    8-001-003The Fens
    8-001-004The First Chase
    8-001-005The Tournament
    8-001-006Sir Brack's Death and Finale
    8-002A Place In The Sun - SuiteKomponist: Waxman, Franz; Waxman, FranzRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:08:33
    8-002-003Loon Lake
    8-002-004Farewell & Frenzy
    8-002-005The Farewell
    8-003The Bride of Frankenstein: The Creation of the Female MonsterKomponist: Waxman, Franz; Waxman, FranzRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:07:17
    8-003-001The creation of the female monster00:07:25
    8-004Sunset Boulevard - SuiteKomponist: Waxman, Franz; Waxman, FranzRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:07:47
    8-004-001Main Title
    8-004-002Norma Desmond
    8-004-003The Studio Stroll
    8-004-004The Comeback: Norma as Salome
    8-005Old Acquaintance - Elegy for StringsKomponist: Waxman, Franz; Waxman, FranzOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    8-005-001Elegie für Streicher00:03:35
    8-006Rebecca - SuiteKomponist: Waxman, Franz; Waxman, FranzRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:07:46
    8-006-002After the Ball
    8-006-003Mrs. Danvers
    8-006-004Confession Scene
    8-006-005Manderley in Flames
    8-007The Philadelphia StoryKomponist: Waxman, Franz; Waxman, FranzRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:34
    8-007-001Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Fanfare
    8-007-002Main Title
    8-007-003The True Love
    8-008Taras Bulba - The Ride to DubnoKomponist: Waxman, Franz; Waxman, FranzRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:04:53
    8-008-001The Ride to Dubno00:04:56
    9-001Overture (From 'The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex')Komponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    9-002The Prince and the PauperKomponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    9-002-001Main Title
    9-002-002The Boys Go to Play
    9-003In the ForestKomponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    9-003-001In the forest00:02:17
    9-004The Sea WolfKomponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    9-004-001Main Title
    9-004-002Escape in the Fog
    9-004-003Love Scene
    9-005Cello concerto in C, Op.37 (From 'Deception')Komponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Violoncello: Garbarro, Francisco
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    9-005-001Konzert für Violoncello und Orchester C-Dur op. 3700:11:53
    9-006Night Scene (From 'Another Dawn')Komponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    9-007Of Human BondageKomponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangNational Philharmonic Orchestra
    Orchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    9-007-001Main Title
    10-001Prelude (From 'The Red House')Komponist: Rózsa, Miklós; Rózsa, MiklósOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    10-002The Morgan Farm, The New Hired Hand, Swimming Scene (From 'The Red House')Komponist: Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:23
    10-002-002The Morgan farm - The new hired hand - Swimming scene00:03:23
    10-003Meg Finds the Red House (From 'The Red House')Komponist: Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:01:55
    10-003-003Meg finds the red house00:01:55
    10-004Teller Shoots at Meg (From 'The Red House')Komponist: Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:04:16
    10-004-004Teller shoots at Meg00:04:14
    10-005Pete's Death and Finale (From 'The Red House')Komponist: Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:01:19
    10-005-005Pete's death - Finale00:01:25
    10-006The Love of the Princess (From 'The Thief of Bagdad')Komponist: Rózsa, Miklós; Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:04:45
    10-006-001The love of the Princess00:04:48
    10-007The Bottle, First Meeting (From 'The Lost Weekend')Komponist: Rózsa, Miklós; Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:07
    10-007-001The bottle - First meeting00:02:07
    10-008The Mouse and the Bat, Nightmare (From 'The Lost Weekend')Komponist: Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:05:09
    10-008-002The mouse and the bat - Nightmare00:05:08
    10-009Love Scene and Finale (From 'The Lost Weekend')Komponist: Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:30
    10-009-003Liebesszene - Finale00:02:35
    10-010Sunstroke, River Journey (From 'The Four Feathers')Komponist: Rózsa, Miklós; Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:07:52
    10-010-001Sunstroke - River journey00:07:57
    10-011Mrs. Dietrichson, The Conspiracy (From 'Double Indemnity')Komponist: Rózsa, Miklós; Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:03:18
    10-011-001Mrs. Dietrichson - The conspiracy00:03:22
    10-012Scherzo: Hawks in Flight (From 'Knights of the Round Table')Komponist: Rózsa, Miklós; Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:01:17
