Porgy And Bess

von Gershwin, George | Rattle, Simon / +
erschienen am 19.04.2001

Porgy And Bess
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    1-001Porgy and Bess, Act I, Scene 1: Introduction, Jasbo Brown solo, chorus.....Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Wayne Marshall/Glyndebourne Chorus00:04:23
    1-002Porgy and Bess, Act I, Scene 1: Summertime...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Harolyn Blackwell/Glyndebourne Chorus00:03:23
    1-003Porgy and Bess, Act I, Scene 1: Oh, nobody knows when the Lawd is goin' to call...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Harolyn Blackwell/Damon Evans/Bruce Hubbard/Cynthia Clarey/Barrington Col00:06:29
    1-004Porgy and Bess, Act I, Scene 1: Lissen to yo' daddy warn you...A woman is a sometime thing...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Harolyn Blackwell/Damon Evans/Bruce Hubbard/Marietta Simpson/Barrington C00:03:18
    1-005Porgy and Bess, Act I, Scene 1: Here's the ol' crap shark!....Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon/Harolyn Blackwell/Damon Evans/Bruce Hubb00:04:16
    1-006Porgy and Bess, Act I, Scene 1: Here comes Big Boy!...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon/Harolyn Blackwell/Damon Evans/Bruce Hubb00:11:27
    1-007Porgy and Bess, Act I, Scene 1: Jesus, he's killed him!....That you, Sportin' Life?...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:04:51
    1-008Porgy and Bess, Act I, Scene 2: Where is brudder Robbins?Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:05:48
    1-009Porgy and Bess, Act I, Scene 2: A saucer-burying set-up, I see....Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:10:19
    1-010Porgy and Bess, Act I, Scene 2: Oh, the train is at the station...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:04:04
    1-011Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 1: Oh, I'm agoin' out to the Blackfish banks...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:04:10
    1-012Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 1: Oh, I got plenty o' nuttin'....Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:05:17
    1-013Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 1: Mornin', Lawyer, lookin' for somebody?...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:10:34
    1-014Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 1: Bess, you is my woman now...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:05:46
    1-015Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 1: Oh, I can't sit down...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:04:14
    1-016Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 2: I ain't got no shame...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:02:24
    1-017Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 2: It ain't necessarily so...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:05:59
    1-018Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 2: Crown!...Oh, what you want wid Bess?...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:08:15
    1-019Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 3: Honey, dat's all de breakfast I got time for...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:02:50
    1-020Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 3: Take yo' han's off me...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:05:13
    1-021Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 3: Oh, dey's so fresh an' fine...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:04:29
    1-022Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 3: Porgy, Porgy, dat you there, ain't it?...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:06:33
    1-023Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 3: Why you been out on that wharf so long, Clara?...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:02:45
    1-024Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 4: Oh, Doctor Jesus....Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:03:41
    1-025Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 4: One of dese mornings you goin' to rise up singin'...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:01:57
    1-026Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 4: Oh, dere's somebody knockin' at de do'...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:06:57
    1-027Porgy and Bess, Act II, Scene 4: Jake's boat in de river, upside down....Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:03:07
    1-028Porgy and Bess, Act III, Scene 1: Clara, Clara, don't you be down-hearted...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:06:31
    1-029Porgy and Bess, Act III, Scene 1: Summertime....(Porgy kills Crown)...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:04:18
    1-030Porgy and Bess, Act III, Scene 2: Wait for us at the corner....Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:09:46
    1-031Porgy and Bess, Act III, Scene 2: Listen: there's a boat dat's leavin' soon for New York...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:04:13
    1-032Porgy and Bess, Act III, Scene 3: It's Porgy comin' home...Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:04:55
    1-033Porgy and Bess, Act III, Scene 3: Here Mingo, what's de matter wid you all?Sir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:06:49
    1-034Porgy and Bess, Act III, Scene 3: Oh Lawd, I'm on my waySir Simon Rattle/London Philharmonic Orchestra/Sir Willard White/Cynthia Haymon00:04:22

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