KM 1400475

Organist's Great Big Christmas Book

Organist's Great Big Christmas Book
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    150 Orgel-Melodien für die Weihnachtszeit, u.a. mit Away in a manger, Joy to the world, I saw three ships, Silent Night, We wish you a merry Christmas.


    1.A Christmas Pastorale / Mckelvy David
    2.A Gallery Carol / Fletcher Andrew
    3.And The Shepherds Returned Glorifying God / Moore Philip
    4.Angel Of Peace / Archer Malcolm
    5.Angels From The Realms Of Glory
    6.A Partridge In A Pear Tree
    7.At The Manger / Moore Andrew
    8.A Virgin Most Pure
    9.Away In A Manger
    10.Bethlehem Lullaby / Archer Malcolm
    11.Carillon On Quittez Pasteurs / Bonighton Rosalie
    12.Christians Awake
    13.Christmas Postlude / Lloyd Richard
    14.Christ Was Born On Christmas Day
    15.Cradle Song
    16.Cradle Song / Rawsthorne Noel
    17.Dans Cette Etable / Warren Norman
    18.Ding Dong Merrily On High
    19.Et Incarnatus Est - Wright Andrew
    20.Gloria / Couperin Francois
    21.God Rest You Merry Gentlemen
    22.Good Christians All Rejoice
    23.Good King Wenceslas
    24.Hark The Herald Angels Sing
    25.Hodie Christus Natus Est / Mawby Colin
    26.Holy Rapture / Lloyd Richard
    27.Infant Holy Infant Lowly
    28.In The Bleak Midwinter
    29.I Saw Three Ships
    30.It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
    31.Joy To The World
    32.Kyrie De La Messe De Noel / Franck Cesar
    33.Let The Merry Organ Sound / Mawby Colin
    34.Little Jesus Sweetly Sleep
    35.Lullaby At The Crib / Mawby Colin
    36.Mary Had A Baby
    37.Mary'S Lullaby / Tambling Christopher
    38.Noel En Duo / Charpentier Marc Antoine
    39.Noel Etranger / Daquin Louis Claude
    40.Noel / Karg Elert Sigfrid
    41.Noel Suisse / Daquin Louis Claude
    42.Noel Sur Les Flutes / Daquin Louis Claude
    43.O Come All Ye Faithful (adeste Fideles / Herbei O Ihr Glaeubigen)
    44.Of The Father'S Love Begotten
    45.O Little Town Of Bethlehem
    46.Once In Royal David'S City
    47.On Christmas Night All Christians Sing (sussex Carol)
    48.Pastoral Symphony With Angels / Hand Colin
    49.See Amid The Winter'S Snow
    50.Silent Night
    51.Sing Lullaby
    52.Song Of Cradle Love - Thomas Quentin
    53.Tambourin Sur Des Noels / Charpentier Jacques
    54.The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came
    55.The Angels'Lullaby / Gant Andrew
    56.The First Noel
    57.The Holly And The Ivy
    58.The Shepherds'Lullaby / Moore Andrew
    59.The Virgin Mary Had A Baby Boy
    60.Unto Us A Boy Is Born
    61.We Three Kings Of Orient Are
    62.We Wish You A Merry Christmas / Rawsthorne Noel
    63.What Child Is This (greensleeves)
    64.While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks

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