    10-012-001Scherzo - Hawks in Flight00:01:20
    10-013Song of the Jungle (From 'The Jungle Book')Komponist: Rózsa, Miklós; Rózsa, MiklósOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    10-013-001Song of the jungle00:03:32
    10-014The Dream Sequence, The Mountain Lodge (From 'Spellbound')Komponist: Rózsa, Miklós; Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:05:25
    10-014-001The dream sequence - The mountain lodge00:05:29
    10-015Overture (From 'Ivanhoe')Komponist: Rózsa, Miklós; Rózsa, MiklósRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:05:27
    11-001Now, VoyagerKomponist: Steiner, Max; Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:05:51
    11-001-001Warner Bros. Fanfare - Hauptthema - Liebesszene - Finale00:05:55
    11-002King KongKomponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    11-002-001The forgotten island - Natives - Opfertanz - The gate of Kong - Kong in New York00:07:21
    11-003Saratoga Trunk: As Long As I LiveKomponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    11-003-001As long as I live00:02:34
    11-004The Charge of the Light Brigade: Forward the Light BrigadeKomponist: Steiner, Max; Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:37
    11-004-001Forward the Light Brigade00:02:40
    11-005Four Wives: Symphonie ModerneKomponist: Steiner, MaxKlavier: Wild, Earl
    Dirigent / Band Leader: Gerhardt, Charles
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    11-005-001Moderne Sinfonie00:08:12
    11-006The Big SleepKomponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    11-006-001Hauptthema - Marlowe - Bookshop - Murder - Chase - Liebesthema - Finale00:07:05
    11-007Johnny Belinda: SuiteKomponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    11-008Since You Went Away: Main TitleKomponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    11-009The InformerKomponist: Steiner, Max; Steiner, MaxDirigent / Band Leader: Gerhardt, Charles
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    11-009-001Hauptthema - Liebesszene - Sancta Maria00:04:35
    11-010The FountainheadKomponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    11-010-001Hauptthema (Roarks Thema) - Dominiques Thema - The quarry - Construction: Enright House - Finale: The Wynand building00:08:08
    12-001Fanfare - It Can't Be Wrong (From 'Now Voyager')Komponist: Steiner, Max; Steiner, MaxRock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles00:02:33
    12-001-001Fanfare (From 'Now, Voyager')
    12-001-002It Can't be Wrong (From 'Now, Voyager')
    12-002Blindness (Judith's Theme)/Winter/Resignation (From 'Dark Victory')Komponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    12-002-001Blindness (Judith's Theme) (From 'Dark Victory'
    12-002-002Winter (From 'Dark Victory')
    12-002-003Resignation (From 'Dark Victory')
    12-003Main Title (From 'A Stolen Life')Komponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    12-004Elizabeth (From 'The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex')Komponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    12-005Forsaken (From 'Mr. Skeffington')Komponist: Waxman, FranzOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    12-006Main Title/Stanley and Roy; Finale (From 'In This Our Life')Komponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    12-006-001Main Title (From 'In This Our Life')
    12-006-002Stanley and Roy (From 'In This Our Life')
    12-006-003Finale (From 'In This Our Life')
    12-007Main Title (From 'All About Eve')Komponist: Newman, AlfredOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    12-008Waltz (From 'Jezebel')Komponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    12-009Main Title/Rosa Moline/The Train/Rosa's Death (From 'Beyond the Forest')Komponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    12-009-001Main Title (From 'Beyond the Forest')
    12-009-002Rosa Moline (From 'Beyond the Forest')
    12-009-003The Train (From 'Beyond the Forest')
    12-009-004Rosa's Death (From 'Beyond the Forest')
    12-010Carlotta (From 'Juarez')Komponist: Korngold, Erich WolfgangOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    12-011Main Title (From 'The Letter')Komponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    12-012Main Title - Henriette and the Children - Love Scene - Finale - End Cast (From 'All This, and Heaven Too')Komponist: Steiner, MaxOrchester (Instrumentalensemble / Sinfonieorchester): National Philharmonic Orchestra
    Rock / Pop - Band (instrumental): Gerhardt, Charles
    12-012-001Main Title (From 'All This, and Heaven Too')
    12-012-002Henriette and the Children (From 'All This, and Heaven Too')
    12-012-003Love Scene (From 'All This, and Heaven Too')
    12-012-004Finale (From 'All This, and Heaven Too')
    12-012-005End Cast (From 'All This, and Heaven Too')

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