0209988 ER 2

Die John Nettles - Gesamtbox

von Inspector Barnaby
erschienen am 02.10.2015

Die John Nettles - Gesamtbox
Zum Preis von
225,00 €
Preis inkl. MwSt
Nicht am Lager, nachbestellbar (verfügbar in 5-7 Werktagen) 
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    1-001Tod in Badger's Drift (The killing at Badger's Drift)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:41:00
    2-001Blutige Anfänger (Written in blood)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:42:00
    3-001Requiem für einen Mörder (Death of a hollow man)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:41:00
    4-001Treu bis in den Tod (Faithful unto death)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:42:00
    5-001Ein böses Ende (Death in disguise)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:40:00
    5-002Der Schatten des Todes (Death's shadow)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:41:00
    6-001Der Würger von Raven's Wood (Strangler's wood)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:42:00
    6-002Sport ist Mord (Dead man's eleven)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:40:00
    7-001Mord auf der Durchreise (Blood will out)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:40:00
    7-002Ein Toter, den niemand vermisst (Death of a stranger)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:39:00
    8-001Drei tote alte Damen (Blue Herrings)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:40:00
    8-002Der Mistgabel-Mörder (Judgement day)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:40:00
    9-001Der Fluch von Aspern Tallow (Beyond the grave)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:41:00
    10-001Der Garten des Todes (Garden of death)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:39:00
    11-001Ein Männlein stirbt im Walde (Destroying angel)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:38:00
    12-001Der Tote im Kornkreis (The electric Vendetta)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:38:00
    13-001Leichen leben länger (Who killed Cock Robin?)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:34:00
    13-002Morden, wenn die Blätter fallen (Dark autumn)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:34:00
    14-001Die Frucht des Bösen (Tainted fruit)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:38:00
    14-002Mord mit Rendite (Market for murder)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:40:00
    15-001Die Hexe von Setwale Wood (A worm in the bud)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:39:00
    15-002Glockenschlag zum Mord (Ring out your dead)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:39:00
    16-001Mord am St. Malley's Day (Murder on St. Malley's Day)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:39:00
    16-002Der Tod und die Lady (A talent for life)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:40:00
    17-001Trau, schau, wem! (Death and dreams)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:39:00
    17-002Der Tod malt mit (Painted in blood)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:39:00
    18-001Das Haus des Satans (A tale of two Hamlets)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:39:00
    18-002Unglücksvögel (Birds of prey)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:38:00
    19-001Blut ist dicker... (The green man)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:39:00
    19-002Immer wenn der Scherenschleifer... (Bad tidings)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:38:00
    20-001Grab des Grauens (The fisher king)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    20-002Der Club der toten Autoren (Sins of commission)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:35:00
    21-001Tod im Liebesnest (The maid in splendour)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:35:00
    21-002Brennen sollst du! (The straw woman)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:35:00
    22-001Haus voller Hass (Ghosts of Christmas past)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:35:00
    22-002Nachts, wenn du Angst hast (Things that go bump in the night)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    23-001Nass und tot (Dead in the water)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    23-002Die Blumen des Bösen (Orchis fatalis)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    24-001Erben oder sterben (Bantling boy)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    24-002Blick in den Schrecken (Second sight)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    25-001Tief unter der Erde (Hidden depths)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    25-002Die Leiche ist heiss (Sauce for the goose)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    26-001Melodie des Todes (Midsomer rhapsody)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    27-001Fluch über Winyard (The house in the woods)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    27-002Die tote Königin (Dead letters)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    28-001Der Krieg der Witwen (Vixen's run)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    28-002Die Spur führt ins Meer (Down among the dead men)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    29-001Erst morden, dann heiraten (Four funerals and a wedding)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    29-002Pikante Geheimnisse (Country matters)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    30-001Tote singen nicht (Death in chorus)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    30-002Mörder-Falle (Last year's model)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    31-001Tanz in den Tod (Dance with the dead)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    31-002Das Tier in Dir (The animal within)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    32-001Ein Sarg aus China (King's crystal)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    32-002Mord mit Groove (The axeman cometh)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    33-001Denn du bist staub (Death and dust)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    33-002Kameraschüsse (Pictures of innocence)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:34:00
    34-001Mit Gift und Guillotine (They seek him here)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    34-002Geliebt, gejagt, getötet (Death in a chocolate box)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    35-001Wenn der Morgen graut (Shot at dawn)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    35-002Ganz in rot (Blood wedding)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:30:00
    36-001Kind des Todes (Left for dead)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    36-002Leben und morden in Midsomer (Midsomer life)Nettles, John / Casey, Daniel / Hopkins, John / Hughes, Jason / Wymark, Jane / +++01:33:00
    37-001Der Wald der lebenden Toten (The magician's nephew)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:33:00
    37-002Ein missratener Sohn (Days of misrule)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:33:00
    38-001Die Untoten von Barton Woods (Talking to the dead)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:33:00
    38-002Mord - Nur für Mitglieder (The dogleg murders)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:33:00
    39-001Morden ist auch eine Kunst (The black book)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:33:00
    39-002Sportler und Spione (Secrets and spies)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:33:00
    40-001Sag ja und stirb! (The glitch)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:33:00
    40-002Böse kleine Welt (Small mercies)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:33:00
    41-001Über den Dächern von Chattham (The creeper)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:33:00
    41-002Schreie in der Nacht (The great and the good)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:33:00
    42-001Köpfen ist auch keine Lösung (The sword of Guillaume)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:29:00
    42-002Du musst dran glauben! (The made-of-measure murder)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:29:00
    43-001Blut am Sattel (Blood on the saddle)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:29:00
    43-002Geisterwanderung (The silent land)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:29:00
    44-001Mord von Meisterhand (Master class)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:29:00
    44-002Unter die Gürtellinie (The noble art)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:29:00
    45-001Eine Schande für das Dorf (Not in my backyard)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:29:00
    45-002Gesund, aber tot (Fit for murder)Nettles, John / Hughes, John / Wymark, Jane / Howard, Laura / Jackson, Barry / +++01:29:00
    46-001John Nettles im Interview 1Nettles, John
    46-002John Nettles im Interview 2Nettles, John
    46-003John Nettles im Interview 3Nettles, John
    46-004Jane Wymark im InterviewWymark, Jane
    46-005Jason Hughes im InterviewHughes, Jason
    46-006Barry Jackson im InterviewJackson, Barry
    46-007John Nettles bei Leute HeuteNettles, John
    46-008John Nettles moderiert "Die lange Barnaby-Nacht"Nettles, John
    47-001Die Doku "Super Sleuth" zur Krimi-SerieKeine Künstlerinformation00:48:00
    48-001Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:53
    48-002Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:05
    48-003Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:05
    48-004Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:08
    48-005Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:01:58
    48-006Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:08
    48-007Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:01:49
    48-008Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:03:56
    48-009Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:01:51
    48-010Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:46
    48-011Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:01:42
    48-012Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:00
    48-013Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:48
    48-014Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:10
    48-015Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:42
    48-016Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:48
    48-017Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:38
    48-018Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:08
    48-019Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:01
    48-020Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:01:57
    48-021Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:03:15
    48-022Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:01:57
    48-023Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:32
    48-024Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:18
    48-025Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:01:44
    48-026Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:22
    48-027Keine TitelinformationBott, Catherine / Sheen, Celia / Davis, Phillipa / Findon, Andy / Herbert, Ian / +++00:02:05

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