SUP 000362

Sarka (ga)

von Fibich, Zdenek | Depoltova / Janska / Stych / Bspo / +
erschienen am 28.02.1996

Sarka (ga)
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    1-001Sárka op. 51 (Oper in 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)Komponist: Fibich, ZdenekSopran: Depoltova, Eva; Effenberkova, Bozena; Janska, Jaroslava
    1-002-002Shadows of departed souls (Akt 1)00:06:49
    1-003-003Dead! My arrow flew straight to its breast00:01:33
    1-004-004Sarka - it's you! - You too are wandering00:04:04
    1-005-005With grieving hearts00:01:56
    1-006-006Oh, you fainthearted maidens!00:03:57
    1-007-007Welcome, mighty Premysl, our ruler!00:07:28
    1-008-008Our God eternal, ruler of the light00:04:11
    1-009-009Oh you men, you boastful vipers!00:02:05
    1-010-010In the sacred name00:04:56
    1-011-011Arise, Vlasta!00:03:25
    1-012-012Introduction (Akt 2)00:01:08
    1-013-013Halt! We have reached our goal!00:03:07
    1-014-014Hoy! Sisters, good health!00:02:49
    1-015-015Be it a chasing race! Hoyo!00:03:38
    1-016-016The hatred creeps like a dark shadow00:03:21
    1-017-017Enough is said! Time speed on!00:02:46
    2-001-018Silence reigns all around00:05:11
    2-002-019The silver moon rises00:04:29
    2-003-020Woe! Help me!00:02:59
    2-004-021Yes, Indeed, I hate you00:04:31
    2-005-022You are mine, and no one will take you away00:06:29
    2-006-023Woe! Away! Quickly away!00:03:18
    2-007-024Introduction (Akt 3)00:03:36
    2-008-025You have led me and my men of arms00:03:32
    2-009-026Hear me, eternal sky00:03:06
    2-010-027Where have you brought me, awful treachery?00:02:48
    2-011-028A court of justice has examined00:04:54
    2-012-029I am not afraid, o, cold death00:03:19
    2-013-030The time has come!00:03:20
    2-014-031Look how weak I am00:04:46
    2-015-032This is my work00:01:48
    2-016-033Look - over there00:05:55

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